Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

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Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by skirtingtheissue »

Dear skirters,
I can't really believe I've been away from the Skirt Café since November 2018! I have to admit I was drawn into another excellent and intriguing forum having to do with freestyle fashion, where I have been fairly busy. Plus the craziness of the Covid year, certain events in my life (becoming a grandparent), and hectic times in my life in general.

The Skirt Café was a very important part of my life after I joined in late 2012, as it encouraged my personal growth, helped me become and express my true self, and allowed myself to be happy in a way I had not imagined possible. Y'all gave me, not necessarily directly but through creation of so many threads, the POWER to wear skirts out and about and feel great about it. This forum said to me, loud and clear, WHY NOT? After becoming a confirmed skirter, my biggest question was, "Why, oh why, didn't I do that a lot earlier in life?"

In the spring of 2013 I wore a corduroy knee-length skirt walking around Cambridge MA. After being a tiny bit worried and quite self-conscious for the first five minutes, it was just so much fun. I was instantly hooked. I got an Elkommando kilt from Mountain Hardwear and that was how I "introduced" my friends, family, and everyone else to me in a MUG. I became a "skirt ambassador", telling anyone who commented or asked about it that skirts are SO comfortable. Gradually I wore ordinary, plain skirts (e.g. hiking skirts), and over the course of weeks/months gradually wore more feminine ones. That strategy worked very well, as now people are used to seeing me in very feminine outfits including tops. This is in no way related to trying to "pass" as a woman, but just presenting as a guy wearing nontraditional (i.e. girly) things. I love the "Fashion Freestyler" label, which I first saw mentioned here.

The comfort and happiness I feel in skirts have three main components: the physical, sensual feelings; the nonconforming rebelliousness against "trouser tyranny"; and the expression of a definite feminine component within me. I'm 95% sold on them. The other 5%? I don't wear skirts in the cold of winter (never cared much for leggings), or using farm machinery, or walking in tick-hazardous areas. Skirts became a standard wardrobe item, and maybe I felt I just didn't need SkirtCafe anymore, because I had become less focused on them and the issue of male skirt wearing.

But I owe SkirtCafe a lot, and so I'll be checking these pages again. I see lots of very familiar names and will go through tons of threads to see what I've been missing. Love to all!
When I heard about skirting, I jumped in with both feet!
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Re: Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by Uncle Al »

Hi Henry and Welcome Back :!: :D

Uncle Al
:mrgreen: :ugeek: :mrgreen:
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I respond-The why is F.T.H.O.I. (For The H--- Of It)
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Re: Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by denimini »

We have lost a few members who have passed away so I am very happy to see your name appear again.
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Re: Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by crfriend »

Hi Henry! 'Tis great to read you again. Welcome back.
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Re: Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by Sinned »

Hi Henry, it's always nice to have old friends come back. Like you I'm 100% sold on skirts but unfortunately my wife can't get her head around skirts being non-gender. She still thinks of them as being just for women. The only thing is that I want to just merge skirts seamlessly [0] into my wardrobe and wear trousers as and when I want. The thing is that skirts are soooooo comfortable that I want to wear them more and more. Oh, well.
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Re: Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by SkirtsDad »

Thank you for your warm word about this forum. Glad you have popped back for a bit.
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Re: Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by Faldaguy »

Hola Henry,

We've not 'met' yet given I only found this site a couple years back and joined a year and half ago; I've been wearing skirts for quite some time and still found the site rewarding not just for encouragement to 'grow' a bit, but insightful on ways to handle discussions on a number of fronts, not just MIS. Though my wife had encouraged me to pack a purse as I gripped about inadequate pockets, for some reason that step was more difficult than wearing skirts -- but with encouragement on this forum I gave it a go, and now I pack one pretty much routinely and I'm looking for a couple more!

I had not worn my skirts when flying internationally, at least into or out of the U.S.A. with its obsessively officious TSA and security folk, but others on SK told me of their experience -- so I gave it a whirl and my last trips have all been skirted, flying or not. Like you, my styles went from pretty blah mundane options like knee length denim to everything now from short, long, colors and styles of all sorts -- though I have not gone the tutu route -- yet? Beyond venturing further afield the chaps here do seem to have a lot of a more balanced insight consistent with just being a guy in a skirt that helps make those times of doubt fade quickly It can feel lonely, though that seldom bothers me ---so, hey -- come to Costa Rica for a bit help me broaden the scene! Welcome back, looking forward to hearing more.
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Re: Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by skirtyscot »

Hi Henry, good to see you back again!
Keep on skirting,

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Re: Hello -- again -- after a leave of absence!

Post by New-in-Skirts »

Welcome back Henry. I am one of the newer ones here so it is nice to meet you.
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