A Missed Opporchancity

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Big and Bashful »

I had a phone call today, a request to run the PA in our village hall (brilliant system) for a party. No idea whose party or what sort of party, I just know th PA nad know the musician playing for the night.
Anyway, if only I had known what sort of party; the theme was fancy dress and to go as your favourite charactor from a book. Fantastic turnout and everyone had dressed for the occasion. There was me and the musician dressed in shirt and jeans, feeling out of place because we were dressed normally.
I am now wracking my brains, trying to think of a book charactor who would have given me an excuse to go skirted, if I had known. Closest I can think of would have been to make up robes and have joined the ranks of the Gandalfs. I am not comfortable in short skirts so gladiatorial type rig wouldn't feel right.
I know it is too late, however, ideas for charactors for a skirted outfit for a me?
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by crfriend »

Well, it's a "lost opportunity" but not a complete failure as it got your brain in gear.

I'm not at all certain about men in skirts in literature, but given that much latitude can be had by simply making something up and sticking to your story. (It's likely a safe bet that nobody's going to go to the trouble to look it up!)

Concoct a good story and stick to it! You should be good to go.
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Judah14 »

I second the robes idea, as I myself have dressed up as Bible characters who wear robes such as Jesus of Nazareth.
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Taj »

South Pacific islander comes to mind. Sarong and an Aloha shirt.
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Big and Bashful »

I like the islander idea, However I always fancied the wizardly thing. thinking back to skirted men in literature, there is a clive Barker book featuring either ghosts or undeady types, one of whom was a man who had died in drag, totally unconcerned about the fact that he was going to spend eternity in (if I remember correctly) a dress. Bit of an obscure character to base a costume on but I suppose it qualifies. However that party was last night and I have still to master time travel!
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by kiltguyire »

I always fine it not fun moving and setting up gear in a skirt or kilt, But thats just me
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Sinned »

Can't remember too many specifics but there have been magicians that wore a tunic rather than a robe. A magician in one of the Shrek films I think but I'm sure that there have been more. Other than that all the examples I can think of are men playing it for comedy or as drag, cross-dressing etc. Tootsie, Mrs Doubtfire, Flubber and so on. Any mileage in Priscilla?
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Taj »

I have enough gear for a passable Gandalf. So much so that a restaurant manager where I dined with friends last October stopped me making my exit to tell me, "You shall not pass!" He said that he had always wanted to use that line.

I've considered what you said about the afterlife. I've long felt that I was a female spirit (if gender even exists in spirit) in a male body. I don't wrestle with any conflict at my age, 61, but rather figure it will all sort out when I pass. Eternity is a far greater period than life in the physical plane. How I feel about myself v.s. what others perceive visually doesn't mean much. I just wish that society could get over the pigeonhole thing. I'll continue on with my quiet sensitivity to the matter and somewhat pity the narrow minded for what they miss in life.
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Caultron »

Just about any male character from more than 250 years ago ought to do.

I'd probably go for a knight, squire, king, cleric, merchant, peasant, musician, or something like that but surely there are many others.

Or if that's not bold enough, there's always Lady Gaga...
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by wsherman »

How about brother Cadfael long monks robes and quite an intriguing series of books.
If there is always the steam punk Shawnray and although I have not read any books based on that Shawnray I'm sure that there are some out there
Or how about one of the Shakespeare's plays say McBeth. My wife recently watched a movie based off the play and Comm commented on how many kilts rent a movie. Airline sorry about that I'm recovering from a chest cold and my voice squeaks so when I'm dictating something Siri doesn't always catch what I say. Airline heard a good one the other day and I'll just stick it in here. Innovators who push the envelope never realize that it still stationary.

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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Barefoot Joe »

How about Game of Thrones? Pretty much every male character is wearing some sort of skirt, robe or dress.
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Big and Bashful »

Sinned wrote:Can't remember too many specifics but there have been magicians that wore a tunic rather than a robe. A magician in one of the Shrek films I think but I'm sure that there have been more. Other than that all the examples I can think of are men playing it for comedy or as drag, cross-dressing etc. Tootsie, Mrs Doubtfire, Flubber and so on. Any mileage in Priscilla?
Priscilla! That made me laugh! (your comment) I can't see me going for that look, again, my inhibitions because me in full drag would be hilarious. Damn my stupid brain!
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by skirtingtoday »

I don't think that your book character has to be male does it? Plenty of female characters from books are available if you put your mind to it...

eg lady Macbeth, Eliza Doolittle, Daenarys Targaryen (Game of Thrones), Hermione Grainger (Harry Potter), Arya Stark (GoT again) - sure there are many more...
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by Big and Bashful »

kiltguyire wrote:I always fine it not fun moving and setting up gear in a skirt or kilt, But thats just me
I am slightly confused, do you mean you don't find it fun setting up skirted? I find a knee length cargo or hiking kilt great when doing lifting and shifting. I like to wear ankle length though and they are awkward, if stairs or steps are involved as well as getting rather warm, like jeans, when working hard. Calf length is a good compromise in colder conditions.
I really miss Midas, they made really good cargo skirts in denim and I had them make me them in calf, ankle and knee length, but I wish I had more than one of each because nothing lasts forever.
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Re: A Missed Opporchancity

Post by denimini »

kiltguyire wrote:I always fine it not fun moving and setting up gear in a skirt or kilt, But thats just me
I find skirts are great for hard physical work; carrying building stone, climbing scaffold, mixing concrete .................. anything. I always feel younger and fitter when wearing a skirt doing that sort of work. It needs to be one with freedom of movement.
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