Japanese Unisex Uniform

Clippings from news sources involving fashion freedom and other gender equality issues.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by SkirtsDad »

KellyRain wrote:That said, I do see a lot more young men in dresses here as part of casual alternative fashion........
Very interesting to hear about your experinces. Thanks for that. Despite the fetishisation it's good to see there is an acceptance angle too.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by Sinned »

In another thread we discuss the similar problem with a gingham pattern dress being strongly associated with Primary school girl uniform. It's a difficult association to cut across.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by Brad »

moonshadow wrote:
When I first joined this site, I believe I mentioned a few times that the whole trans thing was helping our cause, now I'm just not so sure.
I had a thread that addressed the idea that the trans movement opens up the idea of males wearing skirts in a way that can benefit us. Read the thread here- viewtopic.php?f=65&t=17783 I felt that if society can be more accepting of a man in a skirt if the man is trans, it makes it easier for me to wear a skirt even if people may assume I'm trans, which I'm not. Most people disgreed with me however. But that thread was 3 years ago and I still feel that societal acceptance is a good thing, wherever it is coming from.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by crfriend »

Brad wrote:I had a thread that addressed the idea that the trans movement opens up the idea of males wearing skirts in a way that can benefit us. [...] I still feel that societal acceptance is a good thing, wherever it is coming from.
Societal acceptance is all well and good, but it needs to be the sort of acceptance that equates "guy in a skirt" with "guy in a skirt" not "trans-* guy". The difference is very subtle until one looks at all the subtexts and connotations involved.

I'm not certain that the former will ever be the case, and as I see the way that things are unfolding I only find any sort of hope for it fading.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by moonshadow »

Brad wrote:I had a thread that addressed the idea that the trans movement opens up the idea of males wearing skirts in a way that can benefit us. Read the thread here- viewtopic.php?f=65&t=17783 I felt that if society can be more accepting of a man in a skirt if the man is trans, it makes it easier for me to wear a skirt even if people may assume I'm trans, which I'm not. Most people disgreed with me however. But that thread was 3 years ago and I still feel that societal acceptance is a good thing, wherever it is coming from.
I remember the thread, in fact, I participated in it. I suppose it's impossible to generalize the question of whether the trans-agenda is helping or hurting. It really depends on who you ask. From my brief interviews with people, I have found that a good majority of those who accept us (men in skirts), accept us as "men in skirts", not transgender.

There are some people out there who disapprove of anything out of the ordinary, whether it's transgender women or men wearing skirts. These people will ultimately group us all into the same pile of sinners regardless. The modern trans-advocate will respect our decision to identify as men, despite what we're wearing. On the all, I feel the majority of people out there at least respect our right to do this, even if they may not want to personally partake in the practice. I have basically proven this in my outings.

I'm even finding that many people are starting to come around towards LGB people. I believe this overall acceptance is creating a "halo effect" or sorts with regards to acceptance for men wearing skirts. In this regard, I believe it helps that we identify as "men", as for some reason, many people are still having trouble with the "T" in LBGT.

I think it's six some, half dozen the other. In some ways, the trans-agenda seems to help, but in equal measures, it also seems to hurt, in the end it seems to balance out. Pound for pound, I think we might be helping transgender people more than the other way around, if for no other reason than we seem to be the most relaxed about our place in society. For example, we're not barging our way into women's restrooms, we're not demanding people call us "she/her", we're not getting bent out of shape over the little things, when someone gives us a little friendly ribbing, for the most part we roll with the punches rather than speed dial a lawyer,... Why? Because we're just ordinary guys who happen to like a few garments from the female side of the store, generally fun loving, and not out to cause a problem. We're just wearing the clothes we like, and that's the extent of it.

I believe most people can and do respect that.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by weeladdie18 »

Perhaps we are going Off Topic, but I feel that the dedicated " Man in a Skirt " does not wish to cross the boundary of " The Man in a Skirt "

However it is likely that the T.V. or Prospective Trans Gender Male will cross that line to join their chosen group.......

It is reasonable to assume that if a " Man in a Skirt " wishes to cross the line and explore " The other side of the Isle "....Then this is his choice......
and not the choice of " The Men in Skirts ".......I trust we can agree that that this is an issue on which " The Men in Skirts " .....
will agree or agree to disagree................I feel that within the rules of the Skirt Café we agree not to discuss
the opinions or experiences of those who have chosen to : " cross the line ".
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by STEVIE »

Unfortunately, the drift has to be continued.
I have been a member of the TV group and I also regard myself as a dedicated skirt wearing man too.
I utilise both sides of the aisle on a regular basis as a matter of my own choice.
Please tell me the rule which states that I cannot or should not express such opinions in the Café?
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by oldsalt1 »

I am just a man wearing a skirt, right, definitely, no doubt about it. I am not a CD or a TV I am sure of that, definitely no chance...….I think..... In my opinion we have all gone thru periods of doubt uncertainty and are not sure exactly what. I don't know what the exact rules are . but I don't see how mention , discussion information would be a problem .

A hard sell promotion or intent to indoctrinate would go against the grain and should not be tolerated. Just as attempting to infuse every blog with the subject. be unacceptable.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by Freedomforall »

Reminder: You can be a straight man in a skirt
You can be a gay man in a skirt
You can be a bi, pan, or asexual man in a skirt
You can be a cross-dressing man in a skirt
You can be a man just wearing a skirt
You can be a trans man and wear a skirt and still be a man
You can be a trans woman in a skirt
You can be different people in the same day and wear a skirt when you like
You can can wear a kilt and call it a skirt
You can wear a kilt and not call it a skirt (even if it kind of looks like one)
You can be a gender-varied man and wear a skirt
You can wear a skirt because it's sexy
You can wear a skirt because it's comfortable
Basically you can wear a skirt if you want, whoever you are.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by crfriend »

Indeed, so long as you can be you and true to yourself, you can wear a skirt any time you want.

When I head off for work in the morning, so I worry about whether I'm "a man in a skirt"? Nope. Why should I? For one, I'm a guy: there's no denying it. Second, I wear skirts because I like them, and seem to have a knack for talking down assorted nay-sayers so long as The Bible doesn't get harped upon.

It's actually quite simple. Contemplate it for a moment. Guy gets out of shower and wraps a towel around himself -- guy in a skirt. A guy in an over-the-top overcompensating chains-and-D-rings "single-legged trouser" -- guy in a skirt. A bloke in a plain denim A-line -- guy in a skirt. A man in a floral-print tiered boho skirt -- guy in a skirt. See how easy that is?

"Rules" are not required, and the ones that keep calling for rules are ultimately going to cut themselves off at the knees when it comes to choices. One might even be tempted to feel sorry for those types simply because they are bereft of imagination -- and I can imagine few things sadder than that.
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Re: Japanese Unisex Uniform

Post by dillon »

I see everyone’s points but if you keep your hats on, maybe nobody else will notice!


Uniform choice is not a bad thing even if the intent has been poorly stated. But that alone is only a modest fraction of the issue. Having and exercising choice won’t alter social attitude overnight. That requires generations. Especially when the poison pill of prejudice is administered early to children and reinforced with regularity. Still, even if not thoroughly effective, taking steps in the right direction counts for something.
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