Have you been spotted in social medias by others who know yo

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by Disaffected.citizen »

We appear to have huge thread drift again :wink: and into a danger area topic, too.

I try to bring my views of faith and religion (I identify as Christian) back to some of the broader teachings; (allegedly) Jesus's teachings were of tolerance (of others' beliefs and choices) and forgiveness (of their attitude towards yourself), rather than dogmatically following doctrine. Again (allegedly) he challenged "he without sin, cast the first stone", he "healed", etc, etc. So, then you get the "fundamentalists" who seem to twist it all.

The above can probably be used in some way for Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Seikhism, Buddism, and ALL the rest.

I ask myself why the rules were made, and I suspect there was good foundation, and what has been lost or changed over the years. We all know Jews aren't supposed to eat pork, similarly for Muslims; this extends to shellfish. They regard them as unclean, they are scavengers. But why? It seems more likely that when the rule was made, they didn't understand the complexity of food hygiene, the way we do today. Pork, if not prepared correctly, made you very ill and likely without cure. Likewise, shellfish. So they were forbidden; the reasoning forgotten over time.

Other "rules" were made for a variety of reasons, generally for the wellbeing of society. Taking shoes off when entering the home in some cultures, etc, etc.

I think that Faith, Religion, and Doctrine are all very different concepts which, over time, have "blended" into some skewed perspectives. A certain amount of logic, intelligent thought, and reasoning can and should be applied and adapted with new learnings. Sadly, too few think about the "message" than was being conveyed by the prophets (Mohammed, Jesus, Abraham, and the rest - I've put Jesus as a prophet from the perspective that other "faiths" respect his teachings in that capacity) and get hung up on the "words" written in the scriptures, without questioning.

I doubt that the prophets, if they were around today, would be condemning us for wearing skirts, or gays for loving their partners, or having a bacon cheeseburger. I suspect they'd be horrified by the greed, selfishness, hatred, conspicuous consumption and the seemingly general lack of care and compassion around today, yet there is still a lot of humanity around. I suspect they'd marvel at the progress we've made, at technology, at healthcare, and be quite pleased to see how most people interact, but would be ashamed of how we use and squander those same "gifts" we have.

OK, now to try to rectify the thread drift....

I have never posted a picture of me on social media; I've never found a picture of me, online, but suspect there may be a few from bygone years. But, I know I've been photographed over the years and suspect these may have been posted. Am I bothered? Not really; my only concerns were that my choices shouldn't impact upon my child's welfare and that my ex-wife might find out and use it to prevent me from seeing my child.

My ex-partner exposed this "secret" when we split and, sure enough, restrictions were placed upon me; ex-wife being a proclaimed tolerant liberal (also a Religious Education teacher!)

I had been of the view that my choices were more likely to be discovered "locally" than from "on line". How true! And my fears of the consequences of discovery were also not without foundation.

Thankfully, my child has been strong enough to stand up for their right to see me, although it's not now in the same amount of time as it used to be. Circumstances have changed considerably since those days :(
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by rick401r »

This is the cover photo on my Facebook page.
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by moonshadow »

My wife and I had a discussion today while having lunch. We both agreed that each of us need to work on our confidence. Skirts are just one part of my confidence issue.

I gave her permission to post "tasteful" images of me posing in skirts on her facebook (no bathroom shots... in fact I have removed those from flickr), with extra points going to skirt outings in the real world. This makes it look more "normal" and less like something I only do when at home. Once we cross that threshold, there is no going back, and it has an avenue to proliferate to many different circles of family, friends, and acquaintances. Apparently, she has a few of my co-workers on there, in addition to a few of my family. Mom isn't a big deal since she already knows. I think my sister does too.

I only asked that she not post the photo's with great amounts of "pomp", just be casual about it like it's not a big deal. I don't want to seem like I'm crying out for attention. But at the same time, I want to get over this hump, and have it common knowledge already.

Finally, if someone ask why I wear them, she's to just say "he hates wearing pants".

Although it's up to her, but I personally think this is the one I'd like to break the ice with.
Nothing says "LOVE", like standing next to a big lawn ornament that says "LOVE". :lol:

It just screams... "DON'T BE A HATER!" :D
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote:Nothing says "LOVE", like standing next to a big lawn ornament that says "LOVE". :lol:
That shot is so full of win that it positively screams "wonderful". The confidence seems like it's there already, so build upon it. Only good can follow.

Where was that taken?
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by moonshadow »

crfriend wrote:
moonshadow wrote:Nothing says "LOVE", like standing next to a big lawn ornament that says "LOVE". :lol:
That shot is so full of win that it positively screams "wonderful". The confidence seems like it's there already, so build upon it. Only good can follow.

