The "China Virus"

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The "China Virus"

Post by moonshadow »

For the last 13 months I've listened to this constant school yard dribble over "the China virus".

Us American like to fancy ourselves on the cutting edge of everything, while China remains the most backward nation in the world, despite the fact that virtually every single item you purchase was built by the communist nation.

Without China, we'd be in the dark ages... literally, no other country makes light bulbs.

There is a lot we can learn from China, both what to do and what not to do...

Progressive infrastructure... yes!

Mandated atheism.... no.

It's okay America, it's okay to admit we suck at a lot... we don't begin to solve a problem until we admit we have one, and part of that starts with dropping the prejudice with regards to the Chinese.

As the video points out, we're not "losing to the Chinese, we've already lost", and it's going to keep getting worse and worse until the rest of us pull our American heads out of our American asses and solve the damned problems!

Don't take my word for it...

Take comfort right wingers... most people on the left can't stand this guy either.
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Re: The "China Virus"

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:02 pmAs the video points out, we're not "losing to the Chinese, we've already lost", and it's going to keep getting worse and worse until the rest of us pull our American heads out of our American asses and solve the damned problems!
It's worse than that: The USA didn't lose to the Chinese, the USA gave it away in a greedy quest for fatter corporate bottom lines. Greed, pure and simple, did the USA in. Isn't that something to be proud of.

Losing implies that there was at least an attempt to maintain position. That was not done. Not only was it not done, the action undertaken destroyed much of what made the United States great in the first place -- wilfully, and with malice of forethought. A murder. A nation and an entire population sacrificed to fatten the pockets of a very few.

"Greed is good. Greed works." We were warned.
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Re: The "China Virus"

Post by moonshadow »

crfriend wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:23 pm It's worse than that: The USA didn't lose to the Chinese, the USA gave it away in a greedy quest for fatter corporate bottom lines. Greed, pure and simple, did the USA in.
True. Ironic how capitalism and communism seem to prop each other up. Seems one can not exist without the other for long.

I've been ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work rebuilding our nation. I'm ready to take pride in something again. My heart aches when I see the name calling, the "us vs them" mentality that has gripped the land here.

But much like Maher points put, it's difficult to get truly motivated for change when everyone is stuck in the same rut.

I'm ready to knock off the "great ism debate". I've got my tools at the ready and am ready to work... yet I look around and all I see are people complaining about China... and Mexicans, ironically two cultures that are known for their work ethics.

I don't like being ashamed of my American heritage, but I struggle to find anything worthy of pride.... it seems the only thing America produces is trouble.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" might as well be the Chinese motto. The American motto might as well be "GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE!"

Frankly, while I don't care for the Chinese government, I do admire the Chinese people and their work ethic. America used to be like that... then television came along...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even those who insist on using derogatory remarks like "the CHINA VIRUS".

But actions speak louder than words, and China clearly has its sh!t together... meanwhile in the U.S..... (see the video)

I think these "anti-chinese" Americans are just jealous and pissed off because the capitalist system they were taught to admire sold them out to the commies 40 years ago, and they don't know what to do about it... other than hate on the Chinese.
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Re: The "China Virus"

Post by moonshadow »

So I got blown off by the local Russell County Democratic party... I tried to get a yard sign, and they ignored me, then stood me up, gave me a run around, then ignored me again... It annoyed me, and I'm not really sure where to go from here....

I'm ready to work... I'm just not so sure this nation is worth the effort anymore... :blue:

As my last few post might indicate... I've basically got the red ass at every single political movement right now... right, left, top, bottom... it doesn't matter.

Less talk... more doing. Enough is enough.

I'm no more interested in assigning a nationality to a virus any more than I'm interested in determining the sex of a plastic potato. :roll:
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Re: The "China Virus"

Post by crfriend »

"Be the change you want to see in the world", and damn the detractors who cannot -- or will not -- understand it. In short, Lead by example.
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Re: The "China Virus"

Post by moonshadow »

crfriend wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:43 pm "Be the change you want to see in the world", and damn the detractors who cannot -- or will not -- understand it. In short, Lead by example.
I try, but sometimes I feel like I'm just standing in the middle of a hurricane, screaming into the wind.
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
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Re: The "China Virus"

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 7:19 pmI try, but sometimes I feel like I'm just standing in the middle of a hurricane, screaming into the wind.
Don't scream. Speak quietly and with the force of conviction. That beats wailing any day. Be the quiet voice of truth and wisdom. Let the pretenders wail and whinge.

As far as standing in the middle of a hurricane goes, if a tree drops on you, an expletive or two is completely acceptable. BTDT, have the scar to prove it. (Young and stupid happens from time to time.)
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Re: The "China Virus"

Post by Ray »

Thanks, Carl, for your sagacity.

And you, Moon; you inspire me with your passion, allied to a fervent desire to find balance.

I watch both your posts with interest: I also learn.
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