a return

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a return

Post by RyeOfTheDead »

Hello all. I'm posting in here as a way of reintroducing myself.

I'm definitely not a new member, in fact even though I'm only 27, my participation in these forums dates back over a decade. I posted back on Roger Lewau's Skirt Lover's Nest, I posted on the original Tom's Cafe board and then over here when it became just Skirt Cafe after Tom passed away.

Anyway, have a tendency with internet message boards to come and go from them, I may have a few weeks or even months where I get really engaged in the conversation and then I just get more focused on my other interests again, and sometimes I'll head back to the boards again but it seems with this one I had sort of let it fall off indefinitely. It took someone else recommending it to me on another board to be like "wow, I haven't been there in a long time."

Look forward to meeting all of you and reconnecting with old friends, I wonder if anyone even remembers me...

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Re: a return

Post by Since1982 »

Hello Rye, I've been skirting off and on since I was born, from birth until age 6 I wore my various sister's hand me downs, screamed so wildly when forced to wear trousers for school, my mom sewed special "inside the house" clothes for me that fit perfectly and weren't hand me downs. She'd been taking me out dressed fully fem since I was about 4 on Halloween in her bright blue poodle skirt until I was 11 and outgrew her clothes. She was only 5'1" and I outgrew her clothes quickly. Since all my sisters and brothers had died or been born dead, there were no more hand me downs at all.

My Mom and Dad's blood types were not compatible and they should never have tried to have children, which is why all my siblings died or were born dead. Mom was ORH- and Dad's was A+. I'm A-....

I went to public school until I was 15 wearing traditional boys clothes. We moved from that area and Mom decided to home school me. As soon as the School Board approved of her doing that, she started sewing again. She sewed dresses and skirts for me to wear in my house for 3 years until I graduated High School after taking the tests. I applied for and was given a scholarship to the University of Miami to specialize in Marine Biology. Needless to say, that was a great experience but uncomfortable because I had to wear trousers. We had a lot of Toga parties. After college I entered the Ocean and had to wear swim trunks or trousers all the time in my jobs associated with my Marine Biology.

Took until 1972 before I started experiencing MUGs again, I was part of a Movie crew filming a Diving documentary in the South Pacific in Tonga, Fiji, Samoa and Bikini. In Tonga we were all offered "Tupenu" to wear instead of pants, like the Tongan men wore. We tried them, I was in a tupenu for 9 weeks and went back to skirted garments soon after returning and have been in them since 1982...hence my name here.

I was a member of Tom's since November of 2004 and have probably chatted with you before. :mrgreen:
I had to remove this signature as it was being used on Twitter. This is my OPINION, you NEEDN'T AGREE.

Story of Life, Perspire, Expire, Funeral Pyre!
I've been skirted part time since 1972 and full time since 2005. http://skirts4men.myfreeforum.org/
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Re: a return

Post by Uncle Al »

Hi Rye :!:
Welcome back :!:
Good to read you again :!:

Uncle Al
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Re: a return

Post by Kilted_John »


Welcome back... Seen some of your pics on the wardrobe_remix group on Flickr...

Skirted since 2/2002, kilted 8/2002-8/2011, and dressed since 9/2013...
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/245gt-turbo
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Re: a return

Post by RyeOfTheDead »

Hello there, good to run into you again on here. I'd say "small world" but I guess in the case of men who comfortably wear skirts that's sort of a given.
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Re: a return

Post by Ray »


I do remember you; welcome back.
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