Winter in Cornwall U.K.

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Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

I received a report that one of my friends was on an afternoon beach walk on Christmas Day ......
A ... S.A.R..... helicopter flew past and Father Christmas was waving from the open winch door.

He was probably checking to ensure that all the Kiddies were happy with their xmas stockings....
The helicopter was heading back to the Frozen North......Oh thanks for modern technology

Sea temperature for the Christmas Swimmers was 9 C ...Air temp 12 C and overcast.

Yesterday air temp was 8 to 9 C in northerly winds..... Daffodils are now in bud in the hedgerows....
Plenty of mud and rainwater on the roads.
Anything could happen with the weather before the end of March.....Another Polar Vortex and a possible beast from the East.

Back in the 1880's the Bay of Panama went ashore South of the Helford River in a Blizzard...the crew froze to death in the rigging
and there was 8 feet of snow on the cliffs.......that was a week later in March than last years Beast from the East........

Last winter we had a 21 foot tidal wave a couple of miles up the Helford River............

Recently we had a Russian Freighter aground close to a Falmouth Beach....The ship was recovered by 5 Tugs and
is now being detained as 100 safety faults must be rectified......I understand that the Shipping Company has
150 Crew ashore in ports all over the World as other vessels are unfit to go to sea.

The latest story is of a single handed fisherman who fell over the side of a vessel on automatic pilot and was dragged
five miles whilst holding on to his vessel. ....He was rescued by the Lifeboat before the fishing vessel hit the quay wall.

Just another day in Cornwall...................Stay safe this year...........weeladdie
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

10 January 2019....A starry sky last night with frost this morning....first heavy frost since November.

There was a presentation last evening regarding a competitor in the 1917 Ostar single handed race who had a knock down in a
hurricane which stove in one of his cabin windows , disabled his electrical system and steering gear....and set off his EPURB...

He was located by a Coast Guard Aircraft four hours out of Halifax Nova Scotia.......the aircraft had two hours to locate
other disabled competitors and a four hour return trip to Halifax....a 10 hour rescue trip.

The British Cunard Cruise liner Queen Elisabeth located the vessel some 12 hours later, she drifted down onto the yacht ,
launched a safety boat over the Leeward side and transferred the yacht skipper to the deck of the liner in the safety boat...

Three days later the liner arrived in Canada and the yacht skipper flew home.....It was unfortunate that the Yacht had to be
scuppered as a hazard to navigation.......just another day................

There was a story in the press recently concerning the sighting of a capsized yacht....the yacht had been drifting in the
Southern Ocean for 8 years after she had been abandoned by an American Teenage Round the World Yachtswoman.

The Yachtswoman was picked up by a French Fishing Vessel 200 miles west of Australia.....
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by dillon »

Cornwall? Do you know Doc Martin?

Just kidding. Smile!

As a matter of fact, the sun DOES shine out of my ...
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by dillon »

BTW, on January 3rd 2018, it started snowing here...a rarity...and accumulated about three inches. The temperature went to a record low of -4 F. On January 3rd 2019 the temperature was 76F, and I was doing yard work in shorts and sweating. No such thing as climate change? Go figure. And, BTW, despite a week of record cold, last winter still turned out with above average temperature, as have the last five winters.
As a matter of fact, the sun DOES shine out of my ...
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

dillon wrote:Cornwall? Do you know Doc Martin?

Just kidding. Smile!

All the locals smiled when they made
a few Quid out of the T.V. Series...Imaging making a weeks money every time you spend a daywaiting for a five minute shoot.....

Start at 6 AM...Spend an hour at the Chuck Waggon and Two hours on Sett....Then the accountant comes round with a suit case full of money to
to pay you for your 12 hours day rate.....

I worked with a specialist underwater camera man who was waiting on set at a World Famous waterfall for two weeks for the weather to break
for a 30 second shot......

Check out Charlestown Harbour in Cornwall ...A Company bought the harbour to berth their fleet of tall ships ....
The ships are chartered to companies for six months at a time................
.the harbour is up for sale If you want somewhere to park your boat as she is growing too big to keep in your bath....

If you want a Show Mans Traction Engine to hire out to a Film Company there is one for sale for Half a Million...
All smoke and steam and flashing lights............
On the Saturday Night of the Dorset Steam Fair all the Engines check their Fair Ground Lights at the same time.....

