Boys Protest In School Skirts

Discussion of fashion elements and looks that are traditionally considered somewhat "femme" but are presented in a masculine context. This is NOT about transvestism or crossdressing.
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Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by weeladdie18 »

The subject of boys not being allowed to wear shorts to school in hot weather has been reported in the Daily Mail. Seven boys at Ferndown School
in southern England have protested against not being allowed to wear shorts as part of their uniform in warm weather by wearing skirts to school.

One mother went out and bought her son a skirt as he wished to wear one as it was too hot to wear trousers.....The protestors have now been
told they may wear their school P.E. Shorts until the end of term.

It does seem interesting that the school is perhaps avoiding allowing the boys to wear skirts as the skirt is an entirely practical garment to be
worn in warm weather.

It does seem that this problem and form of protest occurs somewhere every time there is a is interesting to note that the
establishment has never bitten the bullet and suggested that male the protestors should wear skirts for their greater comfort....weeladdie
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Sinned »

No, and they never will because their minds are fixed in that claustrophobic little box and hasn't been let out for exercise. To the boys it's a protest and not on the agenda as daily wear, much the pity. Come the shorts and ....
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Caultron »

weeladdie18 is interesting to note that the establishment has never bitten the bullet and suggested that male the protestors should wear skirts for their greater comfort.
Some school districts have revised their dress codes to make them gender-neutral. For example, instead of saying, "All girls must wear skirts and all boys must wear trousers," they say, "All students must wear skirts or trousers."

That certainly hasn't led to any avalanche of boys wearing skirts but apparently there are some cases.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by crfriend »

Caultron wrote:Some school districts have revised their dress codes to make them gender-neutral. For example, instead of saying, "All girls must wear skirts and all boys must wear trousers," they say, "All students must wear skirts or trousers."

That certainly hasn't led to any avalanche of boys wearing skirts but apparently there are some cases.
That's because the boys don't have sufficient imagination and courage (1) actually embrace the notion that skirts might work equally well on anybody and (2) the fact that they'll get viciously bullied by the other boys because they're "different". It is important to note that the school officials will tolerate this bullying leaving the one on the receiving end to suffer alone.

So, the notion is not going to gain any traction in the school-yard.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Caultron »

crfriend wrote:That's because the boys don't have sufficient imagination and courage (1) actually embrace the notion that skirts might work equally well on anybody and (2) the fact that they'll get viciously bullied by the other boys because they're "different". It is important to note that the school officials will tolerate this bullying leaving the one on the receiving end to suffer alone.

So, the notion is not going to gain any traction in the school-yard.
In the reports I've read (which may or may not be representative) the parents have notified the school ahead of time that their son is going to try searing skirts, and the school staff has been on the lookout for any resultant bullying. In some cases the teacher will mention the boy and the fact that he's going to wear a skirt at least some of the time and then tell the class that it's OK and that they should accept him.

However, I grant that for a boy to wear a skirt to school it can't be a casual experiment. The boy has to really want it.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by crfriend »

Indeed, in the [perhaps rare] cases where the parent(s) communicated the intent to the school staff, and the school staff laid the proper groundwork with the student body, the subsequent abuse of the lad who was so daring as to question the status quo would still take place, which the school staff would then quietly overlook. This would be especially true if the student in question wasn't already well-defined as trans-* or whose parents had a more-than-adequate legal team in their pocket.

For a non-trans-* boy to try something like this could well be considered foolhardy at best and downright stupid at worst. Unless there's a compelling reason for the school staff to pay attention to the anti-bullying rhetoric that's all it is -- rhetoric. And is usually not worth disturbing the molecules in the air to transmit it. The only "compelling reasons" I can think of for the school staff to actually make good on the rhetoric would be adequate legal representation on the part of the parents (read, "money"), societal pressure as in the case of trans-*, or some other mechanism to actually force the staff into behaving rationally and responsibly (undue influence in local politics or an insider within the regime who is on-side).

In short, for kids, it's not worth it -- even if they can conceive of it. Conform whilst you're confined to The System, keep an open mind if you can, and branch out when you're safely clear of the jaws. As a straight teenage guy, is it worth the probability of getting the stuffing kicked out of you simply for wearing something other than trousers? I posit, "no". Kids are some of the nastiest creatures on the face of the planet, and they're also smart enough to not invite trouble needlessly.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Caultron »

crfriend wrote:Indeed, in the [perhaps rare] cases where the parent(s) communicated the intent to the school staff...
The reports I've seen haven't been nearly so negative, but I'll allow that a half dozen new reports may not be a statistically valid sample.

