Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by oldsalt1 »

I find the real shame is that if it was a democrat that said it the general consensus would be "it couldn't be prove its true" But the liberal press anti Trump bias results in "prove its false".

CR History books are becoming a sham . They are being rewritten to suit peoples feelings.

History as most of us older folks know it is not even mentioned anymore. I honestly feel that if you mentioned "the battle of the bulge " to many of todays kids they would think you are talking about a weight loss problem. Go ahead ask any young student to name any of the 5 Normandy beaches.

Frozen Chosin, Argon Forest , and of course my favorite Tet 68 they don't have a clue.
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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by moonshadow »

For the last several months, and especially the last several weeks, a growing part of my has had the desire to toss the skirts and just return to normal space. I'm not sure if this is because things are actually getting worse, or simply because people are complaining more and it's taking a toll on my overall morale. I remind myself that assholes have existed even to the dawn my my skirt wearing practice, even going to my first day out in that Macabi I was catching glimpses of angry old farts and children laughing behind my back.

Then over time I stopped paying attention and all was well and right with the world, but now with the political rhetoric here [on this site] and abroad [elsewhere in social media/meat space] I'm finding my overall skirt wearing confidence waning.

This morning, having no service calls come in (I'm almost constantly on call now... perhaps another source of my souring mood regarding life in general) I plan to run around if possible and locate an affordable window air conditioner to give my father. The decision came down to wearing yesterdays work pants, or one of my usual skirted outfits. Expecting a service call to come in while I was in the shower (that's when it normally happens) I grabbed a skirt figuring that I'd just have to change into my work pants anyway. Well, that never happened, and here I sit, writing this post in my knee length black skirt with blue top (white trim). A somewhat "conservative" skirted outfit, but still out of the ordinary for a man.

Now I've been contemplating how important this practice of skirt wearing is to me for the last several weeks. My mind has went back and forth and on several occasions I've went out in pants and I admit it felt good just to not be laughed at for a change. But on the other hand, I resent the fact that I have allowed this society I live in to dictate the matters of my heart and soul with regards to my inner expression and it has caused me great bitterness to the point that while I may be wearing pants in public, rest assured there is no smile on my face and I believe I've been pretty cold towards people I meet and in some cases, a downright asshole. As I said to the girls, "when I dress like this, I just look like your typical white American slob, and sometimes I act the part". I mean really... when I resort to wearing what the world wants me to, I feel I must spite them in any way I can. Though I haven't done so, I have the urge to do little things that snotty white American slobs do, like piss on toilet seats, flip off people in need, throw trash at pedestrians as I drive by, etc. I don't like these thoughts, I don't like what I'm allowing the world to do to me, and the person the world is about to make me.

It makes me wonder, is this why so many people are just so damned mean? Could it be because they feel they are denied the privilege to be their true selves in this utterly f_cked up world we live in and they just have this desire to lash out in every way shape and form? That I do not know, but it's something I've been thinking about.

Anyway, I was reminded of a memory of mine from way back when I was in middle school. I was in art class and the teacher told us we could bring in a tape of our favorite music to listen to while we painted on certain days. My turn rolled around and I brought a mixed tape of 60's oldies with an occasional classical number mixed in. A group of bullies in the back of the class proceeded to make the following fortnight a living hell for me for having the audacity to actually enjoy something that, for a young middle school child in the 90's, was odd and queer. Yes, the term "faggot" was actually employed by them in addition to some pushing and shoving around. At the end, I took the tape out of my pocket, stood in front of them, ripped the tape from the cassette, threw the cassette on the floor and crushed it with my foot. The bullies cheered, and deep down, I hated myself.

I never really came out of my shell from that point onward, even into adulthood. Recall some of my older post where I wouldn't even wear sunglasses because people in my family picked on me about looking like some "cityfied sissy faggot" (note the glasses I chose were not womens, just ordinary sunshades)

About 10 years ago I started to spread my wings again in other ways, but it ultimately lead to my donning skirts 4 years ago. And though my duration of skirt wearing has went on longer than Ms.Blair's 7th grade art class, I find myself, once again wanting to rip the proverbial tape from the cassette and just be normal again.

And yet, those bullies back in Bedford Middle School, are long faded from my memory, I can't even remember their names or really their faces. The only picture that sticks in my head is looking down on a crushed tape cassette of the music I loved and feeling ashamed of myself.

I'm reminded as I contemplate all of this, that this too shall pass. The bullies of today will fade into the past, and new ones will arise, but life goes on. I'm not going stop being who I am, despite what the internet trolls have to say about it, or the local hicks at Walmart. They can all kiss my skirted ass, this is MY life, it doesn't belong to Donald Trump or Nancy Pelosi, or whatever slackjawed yokel in this backward little region I live in. Let them laugh, point their fingers, etc. They are not my friends, and even if I were "normal" I doubt they would come visit me if I were sick, or offer food if I were hungry.

