Coffee at the café.

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Coffee at the café.

Post by mishawakaskirt »

After my soup to nuts comment in another thread I got to thinking and looking I don't think there is a thread on coffee.

How do you other skirted ones take your coffee?
After all this is a café. Flavors, brands?, creamers? The best , the worst, do you like it black or watered down to where it barely resembles coffee any more, etc.

There's alot of ways to drink coffee so I'm expecting alot of diversity.
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by Uncle Al »

I enjoy the "Kona Blend" from Hawaii :D But for practicality, I use
instant coffee(Folgers Breakfast Blend) as I'm the only coffee drinker
in the house. My wife had 1 cup of coffee way back in 1972, just
before we were married. After drinking it, she became drunk, or
highly intoxicated. No more coffee for her.

As a treat, the only cream I ever put into my coffee cup is Baily's Irish Cream.

Other than that, I like a good, robust coffee. A dark, full bodied Colombian
blend is what I prefer to drink when on a long drive.

With the extended "Stay-cation" we're experiencing, I have 2 cups per day.
I microwave a glass pyrex measuring cup(8oz) of water for 90 seconds, then
pour it into the instant coffee in my cup. Now, any more than 2 cups per day,
and I can't sleep at night. When I was in my mid 20's I could have coffee as
late as 11PM and still go sound to sleep.

Ahhhhh.......Getting older has its benefits and detriments ;)

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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by STEVIE »

Mine is so easy, plain black Arabica before 12 noon.
After 12 it has to be decaff but still black and strong.
I used to be able to take it as a bedtime drink too but like Al says, those were the days.
One thing I find puzzling is when and why have we gotten so prissy over such a simple pleasure.
Thank the Starbuck Gods I guess.
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by Fred in Skirts »

I like my coffee strong hot and poured down the drain, it sure helps keep them free running. :lol:

Actually I drink very little coffee, I was brought up drinking tea with milk and sugar. I never really got to like coffee, except in Ice cream and other sweets. I also like it when mixed with chocolate to make mocha drinks etc.
Here is one of my fave recipes for it...

How To Make A Latte With Chocolate Milk

This recipe requires NO fancy equipment. Check the recipe tips for suggestions.

heat the chocolate milk to just under boiling
make espresso
pour the espresso into a cup
froth the hot chocolate milk
pour hot milk into the cup with the coffee
top with the foam
garnish with sprinkles

Recipe Tips

Do you need an espresso machine? No, but if you have one that is fantastic. For this recipe, I used a good quality espresso powder. If you don’t have espresso use really strong coffee as an alternative. If you have a Keurig machine, that works great too. There are lots of great espresso coffee pods to choose from.

This recipe uses a pot to heat the milk. Be sure not to bring it to a boil. That will scorch the milk.
You can adjust the coffee to milk ratio if you like.
You can make more than one latte at a time. Just adjust the ingredient amounts to compensate for the quantity you need.
To add the hot milk to the drink, use a spoon to hold back the foam while pouring.

I also like Iced Coffee again made with milk and sugar poured over ice into a tall glass.
Just can't get into HOT coffee that much....
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by Sinned »

Me, despite being English I was and still am not a tea fan. Too much tannin taste for me. Coffee, not a connoisseur, any instant will do me. Mostly I drink decaff and not a lot of it, maybe 4 cups per week. Not a fan of milk either except as a milk shake. It's the after taste that gets at me, with a flavour such as strawberry then I can take it. Son none of your cappuchino's or anything fancy. Americano with milk and a sweetner or black.
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by partlyscot »

At home, I'm buying a Loblaw's own brand espresso bean, which I grind as needed and make the coffee in an AeroPress as an Americano, to which I add cream and sugar. It's quick, clean up is very simple, and it works out at something less than 10cents a cup.

