What do your children think ?

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

Goth Scot, I think your prejudices are showing. I'll never forget the very warm, sunny smiles I got from a beautiful little girl in a full=length dress and hijab and her mother.

I'm sorry your own godchild regards you that way. Btw, your NOT body-slamming him will ultimately embarrass him. He acted like a complete and total boor; you showed some grace. Who's the more manly? Someday he will see the error in his ways.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by GothScot »

No no, something's getting lost in the translation here.

His mom is an ardent Trump supporter and she was one of the first people I outed myself to/first to be encouraging that what I was doing wasn't a crime against nature, but she did that 180 and the rest of the family are the very folks Trump and his ilk want to harm. Her disease spread through the rest of them. That's the end of it.

Understand, I was very protective of Jalal after he got jumped at school back in 2001 because some good ol' boys had the mentality of "You look like those guys who blew up the Twin Towers!" and worried all his work was going to be useless because what 'Murican is going to let him fly a plane when they look at his name?

Then he pulled that stunt. Heartbreaking.

Anyway, moot point. Washed my hands of them. Continue with what you were all doing. Will pop back in a few months from now.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by Wonderful Electric »

I have a 4 year old daughter who sometimes tells me to wear a skirt if I ask her for help picking out clothes to wear. I think she understands that most men don't wear skirts. We have talked about clothes and pants because she had an awful time with only wearing skirts and dresses. She never wanted to wear pants or even tights under her dresses and skirts in the cold winter. We had to point out that "mom wears pants and she's a girl." It didn't help. I guess every parent fights with kids about this though. Anyway, in her own words, "pants are for boys and girls. Skirts are for girls and boys." I hope she never grows out of that.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by Sinned »

W.E. that's a wonderfully well-adjusted daughter you have there. I hope she never grows out of it.

Those who have been following my story know that I have 2 grandchildren that I have refrained from seeing me in a skirt because their mother is a bit of a b*tch who would use anything against my son to stop him seeing them and hence there's long-standing issues about who they live with. My son now has everyday custody of them and the court order has gone through. I still have hesitated for them to see me in a skirt out of respect of this situation. Well, this afternoon I am sat at home in a black skater type skirt because it is over 30/80 here and I don't want tight sticky shorts on. Who should come through the door but one of these grandchildren - my granddaughter. She's 11 and due to start Secondary school in September. Well, I can't exactly hide the skirt but I don't attract attention to it either - I just act normally. She doesn't bat an eyelid but I can see that MOH is not exactly pleased and mouths something at me from the kitchen and has a face like thunder. Of course all is sweetness and light around my granddaughter as she gets ready for work. I may be in for a hard time tonight when she gets in. For me it's one less obstacle to me wearing a skirt whenever I want to which in the current heatwave is all the time.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by beachlion »

I have no children of myself, that is not that I know of. Maybe somewhere in France ....

According to my ex-partner, I could not handle kids so having no kids is a blessing to the world. When I moved in, the ex-partner had a son of 12 and I ended his status of the man in the house. And he did not liked it.

When I married my wife in 2010, a son of 40 and a daugther of 30 were living with her. The son could and still can not find a job that pays enough to live on his own. To me he never tried hard enough (he is lazy as hell). The daugther is sligthly mentally handicapped. I don't care about the sons opinion and the daugther takes it as it comes. The only person of concern is my wife and she accepts it as long as it is not too short. But I'm sneaking up millimeter by millimeter. :evil:
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by Milfmog »

I wrote here about my son and his view of my skirt wearing. I can't believe it was almost 11 years ago.

he'#s still completely unfazed by my choice of clothing.

Have fun,

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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by oldsalt1 »

I have 2 sons one who lives with me now and another from a prior marriage. I have only met with him a few times over the past few years I am visiting him tomorrow I will be wearing a skirt I only told him that my clothing choices is a little unusual. I will post his reactions. As for the son who lives with me in April I went to a major league baseball game . I was wearing the kilt that he bought me as a birthday gift.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by crfriend »

Milfmog wrote:I wrote here about my son and his view of my skirt wearing. I can't believe it was almost 11 years ago.
Where the heck does it go?
he'#s still completely unfazed by my choice of clothing.
It's completely normalised for him now. Did you ever get him the camouflage kilt?
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

I have a stepson & stepdaughter.

When I first talked to my stepdaughter and her husband about my skirting, Jeff's response was that "Hell yeah!" he wanted his daughter/ my granddaughter, to see me in skirts. As he put it, he wanted her to grow up knowing that good people can also be different. Unfortunately, they have since decided to cut out of theirs and my granddaughter's lives. I think it's mostly in deference to my ex-'s feelings. That are too complicated to go into, let's leave it at she never wants to see me in a dress or skirt under any circumstance whatsoever!

I guess she's in for big problems if I make it to heaven. Can't you just hear it, "Paradise isn't big enough for the 2 of us! Especially since you've got nicer legs!" I expect just her saying something like that will earn her the down elevator. Just kidding, we achieve the rest of enlightenment on the other side.

My stepson, who has the same mother, prides himself on being a macho man, so I have never broached the topic with him.

Nonetheless, his son/ my grandson, who I never had a particularly strong relationship with, just started working at the Safeway grocery store I frequent. Because he was out of context, I hadn't recognize him, but once I got it, he insisted on my giving him a hug. I happened to be in shorts and a Henley shirt so I can't be sure how he'll respond the first time he sees me in a dress at the store he now works at, but I'm sure my wardrobe choices made the rounds in the (ex-?) family and clearly he wanted me to know he wants a good relationship.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by oldsalt1 »

Like I said on the other blog I went into the city to see my other son. He had no problem with my wearing a skirt. This son is from a prior marriage. I also have a daughter from this marriage that I haven't seen in many years. I told by son that I would like to get back with her. The commute to visit her would take just a little longer she lives in Hawaii. Hmmm a flight skirted HMMMM
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by crfriend »

oldsalt1 wrote:I also have a daughter from this marriage that I haven't seen in many years. I told by son that I would like to get back with her. The commute to visit her would take just a little longer she lives in Hawaii. Hmmm a flight skirted HMMMM
Ask your son what his sister's e-mail address is and feel it out. Blood is usually thicker than water and after "n" years any remaining angst or anger (or anything else) will have probably faded. If he's in communication with her, then she'll find out eventually about your desires anyway. It is -- really -- a fairly small world, even though it is badly fractured.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by oldsalt1 »

I already told him to break the ice . He said he will bring up the subject with her
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by skirtingtheissue »

My two daughters are 29 and 31 and they are fine with it. I've gone out to the West Coast to visit them with no pants or shorts on me or in my suitcase. My older daughter, talented in such matters, made two Red Sox skirts out of four XXL T-shirts and that, with a T-shirt, is my standard outfit when I see games. I also wear "marketed to women" clothes made by a company she works for. No problems!

(Sorry to reactivate this thread but I have been away from the forum for a while!)

When I heard about skirting, I jumped in with both feet!
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by STEVIE »

My son aged 30, completely fine and cool.
25 year old daughter decidedly not, but improving.
Simple fact is that as a parent, I will make compromises for my kids.
Compromises I would not make for anyone else.
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Re: What do your children think ?

Post by skirted »

My daughter does not care what I wear. She has seen me in skirts but not in a dress yet,but that is coming.
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