SkirtCafe Core Values

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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by Pythos »

Brad, please go over to pics and looks and look at both my Goth style, and my skirted styles. Both were accepted by the moderators. One is very hardcore Goth, with makeup and jewlery and a long black as night wig. The others are what I used to answer one posters ideas for skirted outfits. All are "women's" skirts, and all have hose involved.

So I disagree with your stance the moderators are too narrow.

The Goth style is under "not quite free style, but uber goth" and the other is "my response to skirting the real issue".

Have fun, and don't run away. That helps no one.

Looking at my earlier post in this thread it would seem that there was a bit of a dust up about what was acceptable and what was not. But things have lightened up for me as far as I can see.
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by Caultron »

Brad wrote:Ok so let me get this straight- it's about wearing skirts but not cross-dressing.
Right. The borderline is a little ambiguous, at least to me, but full-bore cross dressing with wigs, makeup, and breast forms is off-topic.
Brad wrote:It's about wearing skirts but not pantyhose and high heels.
You can talk about wearing pantyhose and heels with skirts, but this site isn't for those whose interest is pantyhose or heels alone.
Brad wrote: We claim to favor fashion-freedom for men but only if it is the fashion that suits the moderators.
True, the site has its scope of interest. Other sites support different interests. You can't please all the people all the time.
Brad wrote: This place is too restrictive and rule-driven. I know that my tastes are probably too radical even for this group and some find that hard to accept. But it seems that this community no longer suits me. I liked posting at the more open-minded and freestyling Atrium but it seems to have died since Kristine gave it up.

The old saying goes that s/he who pays the piper gets to call the tune. Well, since I'm not paying, I don't get to make the rules so I'll vote with my feet and move on. I hope you guys sort out your issues.

Remember the founder, Tom Manuel, an open-minded and sensible kilt-wearer who accepted others who were not him.
That is your prerogative, but please don't be hasty.
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by Disaffected.citizen »

I just wonder whether or not the "Brad" whom you have quoted still visits and remains a member; his username in the posts is in black and doesn't hyperlink to a membership. There is an active user named Brad who joined in 2012, but the quoted posts pre-date his registration and are from 2009.

Resurrecting older threads can be interesting but, sorry Caultron, I'm not sure of the benefit in trying to engage with somebody who is, apparently, no longer here.
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by Caultron »

Egan, you're right. I have no idea how I picked this up as a current thread. An errant tap on my iPad, probably. Should've checked the date. And here I am posting to it again. Ridiculous.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by Disaffected.citizen »

Caultron wrote:Egan, you're right. I have no idea how I picked this up as a current thread. An errant tap on my iPad, probably. Should've checked the date. And here I am posting to it again. Ridiculous.
You're not the first and you'll not be the last. I'm just glad I'm not the only one :lol:
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by crfriend »

Of note here, now that this thread has resurfaced, is the delta in time between when it went dormant and when it lit back up -- it's the better part of a decade. In Internet time, that's an eternity. Internet time cycles faster than the "news cycle".

Contemplate for a few moments the differences between 2009 and 2017. Society around us has morphed perceptibly in that span. Perhaps it's not as much as some would have desired, but it has changed -- and I suspect for the better. Eight years ago I felt the need to be fully aware of my surroundings (as in TSA -- Total Situational Awareness) whereas now I don't, although the feeling is returning. Going to work in a skirt in 2008 was almost unthinkable, and now I wear skirts to work vastly more often than I wear trousers.

For some of the history, skip back to the originating post in this thread. Contemplate the time; read some of the infighting that was going on in the community. That history is all here, save for a few individuals who decided to erase all trace of their ever being here, which is sad and pokes holes in the history. In the short (comparatively) time Skirt Cafe has been around, it's already generated a history of its own -- and a history that the various members of the community, both past and present -- and hopefully future -- should be proud of. Sure, there are parts that we should be embarrassed about -- but that's part of "growing up" and "evolving".

