Hello from the Blue Ridge

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Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Absentmindedeagle »

Hello everyone. I'm sure I'll be updating this in the future, but more likely y'all will just get to know me when I post more (which I hope to do). I have been interested in wearing skirts ever since I was in preschool, and only this year do I get the chance to try wearing a skirt in public. I have owned and worn skirts in private for several years now. I'm 21 now and in college. My absolute favorite types of skirts to wear are long and flowing ones, especially fully circular ones. I like solid colors over most prints and floral designs. I don't personally like the way that shorter skirts feel, so I stay away from anything shorter than knee length (though I'm still experimenting with those). Long skirts are simply awesome, and I love wearing them whenever I get the chance. I've even hiked simple trails in them before and had no issues. They're also phenomenal on a windy day, I love how they move.

As far as who I am, I'm a college student in Western North Carolina at Appalachian State University. I love the outdoors and astronomy, I have an 8" Zhumell Z8 dobsonian telescope. I also like playing disc golf (one thing that I wouldn't do in a long skirt on most courses lol. Thorns everywhere!).
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Kirbstone »

Welcome AME to SkC.

How wonderful for you to be just 21 years old! Way younger than my eldest grandson! Enjoy your flowy full circle skirts.. One member wears them to contra dances, where they come into their own.

I'm also into astronomy and possess a Celeston 8" reflector. Our problem is that on average in Ireland only one night in nine is clear and when it is, odds on it is freezing also, so I don't spend much time stargazing. That said, just recently it was amazing to get both Jupiter and Saturn into the same field.

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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Faldaguy »

Welcome aboard. It is wonderful to have some more youth here -- many of us are "over the hill" and then some. A college campus seems a great place to enjoy the freedom of choosing the clothes that please you; showing the world 'conformity' is a crazy notion, and establishing your own place with confidence. You are at the place where your impact will be vastly more useful than ours -- we are overlooked and tolerate; seldom admired, but sometimes complimented, whereas you can set the synapses churning and maybe drive a little sense into the heads of all those guys caught up in the confines of pants. Looking forward to hearing of your experiences, insights, and more.

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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Absentmindedeagle »

Thanks for the warm welcome y'all! It's been such a great feeling to be able to finally express how I want to dress and receive support for it. It's been a part of my life for so long, but only recently have I considered going public about it. I think the pivotal moment was a couple of weeks ago when I went into a consignment shop for a skirt and said I was looking for one for myself. It was a huge confidence boost for sure, and only accelerated my desire to go public. I'm slowly getting skirts that are less flashy and more modest for public wear, since I would originally get whatever the heck I wanted because I would only wear them in private. As fun as a floor-length formal taffeta skirt may be to wear around the house, I couldn't really go around campus in it lol.

Happy to hear there's at least one other sky-watcher here, amateur astronomy has been a big part of my life for the past few years now. I recently saw just about all you can see from bortle class 4 skies with my 8" dob in Taurus, was a great night. The Poor Man's Double Cluster really lives up to its mediocre name lol, a fun target . I sometimes wear a skirt at the eyepiece because it's dark and no one drives by on the gravel road I live on. On colder nights a couple of long skirts over leggings do wonders to keep me warm.
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Sinned »

Another astronomer here. I've just recently bought a second hand 8" dobsonian reflector and a refractor. Not had chance to use them yet with the lockdown and it's been too damn cold. I'll look forward to using them as it gets a bit warmer.
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Spirou003 »

Circular skirts are so pleasant to wear! Good choice :D
It's great that you discovered it so early in your life. I don't know if there is much differences between belgian university and american college, but by assuming there is none, it is the better moment to try such things publicly. I'm pretty sure if I had wore skirts at university, I would have had a lot of interresting/funny discussions with people including teachers, and all in a complete respect of who I am.

I'm a bit curious, do you live with your parents or do you have your own home?

Whatever the answer to my question, welcome to the Skirt Café! :wink:
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Absentmindedeagle »

I do still live at home with my family. I recently let my parents (but not my younger brother) know about my clothing preferences. They took it well, but not well enough that I can wear them inside the house just yet. I think they'll warm up to the idea eventually. I would be living on campus and wearing skirts a lot more if it weren't for covid keeping met at home and doing virtual classes. I do see myself eventually getting a place up near my college town at some point in the near future, but until then I'm here at home.
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by crfriend »

That was wise of you to let your parents know, because that will have eased the shock a bit and likely kept an avalanche of other questions at bay.

The younger brother will likely find out sooner or later if he's even the least bit intrusive, so steel yourself for that eventuality -- or just tell him.

Keeping secrets is never good, and is corrosive at best. It's much better to be out in the bright light of day than lurking in the shadows.
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by moonshadow »

Hey... another (semi) local!

I get to Boone often, in fact, I was just there Friday working. It's about a 1.75 hour drive from where I reside in Lebanon Virginia.

I'm in Boone at least a few times a month, sometimes I go for leisure too (not just for work).

I don't know western NC quite as well as Southwest VA and Northeast Tennessee, but I'm getting better. :) Boone and Jefferson are about the only two places I get to. I'd go to Boone more often, but I hate paying for parking! :lol:

There's some nice hippy shops down that way, I also like "The Dancing Moon".

Oh, and since you mentioned liking flowy skirts, I suggest a visit to Bristol TN sometime and check out the selection at Misty Mountain Designs. It's a little pricey (average cost around $50-$75) but they're good people and VERY accepting of guys like us. Just bring cash, they charge an extra 5% to use a credit card on top of the already high TN sales tax.

See ya around!
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by denimini »

Hi and welcome. I have great skies where I live (arid outback) but no telescope.
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Absentmindedeagle »

ooh, dark skies in the outback. I'm jealous. There's so much to see even with just your eyes out there. Binoculars will reveal a wealth of star clusters and other deep sky objects if you have a pair lying around anywhere.

I'm not in Boone this semester unfortunately (I'm south of Asheville), but I'll keep those places in mind!
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by KiltedintheValley »

Greetings from the Shenandoah Valley! My wife and I honeymooned in Boone about two decades ago. It is so beautiful!

There are some beautiful spots of dark sky in the Shenandoah National Park. You can even see the Milky Way with the naked eye in a few spots!
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by Kirbstone »

Interesting, K-V.
Perhaps you could book yersel' in fer that Cataract op. :idea: In 2018 I had one eye done in April, the other in October and since then I can almost read the instructions on the discarded Lunar landing bits on the moon!
As to the Milky Way, ...from Ballinskelligs Co. Kerry on a clear night it's a Sight to behold, from horizon to horizon and there are even faint colours visible among the myriads of stars/constellations.

That's precisely why I have my telescope. :cyclops:

Tom :idea:
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Re: Hello from the Blue Ridge

Post by dillon »

A happy Appie! I'm from NC also, but waaaaay down east. I don't come to this site much because 1) I was not allowed to post anything political, and the last four years have been a nightmare, and I despised being denied the right to comment. 2) Because I have a "farm" now in rural SC with no internet, and spend 2 to 5 days a week there, or until I can't stand the smell of my own body, from living in a camping trailer without running water or septic/sewer, and working like a mule every day, and 3) just because skirts and dresses have become so ordinary for me that I felt I had little to contribute. And most of what I saw posted was just a rehash of the same ideas that have been posted for the near-decade that I have been a member. But I say welcome and advise you that you are in a definite minority of men, but also NOT alone.
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