Summertime, and the clothing is easy

Discussion of fashion elements and looks that are traditionally considered somewhat "femme" but are presented in a masculine context. This is NOT about transvestism or crossdressing.
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Summertime, and the clothing is easy

Post by Ralph »

Rather than flood the group with entirely too much Ralph, I put together a montage of my new purchases. As temperatures head up into the 90's and beyond, my preference for long or at least mid-length sleeves goes up in a puff of smoke. I also much prefer maxi lengths, but I went ahead and got a shorter skirt for days when it's so hot I can't move. I can't bring myself to go out in such a short outfit, though - I'm afraid I'll have a Marylin Monroe moment with a sudden breeze or if I bend over. But it sure makes working around the house a lot more comfortable!

Everything was from ebay sellers except the grey tank dress second from left. That was an "Amazon Essentials" purchase, surprisingly good quality for a ridiculously low price. The only problem was that according to the Amazon sizing chart, I should have gotten a 1X or even a 2X to fit my waist but the 1X hung on me like a circus tent. Sent it back and got a Large instead, and it fits just right.

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Re: Summertime, and the clothing is easy

Post by Kirbstone »

Sorry Ralph, but cardboard cut-outs just don't 'cut it' with me. Let's see you actually wearing these garments.

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Re: Summertime, and the clothing is easy

Post by Ralph »

Understood, Tom. Unfortunately, I do not. EVER. post information that can identify me - my face, my full name, my birthdate, my city - anywhere I don't have control over the audience. I have more tinfoil hats than skirts. Only family and my immediate circle of friends known to me personally get more information than blurred (or replaced) faces. That's how I have been since I first got online nearly 40 years ago, and it's not going to change now.

For what it's worth, that's all me from the neck down. No cardboard cutouts. Also a very rough approximation of my face, which I use in virtual worlds (this one is from Second Life).
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Re: Summertime, and the clothing is easy

Post by Freedomforall »

Looking very nice.
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