Before the virus, one of my little pleasures would be to get a starbucks and cake at the local Indigo bookstore, and read a book. With things like that not happening at the moment, it's surprised me how much I used to spend on those little expenses.
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by victor1964 »

Sinned wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 8:07 pm Me, despite being English I was and still am not a tea fan. Too much tannin taste for me. Coffee, not a connoisseur, any instant will do me. Mostly I drink decaff and not a lot of it, maybe 4 cups per week. Not a fan of milk either except as a milk shake. It's the after taste that gets at me, with a flavour such as strawberry then I can take it. Son none of your cappuchino's or anything fancy. Americano with milk and a sweetner or black.
I'm with you Sinned, supermarket instant is my tipple. Don't go for the coffee shop stuff, don't like it or the pretentious coffee shops that serve it.
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by Kirbstone »

Here I'll again quote that wonderful TV and radio panel game humourist, Clement Freud, who when participating in a food programme with a group of foodie know-alls arrived at the coffee-making part of the 'meal' they were discussing.

Clement chose to place three green coffee beans which originated from the Northern slopes above Manaos in Amazonian Brazil under the eye-level grill, heat them up until their delicious almost pungent rich roasting aroma permeated the entire building, then he opened the jar of instant (Maxwell House of similar) and proceeded to slosh hot water on the grains & that was that!

Not being a tea fan I content myself with quick 'n easy instant. No mess. Just rinse the mug & have done with it. I have about four of these per day, unsweetened, but I do add milk as a temperature regulator. I don't like burning my tongue ! In a cafe or restaurant I'll just go for an Americano, not too strong.

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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by denimini »

I usually have coffee and toast as a start to the day and the only one unless I have visitors calling in for coffee.
I like good coffee and get it freshly roasted sent by post and have a serious commercial based espresso machine. Until recently the nearest place to get a cup of real coffee was 200 kms away.
I enjoy good coffee .......... as I enjoy a glass of reasonable wine at the other end of the day ................. and a number of nice cups of tea in between (my own blend).
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by Pete07 »

I don’t drink coffee, but I do drink a lot of tea!

Some reason even the smell of coffee when others have it gives me really terrible headaches!
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by nzfreestyler »

I am a bit of a coffee snob - I like my flat whites and double shorts - so I clitter clatter down the road to the local cafe every day I am at work - at least twice a day - sometimes three times. I really prefer beans roasted from one roaster and will avoid a coffee shop that does not use either Supreme coffee beans or Ozone beans).

During Covid lockdown here (Mar-Apr 2020) I splashed out and bought a Coffee machine and I get a regular delivery by courier of Ozone beans from the other end of the country every week!!!! Surprisingly it works out as cheap as buying in the supermarket - and these premium brand coffees are not sold in supermarkets here - so its a win win for me...

I can make coffee now - but I prefer to go out and get a coffee. Its nice to sit in my local and talk to the staff and other regulars there at break times during work - or before/after too !

Over the last decade I have slowed upon my coffee intake a smidgen - but I used to consume 5-6 doubles a day (as an average weekday) - now it would be a definite 3 a day still.

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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by 6ft3Aussie »

Ahhhhhh..... Coffee...... The oil that keeps the wheels turning...

I have a coffee machine here at home, I order the beans in and enjoy 2 or 3 cups a day over the weekend.

During the week I have a 3 cup plunger (complete with its own hot plate to keep it hot) that is duly filled first thing in the morning and sometimes lasts me through the day. I usually drink it black, and never with wife says I'm sweet enough!!!

If I run out during the working day, I'll shoot next door to Aroma's coffe to their shop, and usually go for a large cap and always with an extra shot. The girl there knows what I like...

Just don't annoy me before I've had a couple of coffees, or you risk declaring war.

And I usually sleep well, so my wife tells me. I don't hear myself snoring..
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by SkirtsDad »

I seldom drink coffee, but instead I hydrate myself with eight mugs of builder's tea a day. If I am out and do decide to have a coffee the it will generally be unsweetened espresso. if I am home then I will boil up Turkish coffee in a finjan and I will add sugar and sometimes ground ginger. If I am abroad on holiday it will most likely be caffè corretto or café carajillo.
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by STEVIE »

This is a question for the Baristas.
Should Americano coffee have cream or milk added or not?
Individual taste certainly but I was told that the UK was the only place where this was common practice.
Urban Myth or somebody pulling my leg?
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Re: Coffee at the café.

Post by Kirbstone »

How I conduct my entire future life hangs on the Baristas' answer to this question... :?:

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