An Interesting September Evening..............
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 » warning...Roads are a sea of mud .....many country lanes have plenty of water in the gutter....When the water level rises
one foot in the fords across the roads we will have problems....
Hail and sleet at sun set. Temperature down to 3 C ....snow warning on the car dash panel.

Was calm down the beach today...sea water was very clear...Only Eight weeks and the weather might improve.....

The roads are in a poor state with potholes ...nice weather for sitting in the café behind fifty feet of glass on two sides of the building.

Just watch the clouds roll by and see the jets practicing their landing skills.

Did you know the new carrier has a four acre flight deck.....A friend of mine was following the carrier to America before Xmas....
They had a helicopter on the support tanker....there was not room for their helicopter on the carrier.

They found it was a bit rough off Nova Scotia.....they were at sea for two months

Check out the Sumalia Pirates ....
They had the Nato Navy shooting up their water supply tanks .....on a kidnapped Arab Dow Using a female sniper with small arms on a warship

When you have a day off... try hijacking a crude oil tanker with a thirty foot boat full of local pirates........

I must try and make a few quid with my new boat next year.........High Jack a Car Transporter with 2000 cars on board ,anchored off Falmouth.......
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

There was an interesting wrecking job in England , a Decade ago ....A container ship with approximately 3000 containers on board sank under tow .

Containers were washed off the deck and ended up on a beach close to the traditional wrecking and smuggling beach....One of my friends had married in to
a local land owning family...............The story is unbelievable ......I once went to sea with a gentleman who was the son of a focal farmer.

A bright lad ...Like the rest of us ....a bit wild.....he went to sea as a ships engineer......
there again he live near the beach which ended up as a wrecking feud between the Local farmers and the local Travelling gypsies......

The scene was set ... a ship grounded under tow....taken from under the noses of the French with prize of containers drifting ashore in a gale of wind....

The newly arrived rich retired townies . known as " blow ins " ( Hey look what the wind has blown in ) ....
saw all the tractors and trailers lined up on the beach.......

They could not believe what would happen next on a quiet a world of dogs and guns.........Just another day
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

dillon wrote:BTW, on January 3rd 2018, it started snowing here...a rarity...and accumulated about three inches. The temperature went to a record low of -4 F. On January 3rd 2019 the temperature was 76F, and I was doing yard work in shorts and sweating. No such thing as climate change? Go figure. And, BTW, despite a week of record cold, last winter still turned out with above average temperature, as have the last five winters.
Averages and weather change are relative terms in met office science.....Last march was unusual weather ...A 21 foot tidal surge came up the river
on 2 march.....we had problems with the Beast from The East with a Polar Vortex ....and snow , ....with no grit on the roads....
Everyone is ham strung with one vehicle disabled on a single track road.....I stayed off the roads for Two Days , but the snow was about for a week....

In the 1880''s we had a Blizzard with 8 feet of snow on the cliffs; a week later than our Beast from the East...A ship came ashore and half the crew froze to death
in the rigging........

We had a decent start to saturday and this was followed with a full gale of wind....Cold and showery for the last couple of days

Some of our high altitude weather fronts move at 200 miles per hour..... ......under certain conditions the Jet Stream over Scotland moves 500 miles South...

The summer Sun is becoming a problem with direct attack on the skin.....I tend to stay indoors late afternoon as this is the worst heat of the day....

My Father was out there when they needed them ...Working tropical hours 0600 to 1400....Iraq to Egypt.....Much of the sunny weather I hide in the shade....

The holiday makers try to fry themselves in the sun.....

The Arabs still remain cool in their long robes and head gear.....Many males dress in native gear with ankle length skirt type garments......

I have made many posts regarding the way the female changes from her Trousers to shorts to long dresses as the summer temperature increases....
There are all sorts of factors which control Temperature and clothes....I feel layers of male unbiforcated garments which are added or removed is
the answer for staying " Really Cool "......Considering skin temperature relative to Back passage or mouth core body temperature.

It is perhaps unfortunate that man { as a male ) has chosen to wear his style of clothes for fashion and power rather than dress in the style of Men in Skirts..

Remember my friends response to a local enquiry......" They all dress like that where he comes from ".....that is 10 miles down the road
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

Try this one for size ....I Work in a boilersuit as full P P E the summer I wear Speedo athletic swimming trunks as a core garment so I can dive into the
sea when I get hot....Last year sea temperature rose to 19 c.......0700 hrs one sunny morning my friend was working on his boat in his overalls.

I walked along the beach in my Overalls... and a lassie called to me from the water......a real mermaid.....She called me by my friends name ....

