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My introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:10 am
by kiwi_bloke
Hi, I have been browsing here for a while, so I thought I would introduce myself,
I am aged 40, from NewZealand, have worn kilts in public for about 10 years and have started wearing denim skirts, mainly ankle to calf length.
I have never had anyone comment on me wearing a skirt, but have had many people stare and ignore me.
When I have worn a kilt, I have had many people ask me about the different tartans I have and if I am Scottish.
The main comment I have heard from children is " why are you wearing a dress ", when wearing a kilt.

Re: My introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:53 pm
by Big and Bashful
Hi, like you, I like denim and kilts, I also like longer denim skirts. Currently wearing a knee length cargo, but also got the same skirt in both calf length and an ankle length, both made to order for me. Walking around Glasgow in the long cargo skirts barely gets a look, the same goes for service stations and superstores around Glasgow, I will probably wear one to the Scottish 'meet' somewhere in Stirling, currently being arranged. Welcome to this forum!

Re: My introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:41 pm
by azhiker
I also like to wear the denim skirt although i like the mid thigh length. I try to find cargo skirts but cannot find them at any stores here in Phoenix, Arizona. Thanks for posting.

Re: My introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:25 pm
by skirtyscot
Hi and welcome, KB. I'm another guy who's into long skirts. Currently on the lookout for a denim one that fits and looks right!

Interesting that your skirts never elicit any comment but your kilts sometimes do! Any theories as to why?

Re: My introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:35 pm
by kiwi_bloke
Around where I live most of the schools have tartan kilts as part of their uniform, so I guess most people associate the kilt with girl's wear. Have been working out of town lately and took yesterday off. I went for a walk on one of the local walking tracks, wearing a long denim skirt, most people seemed to not even notice, got a second look from a couple of people, but one women about mid 20's kept looking, she looked most displeasing.

Re: My introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:28 pm
by ethelthefrog
My guess is that kilts (explicitly men's clothing) are fine to talk about, and make a talking point because, although they are undoubtedly male, they are unusual. Skirts, on the other hand, are seen as female clothing, and people might be a little too embarrassed about it, so simply pretend it's not there.

And when I say "not there", I probably mean something else.

In other news, welcome to the cafe.


Re: My introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:58 am
by SkirtRevolution
I am from Australia so let me say welcome cousin :D

Re: My introduction

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:42 pm
by Jack Williams
A big welcome too from a fellow New Zealander!
I am in Auckland and wear my skirts and dresses all the time (I have no kilts or tartan) and either get big ups from pedestrians or friendly toots from the odd motorist as I walk about. Nothing derogatory at all that I can detect, mostly people don't seem to notice, in shops, supermarket etc..

Re: My introduction

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:52 am
by mugman
Welcome to the show. I favour denims over other materials, simply because I rarely have to dress up for smart occasions. My lengths are mainly around the knee but, at 65 and beginning to look odd in anything too short, which unfortunately I prefer, I keep a couple of shorter ones for knocking around the home in during the warmer months.
As a kilt user I seldom receive or hear any verbal reactions. My own period of tentative use of either skirts or kilts ended a couple of years ago after I realised no-one really gives a hoot what I wear. I guess most who do notice will quickly make their own minds up, or assumptions, as to my reasons. Having to explain to all who gawp would be a lifetime's mission, so I don't even bother. Most will no doubt consider our actions as being of extreme minority interest and without stronger backing of the clothing industry to add a little clout I accepted some time ago that my friends and relatives would never fully understand my choices anyway.
Being single I can do what I like without a partner throwing their objections in, so I just get on with it, and enjoy it :D .

Re: My introduction

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:12 am
by Since1982
I'd not think you'd have any problems there, don't the Maori men wear Sulu or LavaLava type men's garments?? :mrgreen:

Re: My introduction

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:43 pm
by skirtyscot
mugman wrote: ... at 65 and beginning to look odd in anything too short ...
... says man in a skirt! :D :D

Go for it! Wear whatever feels good! It's as well to be hung for a sheep as for a lamb.

Re: My introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:09 am
by Jack Williams
Since1982 wrote:I'd not think you'd have any problems there, don't the Maori men wear Sulu or LavaLava type men's garments?? :mrgreen:
No, before us lot arrived they used to wear a kind of grass skirt and feather cloaks from a now extict bird. Nowadays the same stuff as the rest of us. You do see blokes from the Pacific islands in lava-lavas, especially on Sundays for church.

"kiwi_bloke": let's see a photo of your skirted self..