Where was that taken?
In the little court yard out front of the Martha Washington Inn in Abingdon VA, right across the Barter Theatre.

I think there is another one on the exit 1 rest stop on the Virginia side of the Tennessee line on I81, but this one in Abingdon I thought looked much better. (who wants to just see rest stop bathrooms and vending machines in the background?).
Last edited by moonshadow on Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by Kilted_John »

Looks good. And, yes, that's how I'd do it myself. Over at my lookbook profile, I've actually started removing indoor look posts, mainly because I want to show that I'm at least outdoors. I prefer to do them away from home. Prior to me deciding to stop using FB, I had many a pic posted of me in a skirted outfit being used as a profile pic. Enough that my sister actually blocked me, since she didn't want any coworkers knowing that I wasn't normal looking. That's her problem, of course.

Skirted since 2/2002, kilted 8/2002-8/2011, and dressed since 9/2013...
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by crfriend »

Kilted_John wrote:Over at my lookbook profile, I've actually started removing indoor look posts, mainly because I want to show that I'm at least outdoors.
I make no bones about the fact that most of my photos are "engineering shots" that I use to determine whether a look is good enough to actually use in public or not. As I don't usually travel with a camera I have no way of snapping "selfies" when "out and about", nor do I think it's quite proper to impose on others to snap shots of me.

Besides, I seldom go anyplace interesting.
Last edited by crfriend on Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed my own incompetent quoting.
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by moonshadow »

I'll add, it's [the LOVE ornament] been there for as long as I've lived here (going on three years now), and I don't expect it to go anywhere any time soon. In fact, it's not the original one, the first one was made of wood and was starting to rot so they replaced it with this steel one last year, so I expect it to be around for a while.

If anyone is passing through and wants a selfie with the giant "LOVE", which IMO is very suitable for what we do (wear skirts), it's a quick stop off exit 17 in VA on I81. Just follow the signs to the Martha Washington Inn. It's about 5 minutes off the interstate depending on traffic.

FYI: The "LOVE" stands for Virginia's slogan, "Virginia is for lovers". It has nothing to do with what's going on in the news now. In fact, the slogan "Virginia is for lovers" actually has nothing to do with romance of any sort (to my surprise), although I think "off the record", many people treat it as though it were.

In fact, it is really an advertising campaign targeted at people who "love" doing things. In fact, I can't imagine there not being something for everybody in this state, so no matter what you do... chances are you'll "love" doing something here. It's not a bad old place to call home.


... and now you know!
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by dillon »

bobmoore wrote:Dillon, you put it quite nicely, as did our friend Friend. But you might think about one thing. In your opening remarks you mentioned having more in common with "the faithful" than with "the theological". Theology is simply the study of God. One can have faith in many things, but faith without knowledge is not faith at all because it has no basis outside the individual. Profession of faith, and possession of it are wildly different things. One can glue hubcaps on ones butt and live in a garage, but that doesn't make one an automobile. That is a pretty good picture if the culturally driven church: it isn't what it professes to be. Without the knowledge of God, as he reveals himself in scripture, anything goes because the preferences and desires of men are the focus rather than obedience to the scripture. As Jesus said, "Why do you call me Lord, and not do what I say?"
Believe it or not, it is possible to believe in an Almighty but not in the words penned by men. Perhaps I look at scrptures with a critic's eye, in ways that theologians would fear to do, and see as evident far too much designed by men to placate the questions of those who need something absolute to grasp. Men then dwell on the eisegeted passages rather than look at the big picture.

This is especially true with the Book of Revelations. Good examples are the support of Zionism by Christian fundamentalists who only do so for the silliest of theories; that they can hasten the return of Christ by acting to complete prophecies that were clearly concocted to pacify those who feel they must know the end of the story to function in faith. In the case of Zionism, to restore Jews to the Holy Land so that they can perish as prophesied. Sorry, but that strikes me as perverse. Meanwhile this unholy alliance of Jews who don't believe the prophecies and Fundamentalist Christians who think themselves absolved of anything and everything because they do believe in them would be amusing, the way the two factions use each other, if it wasn't so destructive to the chances for peace in the region.

Equally silly is the Red Heifer project; fundamentalist ranchers seeking to breed a perfect red heifer in the twisted idea that they can hasten the apocalypse, as the Red Heifer is another of the vague symbols designe to keep people assured that they are saved simply by their presumed knowledge of the future. Call me a heathen, but watching the way good Christians apparently see the abandonment of intellect as the first step to salvation doesn't inspire me to believe that theology is bringing anyone closer to God. I'd say it's quite the opposite.
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by Kilted_John »

crfriend wrote: I make no bones about the fact that most of my photos are "engineering shots" that I use to determine whether a look is good enough to actually use in public or not. As I don't usually travel with a camera I have no way of snapping "selfies" when "out and about", nor do I think it's quite proper to impose on others to snap shots of me.