I chose to correct the lady and introduce myself...." Oh ,sorry , " ...she replied ...."I am not wearing my glasses "........

I repeated this story to one of my female friends....Her response was " Well Done , now we know which one of the incomers is his fancy piece ! "

" What was her name ? " , she enquired ......" Could not tell you " I replied ...." I was not wearing my glasses ....

But she was very wet when she walked out of the sea ".........................................................................................L.O.L.
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

Recent problems with a polar vortex in the Mid West......minus 50 .......near ...Fargo.............

Might be some footage on RotatorTrucks.....Mid West Trucks.....big time heavy vehicle recovery.....
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

update on Cornish weather Sunday 5 PM...Temperature still at 8 C....No problems with winter weather for
a couple of days ... overcast with S W wind ......much of the rain fill has drained away from the roadside ditches,,,

Navy Gliders flying today....quiet on the roads.....There may still problems with the roads further east in the county
with land rising to over 1200 feet ......Travel warnings for the Scottish Highlands this evening....

We might get more weather problems up to the end of March.......

Back in the 1880's at the end of march a ship went ashore in a blizzard with 8 feet of snow n the cliff top

Anything could happen with The jet stream possibly moving 500 miles south and the possibility of a polar vortex
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by Kirbstone »


We here a bit further West out into the Stream got complacant having not had a flake of snow since 2010 and again none through the Winter of 2017-8 only to be hit by the Beast from the East in March last year with more than half-a-meter of level snow........well over Wee Laddie's wellies, to be sure, which confined everybody to quarters for 4-5 days. Drifting elsewhere killed animals on high fields and closed businesses. Fact is, we don't have the machinery to quickly deal with it.

Not a flake here so far this year on 'low' ground, a dusting on the hills round about, but generally above-zero temps throughout, but I have two lots of 1st cousins who farm on and near Bodmin Moor, plus a daughter who lives high over Plymouth with a view right into East Cornwall, all of whom report a difficult week just past, but an improvement on the way as of now.

Last year taught us however, that it's early days yet this Winter, even though the daffodils are a foot high and in bloom all over the place.

Carpe Diem......Seize the Day !
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

Thanks for that Tom....We had problems last year with a dusting of snow and then a frost with the Beast from the East.
We suffered from ungritted roads....

If you are 100 miles inland and had half a metre of snow last year you are probably higher than our 200 feet
above sea level.

The council spent much time on their roadside ditch maintenance last summer and ended up with their ditches
full of water last week ...the water has now drained into the sea.....

I am not waiting for the 1880 's End of March Style of weather........
with a good shipwreck and 8 feet of snow on the clifftops

You spoke of the water level on your Boating Lake....and the Autumn rise in level...

It was possibly when the American Troops were organising their D Day Embarkation from the Helford River
that culverts were put under the local fords ........The road levels are probably two feet above the bottom
of the culverts..........It usually takes 2 or 3 days for the culvert to drain the excess rain.

Back in the days when the Helford River Ferry Service took the farmers horse and cart across the river
on their weekly trip to falmouth ....
The Cart full of Produce was taken on the ferry,.... but the horse had to swim behind the ferry..........Rod
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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by Kirbstone »

Rs sNOw GO, Mar 2018.jpg

Surely that Helford River ferry service was putting the cart before the horse ? !

Nowhere in Ireland is 100 miles from the sea, or hardly in Britain either. Yes, we are at 83 meters or 260 feet, but in boggy lowlands. Our local river the Liffey flows by at ca. 80 meters but is very well controlled by three dams, so never floods. The top Liffey reservoir at Blessington dropped some 4 meters during last Summer's exceptional drought as did water tables everywhere, but levels are back to normal now.

What fell on us Country-wide last March was the worst snow in living memory and confined us to barracks for five days, but coming at that time of year was destined not to last.

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Re: Winter in Cornwall U.K.

Post by weeladdie18 »

Tuesday we had thick fog....temperature rose to 13 C........

There was a story in the press of a 1780's blizzard in Norfolk
...where a lady fell from her horse in the snow and was too weak to remount and spent a week in a snowdrift
under 15 feet of snow.....she pushed a flag on a stick though the snow drift and was found a week later by a farmer..
She survived by eating snow

In the same snow period a coach was completely buried in a snowdrift....the horses and passengers were rescued.....

A meteorologist was suggesting that we might get extreme snow in SW UK ......once every seven years
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