R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

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Re: R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

Post by 6ft3Aussie »

Yes I'm convinced that the human is made up of physical body, soul (mind, intellect, personality) and spirit.

I recall a time probably about 25 - 26 years ago, some years after my grandfather died, I was at their place and up on the back lawn next to where the car was parked, and I looked around (was at night I was looking around at the lights etc as their place was on the top of a ridge overlooking Wellington Harbour) and I could have sworn that he was sitting in the drivers seat of the car.....

Then when I lived in Auckland (New Zealand) I was with some friends at a place that one of them rented, after a weekend of being out and about.
One of our friends was very tired so she had a sleep in one bedroom, we were in the lounge talking, the TV was on in the corner, nothing untoward, and then after an hour or so she came out of the bedroom very pale and terrified, saying that she felt someone lying behind her on the bed, breathing on her, she knew there was no-one else in the room, and she was almost paralysed with fear.
She came out and we were talking about it, and after several, maybe 10 minutes or so, several of us, myself included saw out of the corner of your eye a figure walk out of that bedroom and go down the hallway.
We all looked at each other and asked who that was, but we were all in the lounge room, the girl who was in that room was almost freaking out, so we all left and went back to my place..
My friend who lived there had said that several times they had heard the sound of someone flapping a bed sheet as though to shake out wrinkles, or heard soft music or footsteps. They said that my friend's big ginger cat always stayed close and would not go into a couple of areas of the house at night...

The only things where we live here that go bump or make noise in the night are our two cats chasing each other or planes flying into or out of Brisbane international airport...
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Re: R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

Post by Kirbstone »

Amazing that the house of a murderer was offered you for sale and you bought it.

In Bristol, UK an infamous couple, the Wests murdered and buried a number of young girls in their house & garden. The police located and reburied all the bodies, but the house was razed. No-one in their right mind would buy it.

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Re: R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

Post by Fred in Skirts »

Kirbstone wrote:Fred-in-skirts,
Amazing that the house of a murderer was offered you for sale and you bought it.
In Bristol, UK an infamous couple, the Wests murdered and buried a number of young girls in their house & garden. The police located and reburied all the bodies, but the house was razed. No-one in their right mind would buy it.
This was in 1955 and the estate seller did not disclose that anything had happened in the house. It was also an attached house (part of a row house where all of the houses are attached together) so could not be torn down. The house had been repainted and a new cellar floor had been poured so my parents did not know of the history of the house until after we had moved in. :(
In today's world the house would have been torn down as soon as the police were finished with their investigation.

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Re: R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

Post by skirtyscot »

The Wests lived in a semi-detached house. Both halves were demolished. Presumably the neighbours were given a new house.
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Re: R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

Post by skirtyscot »

There was a murder a few years ago, close to where I live. The road was shut for about a month while the police examined the flat. All they ever found was a thumb and an iron with some of the victim's skin burnt on to it. The flat is still there, though I have no idea if it is occupied or not. I heard on the grapevine that it was owned by the builder who did my house extension, and that gave me a frisson of schadenfreude. Owning property which he probably couldn't let or sell seemed poetic justice for the mess he made of mine. But then I heard that he had sold it before the murder. :(

Poor woman, she must have been tortured horribly before they killed her.
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Re: R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

Post by Sinned »

Fred, the properties you describe would be called terraced houses over here and are probably the most common type in towns or cities, particularly in the older and industrial parts of towns. Built to incorporate large numbers of workers and typically without gardens and just a yard at the back and a pavement outside and the road. The smaller ones were two up two downs [0] without bathrooms and an outside lavatory. My grandmother rented one for twenty odd years and there were loads where I used to live. It's only relatively recently that areas such as these are razed and modern dwelling built often not much larger than the ones they replaced but with a small garden and semi-detached or detached. It was only with the advent of Council houses [1] that the standards were improved with three or more bedrooms, a bathroom, living room and a decent sized garden. The roads were wider too.

[0] Two rooms downstairs, living room and kitchen and two bedrooms upstairs.
[1] Houses built by a local Council and rented out. Margaret Thatcher enabled ( forced? ) Councils to sell them off to sitting tenants at a discount on the market value. Rebuilding programmes have not really been taken up.

As for spirit experiences this one happened relatively recently. Several years ago MOH and I were on holiday in Playa de las Americas, Tenerif and the room we were in had activity. I sleep less than MOH so often I sit up reading in another room rather than disturb her. I did so on this holiday and would lay on the sofa in the living room whilst MOH slept in the bedroom. Many times I would feel a tickling of the hairs on my back which I initially put down to draughts even though, when I came to think about it, there weren't any. After a few days I became uneasy and stopped doing it, reading outside instead [0]. The last night of our holiday we were laid in bed, sans clothing [0], when I could feel the sheet that was covering us being pulled down and was half way off. MOH felt it too and we pulled the sheet back up and I put the light on. I searched the flat but there was no sign of anybody or thing. MOH went back to sleep but I couldn't. I got the impression in the atmosphere of a young man, mischievous but not malicious. Had that not been our last night though I would have requested a change of room. Talking to one of the staff the next morning we were informed that a lad had drowned on site and that had been the room that he had used but there had been no reported spirit activity by other guests. So was it just us or had other guests just not wanted to report things? I don't know, but what happened to us was real. This is only one of many such incidents that have happened during my life.

[0] It was, like, 70+. This was the Canaries, after all.
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Re: R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

Post by pelmut »

Kirbstone wrote:..In Bristol, UK an infamous couple, the Wests murdered and buried a number of young girls in their house & garden.
It was in Gloucester, not Bristol. At the time I was helping a friend, who lived in a town in Gloucestershire, to dig up her patio to lay some drains - we wondered if we were going to be suspected of something...
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Re: R.i.P. Prof Stephen Hawking

Post by Kirbstone »

I sit corrected, Pelmut. It was a longtime ago and I had thought it was Bristol. I'd hate to spread fake news or alternative facts, so I'm glad you set me straight on that one.
Speaking of drains, a jerk living in Kilburn, London complained of blocked drains and the Dyno-Rod people or whoever discovered a severed human head had caused the blockage. This got the cops onto him and it transpired that he had been bumping off unattached vulnerable blokes for years & dismembering them. Charming!

I think I've got the location right this time.

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