What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Discussion of fashion elements and looks that are traditionally considered somewhat "femme" but are presented in a masculine context. This is NOT about transvestism or crossdressing.
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What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by JohnH »

I see with crossdressers.com where men experience a thrill by doing their best to imitate women, even taking on fake female names, and wearing dresses, makeup, heels, etc. and even try to sound like women when they talk (which is a lost cause for me with my bass voice).

Now if dresses with heels become mainstream for men as an alternative to the ubiquitous coat and tie outfits for formal wear, what are crossdressers going to do?

For me dresses are simply garments I wear routinely, and I add heels, nylons, and makeup for formal wear. I get no thrill from wearing that attire as John without a made up feminine name. What I really appreciate with skirtcafe.org is the rule that men are not to use feminine names.

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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by rivegauche »

All crossdressers are different. I can't speak for the guys who identify as women if only temporarily or for the guys who get turned on by the dressing. I only attempt to imitate a woman if I go out dressed as one in public, which I do about once every two months, often with a woman friend. Otherwise I don't bother with make up or a wig. Yes, I use breast prostheses as these vastly improve the line of a dress or blouse but my underwear is very plain indeed, and minimalist except that I usually include a plain (non-lacy) slip. Using a female name and voice in public makes it easier for other people to pretend they have not noticed I am male. If men wearing these clothes became mainstream it would make zero difference to me. I get endorphins from being elegantly dressed in a dress and that would continue, but I would no longer have to use a female name or alter my voice and walk, though I would have to admit that the body language adds to the fun. I would be happy that many other men would get endorphins too from wearing such beautiful clothes. I regard a well-dressed woman as something resembling an art installation and I like to access the fun of putting a look like that together and living in it for a few hours.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by JohnH »

I have had no problems with my real masculine name and my deep masculine voice. My hair is beyond shoulder length and I have a bust so I do get read as a woman. What is amazing after I speak I still get ma'amed some of the time. Otherwise I am addressed as Hon or Honey.

I wear dresses almost all the time since I am sick and tired of seeing almost everybody wearing trousers. That gets quite monotonous.

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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by JeffB1959 »

Well, as everyone here knows, I wear dresses, heels, hosiery, jewelry (I don’t feel dressed without earrings) and carry a handbag, for me, that’s more than enough. I don’t wear wigs, padded bras or makeup, other than rare dalliances with lipstick, nor do effect a feminine voice or use a female name (though I suppose “Jessica” comes closest to Jeffrey, my real name), I’m perfectly content to be dressed head to toe in womenswear as a man, and that makes me very happy, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Some might say that makes me a crossdresser, even if I don’t go all the way with my presentation, I prefer being called a gender bender, a man who prefers clothes from the other side of the aisle because I look good in them and they suit my personality. I’d hazard to say crossdressers have nothing to fear from me, because I don’t consider myself as being one.
I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by rode_kater »

I think crossdressers in their current form would become more rare. I base this mainly on the fact the FtM crossdressers are very unusual, and the argument given is that women can wear mens clothing without being considered crossdressing. So if men could wear dresses normally, I think that would significantly cut the number of MtF crossdressers.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by Bertino56 »

The word "crossdressing" will become meaningless, obsolete, null and void,
if there are no more barriers to cross.
Anybody can wear a dress, or a skirt, or hosiery and shoes of their own
choosing, without fear of prejudice, or of discrediting or misrepresenting
"Mainstream" means everybody is doing the same thing -- wearing what they
damn well please -- without risk and without any accusations of impropriety.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by JohnH »

I have gotten virtually no pushback with my attire. I believe the. fear of men of wearing dresses exists only in their minds.

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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by Barleymower »

JohnH wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 9:23 pm I have gotten virtually no pushback with my attire. I believe the. fear of men of wearing dresses exists only in their minds.

I think it depends what circles you mix in John. If everybody knows you and have the same educational values as you, then no problem, they understand.
If you live in a big metropolis, nobody will bat an eye. They don't want to get involved.
The problems can (but not certainly) start when people feel threatened, threatened by situations they don't fully understand. For example at my sons school there is some but not excessive push back because I'm a man in a skirt around THEIR kids. They don't fully understand and they want to protect their children. Nothing much just a bit of ostracising and backwards comments once in a blue moon.
I also shoot clays. I don't wear a skirt there, I would not dare. Word gets around and there's the odd snigger and avoidance. Again it's down (in my view) to fear and not fully understanding.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by rode_kater »

Bertino56 wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:56 pm The word "crossdressing" will become meaningless, obsolete, null and void,
if there are no more barriers to cross.
I wouldn't go that far. Like I said, FtM crossdressers do exist and they are women actually trying to present as men. They tend to use binders, for example. There's still a difference between men wearing skirts/dresses and men who stuff socks into bras. The latter I would still call crossdressers.

