Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

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Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by Uncle Al »

This lady IS Asian-American. She speaks out about the "Racist Remarks" being spread
in the 'media'. She says it's a bunch of crap and not to believe it.

Grace from AZ Speaks out dispelling the Left's false narrative. She tells why she loves Americans

Uncle Al
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Re: Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by MrSoapsud »

So? Lots of black people haven't been killed by police officers - doesn't mean it hasn't happened. One person's experience doesn't invalidate that of a load of other people.
As a *Moderator* you should not be posting this sort of nonsense Al.
P.S. She *might* even be lying? It happens you know...
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Re: Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by crfriend »

One believes in what (or who) he believes in, and you can find most anybody that's willing to say anything if one looks hard enough.
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Re: Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by Uncle Al »

MrSoapsud wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:58 am So? Lots of black people haven't been killed by police officers - doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
One person's experience doesn't invalidate that of a load of other people.
As a *Moderator* you should not be posting this sort of nonsense Al.
P.S. She *might* even be lying? It happens you know...

I've high-lighted a stinging point.

Am I not allowed to voice my opinion :?:

Are you trying to 'Moderate' me :?:

I'm tired of being 'put-down' for my political thoughts and feelings. This has happened
on Facebook too. I've lived a good and long life. I've seen numerous situations where
a political faction has ruined many peoples lives. I have spoken, from experience, many
times on atrocities that have taken place in the U.S.

I'm just tired of the repetition of 'Media Hype' and vitreous comments against
a group of people and/or their political/religious beliefs.

If/When I post as a moderator, you'll know it. The whole post is in a different
color AND I preface the post with "Mod-Hat-On".

Thankfully, due the civility and decorum of the Cafe', I haven't needed to do that in a very long time :!:

Now, back to caring for my wife.

Uncle Al
:mrgreen: :ugeek: :mrgreen:
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Re: Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by crfriend »

To clarify the situation: In instances where a moderator is writing with the force and power of his position it is expected that he will make it known. Other than that, moderators are allowed their opinions just as much as everybody else -- and that also means that it's fair game to go after questionable opinions just as much as it's fair game in general society. Recall that moderators are human beings, just like all of us.

I am not going to censure Al for his opinion. He has his own opinions, and no doubt has valid reasons for holding them. Opinions can be either popular or unpopular; I happen to hold a few unpopular ones myself; they do not guide my life, and sometimes popularity is tinged with current general sentiment rather than outright ethical thinking. Personally, I try for ethical rigour, but I cannot, nor will I try to, hold everybody to that standard -- and, yes, occasionally I fail at it, for I, too, am human.
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Re: Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by Sinned »

The woman in the video is posting her own experiences. Maybe she is just lucky in living in an area that is tolerant of Asian people. No doubt one could find a video of someone whose experiences are not so pleasant. There are two sides to every coin. Britain is fairly tolerant of non-whites but there is an undercurrent of bigotry that surfaces every now and again. The attitude to "asylum seekers" coming across the English Channel is an example of this. That their plight is dire is not in question but in getting to our shores they pass through other countries such as Greece, Italy, France or Germany in which they could and should claim asylum. That they don't do we take it that those countries are unsafe? Britain isn't perfect by any means and the impression on this topic is not positive.

I have censured UA before but in this case I'm not going to. So someone hasn't met any prejudice but there are many that will have.
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Re: Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by partlyscot »

The Lady in the video is correct. Generally, Americans aren't racist. But there are certainly those who are, as in every country. When the problem that does exist, is exacerbated by by those in charge, who say crass, dangerous things. It encourages dangerous behaviour, they feel empowered by such statements.
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Re: Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by Faldaguy »

by partlyscot » Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:39 pm

The Lady in the video is correct. Generally, Americans aren't racist.
On what basis do you make this assertion? If you are equating "generally" to an outright majority, I might buy it -- otherwise, it certainly does not tally with my experience. Some facts, or stats, or something please lest the rampant problems persist unaddressed.

Here is a Guardian article out today on the Freedom House report: ... e2_mf63alg
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Re: Anti-Asian(Chinese Virus)

Post by rode_kater »

Sinned wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:26 am That their plight is dire is not in question but in getting to our shores they pass through other countries such as Greece, Italy, France or Germany in which they could and should claim asylum. That they don't do we take it that those countries are unsafe?
The interviews I've seen with people at Calais it's usually that they already have friends or family in the UK. So given the choice between staying in Italy/Germany/wherever where you know no-one and trying for the UK where you immediately have a support network of friends/family and a roof over your head, they choose the latter. I would too in their situation so I don't begrudge them their choice. If they apply for asylum anywhere else even if they get accepted they won't have Freedom of Movement rights so would be permanently separated from these friends/family for the rest of their lives. You only live once, so I can see how they might consider the risk worth it.

From a high-level view, accepting people who already have a support network in the country is actually better because they are far less likely to cause issues. They don't need separate housing and could live on a much lower income because it's shared. But of course these kinds of nuance are lost on people who only care about total numbers.
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