Sometimes nobody notices, and sometimes many do

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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Sometimes nobody notices, and sometimes many do

Post by crfriend »

"Why are you all dolled up?", came from the proprietoress of our local establishment this evening. "Because I felt like it?" was the response followed by a "Have a good evening."

Set the stage: Sapphire was in a t-shirt and knit trousers. I was in a very plain black-and-white outfit consisting of one of my new-ish "poets shirts" with ruffles and whatnot at the neckline and sleeve-cuffs, and my old faithful black tiered skirt that I've had for almost a decade. This is not an outfit that I would think particularly remarkable at all, but somehow the general public thought otherwise.

I set forth today first to visit an old family friend in my old hometown and a good time was had by the two of us. He is used to my sartorial style now and takes it well in stride. The usual comment of, "You're looking good" was made, but that can also have to do with an overall appearance of health. I'm doing OK, but was rather tired from yesterday's exploits on the briny and was sporting a low-grade sunburn on my face. Some conversation was had on my style choices, and I remarked on an episode on Long Island which Sapphire and I found ourselves in at a bed-and-breakfast with an uncomfortable proprietoress; in that case, I opted to push the issue a little bit and seemed to have won it.

I was also at my computer-history group's monthly Open House this afternoon -- and nobody said a ruddy word save for getting hailed from a distance which I returned with a wave.

Today is also the Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere, lest Jack take me to task) and is one of the celestial holidays that Sapphire and I celebrate -- and we were to go out to dinner.

On the way home from Providence (good name, that, even if it didn't come true) I stopped off to purchase a 12-pack of beer and happened across Sapphire chatting up a chap with a scooter in the parking-lot. That she didn't recognize me until the guy did was interesting, especially as I put my car within about 3 feet of her, but we'll let that slide. "Is that an Amish outfit?" was the question from the bloke with the scooter. "Nope, this is just the way I dress."

Whilst were at dinner, two separate couples chatted us up on my attire -- and both, ultimately, seem to have "gotten it" that it's OK for guys to "think outside the box" and toss conventionality aside.

The evening out ended with the opening lines from the post, whereupon we returned home where I continue to decompress from yesterday's sail and lack of sleep.

Bon soir, mes amis.
Retrocomputing -- It's not just a job, it's an adventure!
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