What's "under there"?

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What's "under there"?

Post by crfriend »

Caution: rant follows.

Alright, I'll bite. What is it that makes people, perfect strangers, in public places, ask very private questions of blokes wearing skirted garments? It's not just tacky, it's just plain rude.

I was in line at my local beer-seller a few days back and a pair of "older" women (late 50s to early 60s, I'm guessing) had a giggle about my appearance and one of them actually had the gall to ask what I was wearing underneath. These clearly were women "old enough to know better".

At the time, I wasn't particularly put out by the matter and simply replied that "it's my business and I don't discuss it". It wasn't until later that I got on a slow burn on the topic and realised how inappropriate and insulting the question was -- and I'm still on a slow burn about it a few days later. What conceivable point could such a question have other than a bit of tittilation about a desired answer? Sharing such knowledge with someone you're intimate with is one thing (wives know everything anyway :)) but asking such things of a total stranger is just beyond the pale.

Or am I just a prude?
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What's under there?????????

Post by Tripp49 »

Hey CRFRIEND,when a woman ask's me that question,I just say,well good girls don't ask,and bad girls find out for themselves.
But hey I had two girls run there hands up under my kilt one day.:shifty: But one of them was a friend and the other was her sister.It was all in fun.

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I'm of the same mind.

Post by G.Shaw »

I also feel that people tend to ask rude questions of skirted men.

I have to wonder if the questions are born of the inability of some people to figure out what to say or not to say. You've just thrown them a curve ball by wearing a skirt in public. You've thrown them a second curve ball by being clearly a man and not intending to pass as a 'woman'. I think it's the same as the high school cute girl suddenly and unexpectedly being asked out by the boy she has liked for years. She get's tongue tied. Perhaps that is what happens when folks are faced with the unfamiliar as non-conformist as we are. These people suddenly loose their ability to keep themselves under control. They blurt out questions that they wouldn't dream of asking a woman dressed as society accepts what she is wearing underneath.

My reaction would be: "I'm sorry but that is none of your business. That is between me, my wife and God."

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Post by boca »

you could also ask in return "if you want to know what I'm wearing underneath, you tell me first what you're wearing underneath". If they want to know your underwear styles, then their styles are as public :)
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Post by Since1982 »

You folks are all wayyy polite. I tend to make enemies when asked that question. 'Specially if asked by women. If they're that rude, I don't want them as friends anyway, so it's open season on them. Here's a typical answer from me if I'm not in a place that might ask me to leave for saying this. "None of your F***ing business, Bi*ch!!!" :tomato: or some other appropriate response.

Having said that, I've only ever been asked that twice, here where I live at Bingo and at Miami Airport. :tomato:

I was asked that by a woman at Bingo and at the airport by a man. The man got this response. "The same thing you are, bud, but probably cleaner.":ninjajig: :clap:
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Post by talon2mech »

I was in Borders (a bookstore) and a woman in her 20's came up behind me and peeked under my kilt. I spun around to find a very embarassed girl, sheepishly smiling at me. I thought about saying something rude, but she beat me to it. She said "I could not help it sorry, please don't have me arrested". I said to her that if I did that to her she would have me arrested. She said "you can peek up my skirt anytime". I smiled and walked away.

I am still in awe about that whole event.
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Post by iain »

why not just face it? the whole appeal to women of men wearing a skirt is easy access, and imagination. some women will be as vocal about that as they are about everything else.

men are always leering at women in skirts, but just too timid to say anything. the way the mind works is, it sees a skirt, and then automatically tries to imagine what's on underneath because it's only just out of sight. it's automatic and too much for some people to resist. for women especially, how many of them have had the chance to get used to it? when they get used to it and don't ask anything, or don't even bother looking our way, half of us are going to be very disappointed.

we can't have it both ways. either you are going to dress to conform, and be ignored, or you're going to be unusual and you're going to be noticed. there's hardly any need to swear at people and tell them to f- off, is there?

