hello from Carcassonne France

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hello from Carcassonne France

Post by davidkilt »

A welshman living in the South of France. Went to a Scottish wedding a year ago and my wife thought kilts would be good for me. Having been interested in womens clothes for the majority of my life I jumped at the chance, ordering a utility kilt ASAP. I am building our house so it has been my go to attire for quite some time. I then ordered a black one, the first is overalls beige and very thick and industrial. A couple of weeks ago I bought some black satin and copied one of my kilts in satin, shiny side in so it looks fairly normal, and is very light weight. I have gone out in the cotton ones a few times, but we live in rural france which is pretty unimaginative and set in it's ways. walks on the mountains and in large towns. I will be wearing them locally to the bar/cafe but haven't got around to it/got the courage so far. Friends etc have seen me in them at BBQs etc at ours or theirs, a few have surprised me by the reaction that I am being revolutionary again etc, when I thought they were broad minded. I am waiting for an over locking machine to be delivered in a week or so before I start my next project, plus I am not sure whether to make another kilt or kilt stroke skirt variation. probably just a wrap japanese skirt which doesn't involve to much technical sewing as I haven't sewn much for more than 25 years. Anyway, here I am, can't quite remember how I came across the forum, but glad I found it.
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Re: hello from Carcassonne France

Post by Spirou003 »

Welcome in SkirtCafe David! :)

That's great to know your wife and your friends are supportive about wearing kilts (or at least not against that), that will surely help you for your first time out in your village. You might try to walk with your wife for first times, eventually. Most issues with skirt wearing, are in our minds or with our friends/family. Some members here have done it while living in environments that look conservative or not open minded, there is no reason why you couldn't succeed too :)

What I can suggest you for your next sewing project is to do a circle skirt. They are quite easy to do and are wonderful to wear. It requires only a few mathematics to get correct size but you can find easily online tools for that part, the rest are just sewing basics.
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Re: hello from Carcassonne France

Post by Faldaguy »

David Kilt's intro:
I have gone out in the cotton ones a few times, but we live in rural france which is pretty unimaginative and set in it's ways. walks on the mountains and in large towns. I will be wearing them locally to the bar/cafe but haven't got around to it/got the courage so far. Friends etc have seen me in them at BBQs etc at ours or theirs, a few have surprised me by the reaction that I am being revolutionary again etc, when I thought they were broad minded.
Nothing wrong with being "revolutionary" -- we need quite a few more! People in your neck of the woods may be a bit "unimaginative", but perhaps admiringly so? Anyway, as you will find pretty universally within the postings here, those who have gone before have had the same reservations, but universally find it is no big deal and usually with lots of benefits. Go forth...and wear your skirts!

Pura vida from another 'unimaginative' place.
faldaguy, Costa Rica
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Re: hello from Carcassonne France

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

Welcome to the Skirt Cafe David!

One of the best times in my life was the week and a half I spent in France.
David, the PDX Fashion Pioneer

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Re: hello from Carcassonne France

Post by geron »

Davidkilt, I wonder whether you know that an association exists for skirted men in France: https://asso.i-hej.com/

So it's not a totally unknown phenomenon. I've myself worn skirts in the Midi....
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Re: hello from Carcassonne France

Post by davidkilt »

Geron, thanks for the link to the french site, looks interesting
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