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Hello, new to this forum

Post by trdrl92 »

Hello, everyone. I am a 26 year old man from New York. I am happily married to the girl of my dreams and life is great. I identify myself as a cis-male, straight, and unquestioning in my sexual orientation.

Well, what can I say about myself besides the obvious? The reason why I’m here, and assuming the reason why everyone else registered on this website. I like to wear skirts. It’s been a fascination of mine for as long as I can remember. Ever since preschool and kindergarten, I would wonder why girls would sometimes wear shorts with no leg holes, and I would wonder even more why boys never got to wear them, and why my parents would never buy one for me. The untroubled mind of the innocent, right? But as I got older, it became much deeper than questioning, and I began experimenting. And by “experimenting”, I mean I was a hormonal, prepubescent boy with access to the internet and we’ll leave it at that.

I don’t consider myself a “sissy” or a “trap”, which in my opinion sound like pretty offensive words to call crossdressers. My interest isn’t in the form of making my exterior image as feminine as possible while being genetically male, which if yours is then that’s perfectly fine in being who you are and who you want to be as long as it makes you happy. Would I ever want to try it? Never say never, but I don’t see myself as that type of person. I can totally understand why it is such taboo for men to do anything that remotely challenges gender norms set by society. When women do it, it’s considered empowerment and encouraging. When men do it, it’s gay and belittling and he’s “not a real man”. Where is the equality in that? Without getting too political, I believe that every man and every woman of every skin color, every religion, every sexual orientation, every ethnicity, every race are equal, created equal, and should coexist as equals. No, I’m not running for Mr. Ms. America, I believe that if we were truly as equal as we claim to be, that I could continue typing this very post as I walk down the street in my pleated green mini skirt that I’m wearing right now and not have people giving me second, third and fourth looks while following behind me taking unwarranted pictures of my skirt and laughing while making me go viral. You wouldn’t do that to a woman unless you’re gross, and there are laws in place against that. I want to live in a world where I can throw out all of my pants and shorts and replace them with all the skirts I’ve always wanted to be able to wear outside of the bedroom.

Speaking of the bedroom, let’s talk about my wife. She is the most amazing, loving, and understanding woman in the world. [...] I can freely wear skirts at home around her and she still loves me for it. I’m not judged or ridiculed by it, and I’m more comfortable than I’ve ever been around her knowing that this part of me isn’t a secret anymore. I don’t feel like less of a man when I wear a skirt, and more importantly, my wife doesn’t see me as less of her man when I wear a skirt. Sure it was awkward at first, I expected it to be. But now we’re both used to it and comfortable with it. It’s a damn shame that this pretty little skirt I’m wearing is the deciding factor of whether I’m a real man or not in the eyes of the rest of the world. The same world that wants you to fight for your right to be equal. As far as society is concerned, the second it’s known that I’m a man who wear skirts, I’ve already lost that fight.

My favorite types of skirts are short and flowy. I personally don’t like wearing skin tight skirts because I don’t like seeing my obvious bulge. My ideal, everyday skirt would be tartan, pleated, and about halfway down my thigh. Not so much the slutty schoolgirl skirt, but more like an actual, appropriate schoolgirl skirt. [...] My vision is to one day wake up in a world where I can do my morning routine, put on my shirt and shoes like I do now, and then slip on my favorite skirt and go about my day as if it was normal. I would see other men who do the same because in this world, skirts are not assigned specifically for women. Maybe one day.
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by Bikerkilt »

welcome to the forum
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by skirtyscot »

Hello and :welcome: trdrl92! You seem to have your head screwed on the right way; you should fit in here just fine.

You're starting off in a very good position: you have a supportive wife. If you've lurked here before registering, you'll know that most men here don't. Have you asked her if she would be content for you to go outside wearing a skirt?

You have the same problem that many of us had, in that we expect a bad reaction. But it doesn't happen, just about everyone ignores you. They really aren't interested in what other people wear. You will get a good number of funny looks and you will turn a few heads. But so what? That has no effect on you unless you let it. If you go into a shop, people treat you exactly the same as if you were in trousers. Your money is still just as good as anybody else's.

You're in a big multicultural city. The people around you dress in all kinds of different ways. Nobody cares what you choose to wear.