i wore a kilt to a really highbrow jewellers open evening recently and got the exact same thing from the manager! and in europe recently, in the same kilt actually, a taxi driver asked my girlfriend what i was wearing underneath. I don't even know what she answered because I don't speak Spanish, but I really don't care!
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Post by knickerless »

I feel flattered whenever a girl asks me that question. I have had girls actually lift my skirt up to look. Again that does not bother me. years ago I worked with a group of girls and they placed a compact mirror under the table to look up my skirt. When I discovered it we all had a laugh.
It is only to be expected really. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you girl in a skirt - well I know what I think - yes 'is she wearing any knickers'. When you stop thinking that question - you know you are getting too old.
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Post by Departed Member »

How about a cold, silent, un-compromising stare?
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girl in a skirt

Post by Since1982 »

knickerless wrote:What is the first thing that comes to mind when you girl in a skirt - well I know what I think - yes 'is she wearing any knickers'. When you stop thinking that question - you know you are getting too old.
Actually, I guess I'm getting too old. When I see a girl in a skirt, first I'm somewhat amazed as down here in the keys it's a rare sight when we're not in tourist season. All the women/girls here wear trousers, even the very old ones. The second thing I think when I see a girl in a skirt is hmmmm, nice skirt, I wonder if they have that in my size? Unless of course it's a very feminine skirt. If its a straight, pencil or knee length A-line colored skirt then that's exactly what I think.

About questions about what's under my skirt, having been fat all my life and having gotten literally tons of jeers, sneers and lewd remarks about my weight I suppose I've developed a bit of a chip on the shoulder when people ask, say or shout inappropriate questions or statements about me or to me. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Folks that haven't been exposed to off color and nasty remarks about them all their lives might be more forgiving. Sorry, but I'm a Scorpio and I react. I laud Knickerless for his control, if someone walked up behind me and lifted my skirt, I'd probably spin and hit before I knew if it was a man, a girl or a mugger. I might apologize afterwards, but the initial reaction would be the same. We're all different and we all react differently depending on our previous life experiences. :shake:
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I was asked on Sunday

Post by ChrisM »

I was asked on Sunday at church "are you wearing underwear under your kilt?" I looked at the demure 50 year old woman doing the inquiring, and replied "Are you wearing underwear under your skirt?"

She took it well, and acknowledged that the question was impertinent. But what was intriguing was the moment that it took for this to become clear to her. You could see the wheels turning in her mind: "...what? ...why did he say that?.. .oh my gosh, that's what I said too!..."

Intriguing that the questioners honestly don't see what a rude and indelicate question they are asking, until they have it flung at them.

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Post by iain »

yes, people are illogical and they don't realise that they might be being rude.

there have been zero cases in my own experience where the question was rude--it was really more like since I decided to make myself into something unusual, they felt they could join me and be eccentric too. they just want to be part of it.

it's like by dressing so unusually, you create an instant party atmosphere where the normal rules of conduct don't apply. people happily join in without thinking and all the relief at seeing something new comes out. They really don't mean anything by it. if anything, it's a great chance to meet someone new!
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Post by cessna152towser »

My usual answer to the what's under question:- I'd prefer to keep you guessing on that.
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Post by skirttron »

Yes, I had a nice woman in her 30s who I know a bit run her hand up my kilt to find out too. Most reasonably-attactive women are welcome to find out this way with my blessing.
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Post by sterlin6 »

Living in Scotland and having worn kilts since the age of 8 Im pretty used to just wearing a kilt and not thinking too much about it. However when you least expect it is usually when the question is asked about whats underneath.Personally I always wear either navy blue or dark green gym knickers because they are comfortable and discreet should any prying eyes see up your kilt say when sitting or getting in and out of the car etc. I find mostly its girls in their teens and twenties that want to know. I had one young lady about 20 ask me in the street in Glasgow one day what I wore under my kilt and she got in quite a state when I wouldnt let her look. In the end we went for a coffee, discussed the wearing of the kilt and when she came back to the car park and we went our separate ways she calmly lifted my kilt saw i was wearing pants and said she didnt like men who wore nothing under them anyways. Its a funny old world.
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