Do folks notice or not?

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by SkirtRevolution »

In my experience, when I wear a kilt I am noticed a lot more that when in a skirt, but being a kilt it is immediately accepted as a men’s garment and accepted in a positive way, I think people look only because they are surprised to see something new. When in a kilt I sometimes get positive comments like “I love your kilt”. I also find men that would be the kind of guys to make drunken jokes are even silenced from making a comment about me in a kilt, almost intimidated by a another guy with confidence they don’t have. My impression from people is that it is taken as a men’s garment and warrants no reason to stop what they are doing, so people just go on with their business as if all is normal in their world. Often people react to me as if I am in shorts, or better even though they have clearly seen the kilt.

In a skirt such as a cargo skirt, I have found that 98% of people never notice, but for the ones that do notice the interpretation and acceptance would be different than if I was in a kilt, but not necessarily negative or a big enough deal for them to think twice about it. I also find that being in a crowed place is better than when there are only a few people as in a crowed place people are more oblivious to detail and will completely miss a guy wearing are skirt.

One experience that I have had was when I was wearing a black knee length skirt. I was in a dress shop as my wife was trying on a few new dresses. After about an hour of helping my wife with the SA my wife commented on my skirt and the SA said that she didn’t even notice me in a skirt, even after talking with me for about an hour.

Also, I would also have to say that we should never go by what we see on people faces. One thing I learnt with public speaking in front of large crowds is to never go by people faces to determine how well your speech is going, because it is always different than what you expect. Some people may notice your skirt, laugh, twist their face or even point and draw a friend’s attention, but this may not mean they are against you for wearing a skirt. In many cases they maybe 100% supportive of men in skirts and in fact happy to see a man finally in one in public.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by skirtyscot »

skirtingseattle wrote:once I started wearing my kilts out into public (not my miniskirts) with family and friends, they tell me that they notice a large number of people doing double-takes and staring when I am not facing in their direction - many more than I noticed when wearing skirts. ... Without a scientifically controlled experiment, it is impossible for me to say if kilts that I wear are more noticeable and solicit more attention than miniskirts that I wear.

A friend walking along 10 paces behind you, taking notes? A webcam discreetly sewn into the back of your collar?

There was a thread a few months ago about an SC member wearing a kilt and noting its effect on people, as an assignment at university. There could be a useful body of information building up out there!
Keep on skirting,

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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Hemitom »

Well one of the last times i wore a skirt out it was on a Friday night and we went to Pizza hut and as far as i could tell the only person that noticed was my wife. no one seamed to really care,but when we went into Walmart there were a lot of lookers. a few young teenagers were making fun and laughing but i really didn't care. well now after my divorce I'm wondering if that might have killed it..oh well!!

I did talk to one of my neighbors and she told me that i need to be who i am and don't worry about what others think. if I'm comfortable in a skirt than wear it. i just still have that worry...that's all...
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Tassierob »

Hemitom wrote:Well one of the last times i wore a skirt out it was on a Friday night and we went to Pizza hut and as far as i could tell the only person that noticed was my wife. no one seamed to really care,but when we went into Walmart there were a lot of lookers. a few young teenagers were making fun and laughing but i really didn't care. well now after my divorce I'm wondering if that might have killed it..oh well!!

I did talk to one of my neighbors and she told me that i need to be who i am and don't worry about what others think. if I'm comfortable in a skirt than wear it. i just still have that worry...that's all...
Thats the problem with teenagers...peer pressure makes them react without thinking or asking themselves why. Thats why these days I just smile and walk on by..always with confidence. Kilt or skirt, I don't believe there is any difference in peoples reaction here. Some one asked me the other day why I had on a kilt at work (Not a work mate) and my reply had them thinking. "just because I can" :D

I agree with your neighbour totally. I had a thought the other day. If you can't be your true self then who can you be?
I might add the other reason I wear what I please is I don't want to die with regrets and life is short, so be yourself whatever that may be. If only it was really that easy :(
The more we try to be our selves the better people we are, not just blindly following what the masses may think as normal. There is so much more to life if you break out of the square box that society and government tries to keep everyone in.

There is an well know sailor Webb Chiles who has a saying I love."“Live passionately, even if it kills you, because something is going to kill you anyway.”

O.K off the soap box :D (Its my birthday so thats my excuse!)
If you haven't worn a skirt you haven't found freedom!
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by skirtingtoday »

I think many people do not actually notice as they are so concentrating on what they are doing or going to do next, that distractions of a man in a skirt simply do not register. The few that do see something "odd" split into three categories. The laugh/sound car horn or wolf whistle lot :roll: (thankfully very few :) ), the "I saw that but I can't just stop him in the street and speak to him" group and the final lot who do make a positive comment - which is also a very rare event where I come from. Great boost when you do get one of those though :D 8)

The majority of those who do notice seem content to simply have a second look down or look back at you but have no real visible reaction to the sight. There is no knowing if they pass on the sight to others or not - hopefully it is discussed and there might be others who could "try it out" for themselves

I have had very positive comments from some ladies, one of whom said jealously, that I had better legs than her! :D and another from a man who asked if the ladies cargo skirt was a form of modern kilt. Not sure if he was looking to get one for himself but the vibes seem to indicate just that.