What do you base your arguments on?
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Caultron »

I've come across several variants of this photo lately, which is interesting because the flag in the background locates it in the USA, and the kilt seems to be a printed utility kilt rather than a woven tartan. In fact, the buckles and the pin on the left side make me wonder if this is actually a girls' wraparound skirt. ... 37ef9d.jpg

Unfortunately, I don't know the story behind this; it just showed up on Pinterest.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by crfriend »

Caultron wrote:The reports I've seen haven't been nearly so negative, but I'll allow that a half dozen new reports may not be a statistically valid sample.
They're also likely skewed by editorial steering and what'll sell at the moment.
What do you base your arguments on?
It's based on personal experience having passed through one public school-system as a lad, observations based on reports from other assorted youngsters in the modern world, and occasional comments from adults who have been involved in other various school-systems.

In total, it paints a pretty bleak picture.

Of course I cannot comment with certainty on how things are in more developed parts of the world, but that's the way it was -- and remains -- here in New England. It's surprising that the teenage suicide-rate isn't higher than it is.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Freedomforall »

crfriend wrote:
Caultron wrote:The reports I've seen haven't been nearly so negative, but I'll allow that a half dozen new reports may not be a statistically valid sample.
They're also likely skewed by editorial steering and what'll sell at the moment.
What do you base your arguments on?
It's based on personal experience having passed through one public school-system as a lad, observations based on reports from other assorted youngsters in the modern world, and occasional comments from adults who have been involved in other various school-systems.

In total, it paints a pretty bleak picture.

Of course I cannot comment with certainty on how things are in more developed parts of the world, but that's the way it was -- and remains -- here in New England. It's surprising that the teenage suicide-rate isn't higher than it is.
It was my experience in school as well Carl. My wife shares similar memories too. Schools were designed to create docile factory workers and people who would not question authority. It is a very ludricous notion to think that a "one-size-fits-all" style of learning would work for everyone.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Caultron »

So, Freedomforall and crfriend, how has it been since you were in elementary school?

I'm not saying that today's schools are exactly proactive with regard to boys wearing skirts. And I guess you do need some sort of dress code, even though most tend to be needlessly restrictive. But I still bekieve that much of the negativity you perceive is ill-founded.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Freedomforall »

I graduated in 1988. My son graduated in 2014. He was fortunate in that he had looks and stature on his side. I did however hear stories from him about school. It seems that the political game is still alive and well in schools. If you have money and or looks then you are favored by teachers etc. I am not saying this in any way to offer excuses for violence. However, it is obvious from my viewpoint that nothing has changed as indicated from all the press covering school shootings etc.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Caultron »

Freedomforall wrote:...If you have money and or looks then you are favored by teachers etc.... is obvious from my viewpoint that nothing has changed as indicated from all the press covering school shootings etc.
I'm not saying all schools are perfect, or even that any are perfect.

And it's impossible to fully satisfy the needs and desire of hundreds of different students, let alone their parents.

But looks or lack thereof leading to school shootings? Really?

It seems to me that most school shooters are disenfranchised mentally-troubled young adults who realize they're not going to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg or whoever after all, and who then blame their school and take revenge. But I concede that I'm no expert on such things; I just read the news.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by Freedomforall »

Allow me to elaborate. I do believe there is a correlation in some cases with bullying being a factor as far as school shootings are concerned. I believe kids bully those whom they feel are inferior to themselves. This could stem from a child's appearance such as a birth defect, etc. The bullying leads to a lowered or already non-existant self-esteem. A child in this psychological state feels a deep sense of hurt and rejection. Hurt leads to anger which is a secondary emotion. Often there is little to no support at home as family life is many times already gone awry itself. The child represses this anger and never deals with it. It becomes a ticking time bomb that eventually leads to suicide or violence. The child may become withdrawn and lonely. Many people in this world are not confident in who they are, and feel that they have no worth. This can come from bullying, depression, and loneliness.

Technology has brought about other mediums by which kids bully each other. A child may have been able to go home from school and escape bullying. The advent of social media now presents that child with the possibility of bullying 24 hours a day.
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Re: Boys Protest In School Skirts

Post by weeladdie18 »

I have just had an old posting problem again.......The system has failed to submit my post . I am unable to retrieve my text to re submit..weeladdie18
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