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Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:18 am
by BrotherTailor
Thanks Sapphire. I have a Kenmore too, but 30 years newer.

Peter. I have little body hair. My upper torso from the waist up is hairless except for the underarms and a few stray chest hairs. My back is clean and smooth (now my neck is rough and tough and red!)I have well developed muscles and they are firmly toned and nicely curved around my shoulders and upper arm area, no flab anywhere. So really a sleeveless bodice with wide shoulder straps and perhaps a cape or pelerine would not reveal anything unsightly in my case. A few minutes with the razor could fix things up quickly.

However, this is indeed off topic I guess. I simply daydream about clothing I'd like to make, whether for myself or for a client, that would make the person feel special and unique. I don't feel I'm wearing a mask in living a fairly plain life, it is a choice to not be ostentatious in my dress in terms of colour and excessive "flair". I do prefer more subdued natural earth tones overall, they suit me. Rather like a man driving a minivan and dreaming of the chance to drive a Rolls Royce or a Jaguar for a day. Its just fun to imagine. I allow it to go that far and that is all. There is so much more to life, I'm missing nothing. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:39 am
by sapphire
I do not think this is off topic at all.

Brother Tailor,
In your own quiet way you have managed to capture the essence of an individual's fashion personality. That personality may change over time, but if you are living in the moment then being true to your own fashion personna at that moment is the most powerful statement you can make.

We all have fantasies, but to know and balance a fantasy against the various realities of one's life is important.

To create your own fashion style is a complex thing. It helps if you make your own clothing. If you do, you get an intimate understanding of your own body type and what works for your body type and what you can create (homegrown of purchased). You learn what flexibilities you can take with fashions that are presented to you, bought, self sown, borowed to tell the world who you are..