Has the place changed? Sure it has -- just like the world we live in. Is this bad? I'd posit "no", but that may just be the optimist in me.
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by Sinned »

It was also nice to skim-read the Core Values again and see that they are mostly applicable today. Sure they were written in a different context but true core values should remain constant. In view of some of the acrimonious posts we have had recently perhaps it is good that we should have such reminders every now and again.
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by kiltedBob »

Hello all.... I came down with several mini- strokes last summer and this is the first time I have been able to concentrate on most anything...I was not aware of the controversies here at Skirt Café.. I enjoy my kilts, the better half is tolerant and goes out of HER mind if I wear a skirt...It is a shame that some folks are so narrow minded about some things, and yet there is no problem when they are in pants etc... Just as I have to tolerate this discrimination about what I WEAR.... that is life....After reading some of the posts, I want to throw my .05 cents worth into the "cake mixer". If things become to rank on thoughts, the moderator needs to step in and get the fire hose out and douse the flames before they become forest or grass fires...However, some smoke is there it makes a bland discussion a wee bit more interesting... I like to live by the old axiom: "that is why some drive chevies' and some drive fords"...I drive an OLD VW diesel....(82 model)... Let's be tolerant of each other's likes and dislike and NOT grind on them for their differences.... wouldn't it be terrible if we all wore the same cloths, with the same colors, texture, etc.etc.etc...!

Anyway, I am glad to be back up and running....I hope I haven't stirred the pot.... If you see an old coot in a kilt driving a diesel Rabbit in Oregon, that probably will be me....! Happy skirting, and happy kilting!!!!
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by crfriend »

kiltedBob wrote:[...] I came down with several mini- strokes last summer and this is the first time I have been able to concentrate on most anything...
Yikes! That's no fun. Here's hoping that there's no lasting damage and that you'll retain full function. (Stroke first disabled my dad, and then killed him altogether-too-later thereafter.)
If things become to rank on thoughts, the moderator needs to step in and get the fire hose out and douse the flames before they become forest or grass fires...However, some smoke is there it makes a bland discussion a wee bit more interesting...
The moderators try to operate with a deft hand in this, and usually can do so because the community is normally very congenial. Where it really ran off the rails is when this particular moderator ran a bit of a "science experiment" to see if political discussion could be tolerated in an otherwise very intelligent and erudite community. The experiment was largely a failure, and that was down to a tiny handful of individuals who crossed all the normal bounds of polite discourse -- just as it seems it is in the Real World -- so I should have been neither surprised nor disappointed by the outcome.
Anyway, I am glad to be back up and running....I hope I haven't stirred the pot...
Glad to hear it, and, no I do not believe the pot has been stirred.
Happy skirting, and happy kilting!!!!
There ya go!
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by kiltedBob »

Thank you for your replies and wishes....The episode was good and bad...Good because I lost 35 pounds! Bad because I think most of it was between the ears!1 I guess at 80, I am doing well... My Texanese come in occassionaly.... See YOUALL) later....You hear!
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by moonshadow »

It's interesting to see this old history, and it also explains a few other matters that have bubbled up here and there since my time here.

What I find particularly interesting is how skirt cafe seems to have morphed into a mostly "freestyler" forum. Whereas freestyling post greatly outrank kilting post by a pretty large margin.

I can see that even my chosen style might have been met with some measure of blow back on skirtcafe circa 2008.

No matter... I rather like the sites accepting nature it has today. Even if I am somewhat running out of things to talk about. It seems I've skirted in just about all situations and lived to tell the tale.

Still I wonder, what happened to all the "bravehearts"?
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Re: SkirtCafe Core Values

Post by Grok »

The "brave hearts" are likely spending their time with The Brotherhood of the Kilt or X Marks the Scot.

So far as I know there is a dearth of freestyler forums-I suspect that by default SkirtCafe is it.
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