Besides, I seldom go anyplace interesting.

Grab something like a Canon PowerShot S70. It's small enough to fit in a pocket, but uses compact flash cards and has a decent megapixel count. It's also cheap, so if it breaks or gets lost, grab another. Anyway, you can do what I've done in the past and set it on a railing or a table somewhere (or if you're in an area that's accessible by car, either on your car's roof or on the cargo floor with the tailgate open), then engage the self-timer and let it do its thing. Just make sure that you're standing next to something that the camera can focus on. Also, aperture-priority automatic (Av mode on the PowerShots) with the lens set to f/8 for decent enough DOF. Most of my shots made between May 2011 and May 2013 were done with either that model camera or the older S50 version. Lately, I've either been using a Nikon D200 or a D2x. That way, I can use my analog Nikkor lenses, if I so choose, instead of relying on a built-in zoom lens. I usually leave an 18-70mm zoom kit lens on the camera, though. Later this year, I'll probably go full-frame. The D3 is finally dropping below $1K. So, I'll grab one of those and one of the 28-105 AF-D Nikkors. Same field of view as the 18-70, but can also be used on my analog bodies.

lol, most of the places I go to are what you'd likely consider boring. So, welcome to the club.

Skirted since 2/2002, kilted 8/2002-8/2011, and dressed since 9/2013...
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by phathack »

Kilted_John wrote:
crfriend wrote: I make no bones about the fact that most of my photos are "engineering shots" that I use to determine whether a look is good enough to actually use in public or not. As I don't usually travel with a camera I have no way of snapping "selfies" when "out and about", nor do I think it's quite proper to impose on others to snap shots of me.

Besides, I seldom go anyplace interesting.

Grab something like a Canon PowerShot S70. It's small enough to fit in a pocket, but uses compact flash cards and has a decent megapixel count. It's also cheap, so if it breaks or gets lost, grab another. Anyway, you can do what I've done in the past and set it on a railing or a table somewhere (or if you're in an area that's accessible by car, either on your car's roof or on the cargo floor with the tailgate open), then engage the self-timer and let it do its thing. Just make sure that you're standing next to something that the camera can focus on. Also, aperture-priority automatic (Av mode on the PowerShots) with the lens set to f/8 for decent enough DOF. Most of my shots made between May 2011 and May 2013 were done with either that model camera or the older S50 version. Lately, I've either been using a Nikon D200 or a D2x. That way, I can use my analog Nikkor lenses, if I so choose, instead of relying on a built-in zoom lens. I usually leave an 18-70mm zoom kit lens on the camera, though. Later this year, I'll probably go full-frame. The D3 is finally dropping below $1K. So, I'll grab one of those and one of the 28-105 AF-D Nikkors. Same field of view as the 18-70, but can also be used on my analog bodies.

lol, most of the places I go to are what you'd likely consider boring. So, welcome to the club.

Two things.
1) I attend several local events and wear one of my kilts and there are photos posted of me from those events. I don't think there are any photos of me, that I know of, of me wearing a regular skirt, other than on here. I have no objection to photos of me wearing a skirt being posed online and I'm sure someone somewhere has taken a photo of me in a skit at a store of other location over the years.

2) My pocket camera has a time lapse function that I use then taking "Selfies" Just set the camera up and set it off, I set it to take a photo ever 10-15 seconds and shoot 10-20 photos then stop, that's all adjustable. It re-focuses for every shot and trys to locate a human face to focus on. That way I can assume several poses and choose the ones I like best.

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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by Fred in Skirts »

phathack wrote:2) My pocket camera has a time lapse function that I use then taking "Selfies" Just set the camera up and set it off, I set it to take a photo ever 10-15 seconds and shoot 10-20 photos then stop, that's all adjustable. It re-focuses for every shot and trys to locate a human face to focus on. That way I can assume several poses and choose the ones I like best. :ugeek:

What kind of camera (pocket Camera) do you use???

Fred :kiltdance:
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by Sylvain »

I have. By Google Streetview!
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

Hello Sylvain, getting into a Google Streetview shot in a skirt has to be the ultimate in social media exposure!
Am I correct in assuming nothing bad has occurred as a result?
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Re: Have you been spotted in social medias by others who kno

Post by Couya »

Sylvain wrote:I have. By Google Streetview!
Let us have the reference !

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