Just wish this miserable weather would improve to get more skirt-wearing done. Single figures Centigrade today and steady rain all day :(
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by crfriend »

Tassierob wrote:There is an well know sailor Webb Chiles who has a saying I love. “Live passionately, even if it kills you, because something is going to kill you anyway.”
Hear, hear!!
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by STEVIE »

Yes, of course, most people notice a guy in a skirt. The variation comes in the level and type of reaction.
On Sunday, I think I had my most pleasant reaction so far. I caught the eye of a female motorist and it was a very obvious stare.
I gave her a cheery wave which was returned with a grin. Made my day anyway.
I've only had one negative comment and that ,I pointedly ignored. Equally, I've never had anyone give their congratulations yet.
My enjoyment of my regular outings has only increased as I've relaxed enough to respond positively to looks and pretty much ignore the rest.
I've also discovered that a denim skirt is not an invisibility cloak, although my longer one seems to get less looks than a shorter one I sometimes wear. I reckon it's the way the silhouette of a shorter skirt appears that causes this.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Hemitom »

Ok right now I'm staying with my mother while i get myself back on my feet after a divorce.... anyway, the other night i decided to go over to a friends place.i decided to wear one of my skirts with taupe tights. (now my mother doesn't know about my skirt wearing.) when i returned home about midnight or so.. later my mother was up watching TV...she saw me and didn't say anything..

the next morning my friend picked me up to go to and pick up some oil for our cars. when i got dressed i put on the same thing i had on the night before....I was sitting on my bed waiting. well my mom comes up and looks right at me and doesn't say a word. now at that time i thought she would have noticed the difference between skirts and shorts. anyway, i spent the next 6-7 hours that way. a lot of people saw me and i didn't see any stares or comments being made.

I came home and walked by mom numerous times..nothing said... later that afternoon i asked mom "what did i have on that morning??? she said shorts and a t-shirt. and nothing else said. so that just told me that she really didn't notice the difference. so really do people really notice??

On a side note the other night i watched a program on TV i think it was the discovery was called "headgames" they were showing how peoples brain can only notice a few things before it overloads itself. the normal person doen't notice the obvious things right in front of them... ... k-peek.htm
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Since1982 »

But do any of us really care if other people notice or not
I like for folks to notice i'm wearing a skirt instead of pants. Why go thru life just existing? Often it starts an interesting conversation, even if it's unfriendly. Like, "Why aren't you wearing pants? Aren't you a MAN??"

Lots of opportunities for different answers there.. :faint:
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Since1982 »

Like...Yes I am a MAN, however, not riding a bicycle, mule, horse, Harley Davidson, Japanese Speedobike or OTHER split legged garment much of the time, I'll just continue being comfortable instead of joining the split legged garments clothing, I'll just force myself to continue wearing comfortable skirted garments. :D :D :D :faint:
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Hemitom »

Well so fer my mother hasn't noticed or at least said anything. I've worn it numerous around her and still nothing. i haven't told her either yet., but i might... :mrgreen:
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by JRMILLER »

In my experience, it depends on the kind of skirt you are wearing... I have a cargo skirt from Eddie Bauer that looks very much like cargo shorts, it is knee length and has about a 4" slit in the center starting at the hem which really gives the impression of shorts. It's very rare that anyone notices this is really a skirt. The only time I recall is when my back was to a group for a prolonged time and some guy noticed and I heard him say to his wife "that's a skirt, I thought he was wearing shorts". He must have thought I was deaf.

Kilts tend to flare and there is no mistaking them for anything but kilts, they are noticed. Usually it's a very positive experience with the people who notice.

Sarongs seem to be OK and people around seem to know what a sarong is, I would have never expected it. However, they are very much noticed too.

In my early days, I had a pleated denim skirt, knee length that I thought would work, but it didn't. It appeared to be a skirt, it was a skirt and people assumed as much when they saw it. Got some very mixed and surprised reactions to that one.

Bottom line is for me, if you like something and it's decent and it's not hurting anyone (except perhaps their eyes), wear it. How you behave and carry yourself will set the tone, not what you are wearing. Confidence is everything.

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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Hazy »

I am sure that if someone looks at you, they pretty much immediately sort out that something is amiss - or different. In this case, a guy in a skirt. The following sums up what I have experienced.
David wrote: I received a few strange looks on rare occasions; but, I never heard a negative comment about my skirts. Most everyone I encountered was polite and cordial and showed no apparent bias toward the clothes I was wearing. .......

I now suspect that they either had more important things on their minds or that they were accepting of my clothing alternative. .......

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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by GerdG »

On most days I'll wear a traditional kilt. And, of course, it is recognized by passers-by due to its colors.

Today I was all day out in one of my Utilikilts, a sand original (the one in my avatar), and to most people, myself included, it is a skirt, no doubt.
Several hundreds must have seen me but less than ten to my best knowledge have taken an extra look. I could pass between people talking together, and they just continued talking. To me a good evidence that a rather neutral skirt is seldom observed.

And the few who might have been aware of my skirt: No, absolutely no indications that they had anything against what they saw. Two or three even gave me an approving smile.

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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by STEVIE »

The vast majority of "joe public" doesn't give a damn for how anyone else is attired.
What we have to deal with is a minority and, more importantly ourselves.
I agree with Skip, wear a skirt, go unnoticed, what's the point? I have now got to the point of taking a certain pleasure in seeing someone doing a "second take".
I hope that I react with as much "good grace" as the situation demands, a simple smile, a wave, even a nod, usually is good.
Anything really "contentious" is best avoided, but be prepared, all the same.
Forethought and sense are key.
For "ourselves" I was more afraid of "others'" reactions than anything to do with the actual skirt wearing.
Wear a skirt, push the "boundaries", as you feel comfortable, enjoy the attention as it arises and simply be yourself.
You may well be amazed, I know, I was and still am.
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