So step into a skirt and go for a walk. Get your wife to go along with you, it will help you at first. Anyone seeing the pair of you will think "well if she's OK with it, what's the problem". Your level of confidence will quickly rise, and before long you'll be wearing your skirts like they're completely normal (which for you they will be).
Keep on skirting,

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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by Sinned »

I agree with skirtyscot. Nobody outside would give you a second look, I don't mind where you are. I go out in a skirt and 99.99% of people either don't see the skirt or don't notice what you see. When you are out and about in a busy street do YOU notice what other people are wearing? If you did see someone wearing something outlandish and unexpected what would your thought processes be? Well then, step out and prove me right. Oh yes, the first time is scary, right! Think fo it as a right of passage but having got that first venture over with you realise that the second time is easier and each time it's easier still. You are not doing anything illegal. And yes, most of my skirts are above the knee, mid-thigh A-line skirts, bright colours and all. Welcome and join in the discussions. MOH is not approving of me wearing skirts outside the house even though she knows I do so respect your wife for her tolerance.
I believe in offering every assistance short of actual help but then mainly just want to be left to be myself in all my difference and uniqueness.
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by oldsalt1 »

Welcome to the café. What part of NY are you from . I started going out to a gas station late at night. It gets easier. I have been to the city on the LIRR and subways I have been to Citi Field . Never a problem

It's great that wife is on your side. :welcome:
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by trdrl92 »


I’m very fortunate to have my wife, although it’s still pretty recent since I’ve told her about this. I’m not sure she 100% understands that my fascination with women’s clothing and femininity starts and ends with skirts, maybe an occasional dress. By textbook definition, yes, I’m a crossdresser, but I personally really don’t like labels. The first thing she asked me when she saw me wearing a skirt for the first time is “So you’re a crossdresser?”, and I told her that I’m really not, I just think this is really comfortable, and it’s really cooking “down there” and it feels great. So she is fine with me wearing skirts around the house, it’s not like I do it all the time, and when one night when I go for a skirt in my dresser instead of shorts, she doesn’t even flinch anymore. That’s all fine inside, but I’m not sure even I would be comfortable wearing a skirt outside yet. I often drive to work in the morning with a skirt on, and my pants in the passenger seat to change into when I get to my job. I’ve even gained the confidence to take the trash out to the curb (after turning down all the lights) at night in a skirt, I’m pretty sure I’ve been caught a few times by neighbors or passersby. I’m taking it one baby step at a time, and I hope to one day wear the clothes I want to wear, when and where I want to wear them.
Last edited by trdrl92 on Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by trdrl92 »


I’m from Long Island too! Nassau County! Didn’t think I’d meet a fellow Long Islander on this site. I’m also Mets fan!
Last edited by trdrl92 on Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by partlyscot »

I too, live in a city, and go about my day in a skirt, and I've never been bothered by anyone in any significant way. My look is perhaps not the same as yours, but anyone who actually studies my outfits should realize I'm not wearing shorts, or a kilt, but an actual skirt. When anybody mentions the skirt, or questions me, it's about 95% of the time to compliment me. The others are at worst, confused as to why I'm doing it.
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by oldsalt1 »

trdri I grew up in the 5 towns Inwood live in Suffolk now.. I started the same way you arenow . don't rush give it time don't do anything that doesn't feel right. If you are a Met Fan and have been to citi field I am sure you will recognize this
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by trdrl92 »

oldsalt1 wrote:trdri I grew up in the 5 towns Inwood live in Suffolk now.. I started the same way you arenow . don't rush give it time don't do anything that doesn't feel right. If you are a Met Fan and have been to citi field I am sure you will recognize this
I grew up in Hicksville, now I live in Farmingdale just 5 minutes west of the border of Suffolk. I wish I had your courage. Great picture!
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by oldsalt1 »

Go to Ariolas 60 Allen Blvd get a couple of canolies.. I have been in there a dozen times in a skirt never a problem Than go up 110 to BJ's and get gas

I know its hard to believe but nobody cares. Small steps.
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by skirtyscot »

So you two guys are practically next-door neighbours? Although Mr Google tells me that Suffolk is a long county, so maybe a few miles apart. Either way, oldsalt1 has been softening the locals up for you, trdrl, so you'll be just fine out there in your skirts.

And Hicksville is a real place name! I always thought it just meant, y'know, out in the sticks. But no, there it is, a stone's throw from the Statue of Liberty. Who'd a thunk it, you live and learn.
Keep on skirting,

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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by trdrl92 »

Yes, skirtyscot, we Long Islanders are a proud people, forever distinctive from New Yorkers of the city. I know the general area he’s talking about, shouldn’t be more than 10 - 15 minutes from where I live. I’m going to conjure up enough confidence to go out in a skirt, I know at least 90% of it is in my mind.

And yes, Hicksville, hometown of the great Billy Joel! It’s so convenient living here with quick access to NYC. I’ve seen plenty of guys in skirts walking around there. What I wouldn’t give to have that courage.
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by Freedomforall »

Hello and welcome!! You have joined a most excellent cafe!!
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Re: Hello, new to this forum

Post by oldsalt1 »

I am probably one of them I take the train into the city from there a lot.

And when you go to Ariola' s bakery "Take the cannolis ,leave the gun" :lol: :lol: :lol:
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