Removing to barriers to clothing is a good thing. But binders and fake breasts are not clothing.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by STEVIE »

If dresses and skirts on men ever reach the dizzy heights of full acceptability, it will actually have no negative impact on anyone.
Sorry John, but I just don't see the logic in your question, they will carry on doing their crossdressing, why shouldn't they?
As for the "turn on" element, who has the right to object if it has no direct effect on them.
As a full blown, femme named, wig and falsie wearing guy in the past, I find your comments prejudicial in their tone.
Would you revert to pants in that scenario to break that "monotony"
You have had a trouble free experience of wearing dresses and you believe the fear men feel is imaginary.
Glad for you on the first part but you are missing the point on the second with regard to CDs.
Boys are raised to believe wearing girl clothes is wrong, no ifs no buts!
That doesn't end the motivation but it created dissonance, fear and guilt, with a helping of turn on in my younger days.
Fact is, full dress up was my way of assuaging the guilt, Sara was the girl, she could dress as she chose.
Stephen was me as a very sad and lonely little boy who eventually morphed into Steve who is really the full amalgam of the two.
Ironically, the last time I visited CD.com, I was probably in full femme mode and that is a very long time ago.
Finally, all this is moot anyway, skirts and dresses for men are very unlikely to hit mainstream fashion in the foreseeable future.
CDs and the non conformity of MIS is perfectly safe for now.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by dressedbrewer »

I would say the fear of abuse and bigotry will be reduced and they will be happier and more relaxed.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by Stu »

This is the dichotomy/double-think that I have tried to highlight on here several times and it is one which should be properly addressed.

A crossdresser wears skirts BECAUSE they are commonly regarded as feminine attire.
People like me wear skirts DESPITE the fact they are commonly regarded as feminine attire.

A crossdresser's aim is to appear as a normally-dressed woman.
My aim is to normalise certain garments for men and boys.

The two positions are contradictory and irreconcilable and men who wear skirts should be clear, at least in the own minds, why they do that. Is it because they want to adopt a feminine identity or persona? Or is it because they want to enjoy greater choice in the way they dress but while maintaining a masculine identity/persona? Make your mind up - and be honest at least with yourself.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by Coder »

Stu wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:52 pm This is the dichotomy/double-think that I have tried to highlight on here several times and it is one which should be properly addressed.

A crossdresser wears skirts BECAUSE they are commonly regarded as feminine attire.
People like me wear skirts DESPITE the fact they are commonly regarded as feminine attire.

A crossdresser's aim is to appear as a normally-dressed woman.
My aim is to normalise certain garments for men and boys.

The two positions are contradictory and irreconcilable and men who wear skirts should be clear, at least in the own minds, why they do that. Is it because they want to adopt a feminine identity or persona? Or is it because they want to enjoy greater choice in the way they dress but while maintaining a masculine identity/persona? Make your mind up - and be honest at least with yourself.
Focusing on the latter option - "I'm wearing these clothes because I want to wear these clothes" is what has helped me go out into the world - I know I'm not the former - and it always bugged me people might think so. I don't get too hung up on the masculine/feminine aspects of things - just wear what I find most comfortable and what styles I like.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by Grok »

STEVIE wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 9:36 am
Finally, all this is moot anyway, skirts and dresses for men are very unlikely to hit mainstream fashion in the foreseeable future.
CDs and the non conformity of MIS is perfectly safe for now.
Yes, quite a long time before becoming mainstream. This issue, if it were to be a issue, would affect the grandchildren, or more likely the great grandchildren, of today's cross dressers.
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Re: What will crossdressers do if dresses becomes mainstream for men

Post by JohnH »

Let me make it clear: .I maintain a masculine persona/identity in spite of my appearance and attire. If you see my postings on crossdressers.com you will see I use a masculine username of JohnH and make it clear with my.signature at the bottom of my postings that I prefer masculine pronouns "Preferred pronouns: he, his, him".

I renounce the Great Male Renunciation!!!
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