Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by denimini »

denimini wrote:...We at SC are also the one in a thousand (or ten thousand of more) and most of us would abhor that sort of attention. "Man goes to football match in a skirt!"
A badly made point that missed the mark so I have just deleted it, rather that labour it.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by Sinned »

Anthony, you may just as well have left it as it has already been replied to and quoted. Anyway, I didn't see anything offensive in it or any reason to delete it. If there was humour meant that fell flat, well, that happens to the best of us sometimes.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by denimini »

Sinned wrote:Anthony, you may just as well have left it as it has already been replied to and quoted. Anyway, I didn't see anything offensive in it or any reason to delete it. If there was humour meant that fell flat, well, that happens to the best of us sometimes.
Thanks, perversely I even quoted it myself. Probably embedded in some people memory too ............. but we have ways of removing that.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by Sinned »

Homer Simpson: "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain." Don't worry about it either that or Alzheimer's will take care of it. :D
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by moonshadow »

Anthony, FWIW... I agree with you. I don't see what the big deal is either.

Good to see you post again by the way, I had noticed a slight absence on your account lately.

BTW... tonight at six, local man spotted in late night gas station fixing a bowl of ice cream in a skirt. Female employee compliments... a channel 5 exclusive! :lol:
nuro wrote:Hi!You guys did well by withdrawing your son from school.Thanks

I am genuinely confused by this post....
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote:
nuro wrote:Hi!You guys did well by withdrawing your son from school.Thanks

I am genuinely confused by this post....
That was a test post from a (now disabled) spammer (also indicative of general idiocy). Nothing to see here. Move on.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by skirts4me »

I didn't read through all the replies, so forgive me if I repeat some comments.

First, I find it frustrating, but not surprising, that someone says a boy is trying to be a girl just because he wants to wear a skirt or dress. They are unwillling to accept that boys and men have just as much a right to wear a skirt as women do.

Second, please don't consider what some people in a church organisation say or do represents the whole of the Christian movement. There are church groups who don't accept women in the priesthood, and others which are very accepting. Most of the opposition to anything different - including a boy wearing a skirt - arises from an understanding of scripture as defining for all time in all circumstances. This family appears to be from a group which holds that line of thinking. However misguided we may feel that is, we must respect their opinions, and ask that they respect others' opinions too.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by oldsalt1 »

skirts4me wrote: . However misguided we may feel that is, we must respect their opinions, and ask that they respect others' opinions too.
Fine we should respect their opinion . As long as they keep it to themselves and don't try to shove it down everyone's throat.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by hoborob »

Sadly Oldsat the very fact that they made such an uproar about it so as to get themselves reported about in a paper says that they do not want to keep this to themselves. It appears that their group wants to make it an issue so that everyone gets all in a an uproar rather than simply recognize that the boy in question has his own rights. Groups like theirs want to impose their wants and desires on everyone else regardless of whether you feel like they do or not. I would suggest that if we and everyone else simply ignore them they will show themselves to be the idiots they are or they will simply go away. Personally I would not be bothered if they just go away.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by Fred in Skirts »

oldsalt1 wrote:
skirts4me wrote:. However misguided we may feel that is, we must respect their opinions, and ask that they respect others' opinions too.
Fine we should respect their opinion . As long as they keep it to themselves and don't try to shove it down everyone's throat.
Most of the Christians that I know (myself being one of them) do not try to shove our beliefs down others throats. The "SMALL" number that does, manage to get 99.9999% of the headlines and TV time so that it seems they are the majority and not the very small minority. :x
I believe that every man, woman and child has the right to do what they want as long as it harms no one. :evil:
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by Caultron »

hoborob wrote:...It appears that their group wants to make it an issue so that everyone gets all in a an uproar rather than simply recognize that the boy in question has his own rights. Groups like theirs want to impose their wants and desires on everyone else regardless of whether you feel like they do or not...
Spot on.

What we see here are self-appointed moral guardians attempting to expand their sphere of influence by legalizing discrimination against, penalizing, or criminalizing anything but 100% straight-arrow sexuality or gender.

I find this abhor this kind of behavior in any situation, but I suppose that within their own religion or sect it has to be tolerated. Freedoms of speech and religion. But attempting to force others into moral straight jackets through government is intolerable.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by stevelous »

Unfortunately this type of Christian bigot mis interpret the meaning of the Bible, for did not Christ preach love, tollarance, understanding and peace. So if, and I mean if, they were true Christians then they would embrace the diversity of human differances.

It amazes me that Christians believe that God made us all, that God does not make mistakes but then tell us that they know better than God and that being Transsexual is against Gods will for us. I wonder what they would do if their kids turned out to be transsexual?

I just hope that their kids grow up and realize the narrow minded bigotry being spouted by their parents. As a rule any fertile couple can have Children but it takes special people to be a Mum and Dad.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by moonshadow »

stevelous, Caultron, hoborob, Fred, skirts4me, and all the others here of like mind,

Thank you for reminding me of this. It needs to be said from time to time. Speak loud and make your voices heard.
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Re: Couple Withdraw Their Son From School

Post by hoborob »

For all the hub-bub about the verse in Deuteronomy, the folks that want to shove that down your throat forget about the passage in the new testament where Christ himself chastised his own followers for worrying about and article of clothing. Tell them that God would provide for them. Now given that God accepts us "as we are" and knows "what we will be" and that "He looks on the heart rather than the exterior." Then let us be honest with ourselves and accept others that God has already accepted no matter how they dress. Christ himself said that he did not come to find those that were doing well but those that needed help. The religious of his day looked down upon him for going to where the drunkards and "ladies of the night" were to share with the message of God's love. We must also look at and share that same love message to all that we encounter.

We are also told to "Judge Not for you will also be Judged." We will all eventually stand before our Creator and answer for our own actions. So be honest and true to yourself, for on that day you will be honest to your Creator.
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