I'm going to stop participating in the political threads, and when other threads turn political I'm going to unsubscribe. I don't think they are conductive to a healthy skirting atmosphere. Right now I need to look beyond what Trump and the Congress are doing to the world. I'm not pointing fingers or saying this person is bad or that person, I'm just saying right now I need to look the other way, for my own sanity and morale. If the whole site turns into a political cesspool then I'll have to take my leave, but that notwithstanding, I look forward to reading your skirting adventures in the lands of the free.

I'll keep this thread on my subscribe list to see if anyone wants to comment on what I wrote, but if it just goes back to Trump/anti-Trump nonsense, then I'll see you all elsewhere on the boards....

Ya'll have a good day.
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by Fred in Skirts »

Cheer up Moon, And remember that the bullies only win if you let them. I have told myself I will not give in to them and I won't.
I know it is hard to stand up to the bullies of the world, but you have been doing a fantastic job of it. While I don't live in the same area you do I too must face bullies as well and I just send them on their way. I then forget about them and smile and say to myself self you won another one!

You have a family that supports you and loves you. Let them do this and thank them for doing it.

And above all stop listening to the news and do not pay any attention to the poly-tics around you.

Go forth and be yourself as you see yourself and not as anyone else sees you!!!!

Fred :D :D :D :D
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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by Uncle Al »

Hi Moon :D

I FULLY understand where you're coming from, yet, I TOTALLY AGREE
with Fred-in-skirts. You've overcome quite a bit and the support that
Jenn & Amber give you is outstanding :!: :!:

One of the items that may be causing you grief is the constantly being
"On-Call" for your job. This is just my $0.02 worth but you may want
to speak with your 'Boss' about WHY you're the only one on call.
This might clear things up a bit, making it easier for you to deal with.
It could be that your talent for accuracy in your repair work, and your
ability to interact with the customers in a positive way, is what the company
is looking for. (Maybe the others can't reach the professional bar you've set.)

All the best & I enjoy your contributions to the Cafe'.
Lately I've only been able to read the posts as my Brother-in-Law, 14years
my junior, has had triple bypass surgery this past Wednesday. He's back in
ICU due unexpected complications. He is my wife's 'baby brother'.

Please give Jenn & Amber a hug for me :D

Uncle Al
:mrgreen: :ugeek: :mrgreen:
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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by john62 »

I agree Moon, for those of us outside the USA, I have no interest in Trump or Congress and likewise you guys in the US have no interest in Australian politics. Please let's get back to skirts.

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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by dillon »

oldsalt1 wrote:Just a point the ship is named for his father the Admiral not the John the senator
In fact, the late Senator was honored by having his name, along with the names of his father and grandfather, added to the moniker of the destroyer in a Rededication Ceremony, in July 2018, by Navy Secretary Richard Spencer. Senator McCain died the following month.

I'll wager there will NEVER be a Naval vessel named for Donald Trump. Unless he orders one to bear his name, of course. Which, I suspect, would surprise few of us.

What's even worse, is that seamen from every ship in the Fleet - except the McCain - were invited to attend the President's address. A few seamen from the McCain, fans of the President, attempted to attend, but because their Naval uniforms bore the name of the USS John S. McCain, they were turned away. ... port-says/

The President's deflection of blame, naturally, is not sitting well with the Pentagon. SOD Shanahan has turned the spotlight of blame back on the White House. If the President thought he had appointed a SOD who would happily "take the rap" when it poses an insult to the men and women serving for the defense of the rest of us, well, he apparently didn't get one. ... n-s-mccain

But that's what happens when your political power is based principally on a web of lies, and dependent on folks who lap up those lies like cats with a saucer of milk. But I won't belabor the point. We are in a world, apparently, where belief trumps (no pun intended) fact. I can't change anyone's mind, but I can cite the facts, as long as facts aren't censored and banned here. Or, as Mark Twain famously observed, "It's easier to fool a man than to show him he's been fooled."
Last edited by dillon on Sun Jun 02, 2019 11:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote:For the last several months, and especially the last several weeks, a growing part of my has had the desire to toss the skirts and just return to normal space. I'm not sure if this is because things are actually getting worse, or simply because people are complaining more and it's taking a toll on my overall morale. [...]
I may be regarded as a "sensitive guy" and occasionally "an old soul in a young man's body" but reading the missive above nearly made my heart bleed. And the reason for that is the mindless needless for the sort of behaviours and mentalities described.

Yes, things are getting nastier, and it's not imagination. I see it even where I live but refuse (so far) to let it sway me. The world -- perhaps more now than in 1930s Germany -- is increasingly a hateful place, and there seems to be no moderating force to counter it. i still receive more positive signal than negative, but even I am getting uncertain.

As far as the increasing problem of the politicisation of threads, I contemplated that problem -- and it most certainly IS a problem -- and have decided that even given my usual tolerance for political squabbles that what's going on is vastly closer to religious that merely political. Rational thought and reason -- which rightfully ought to be the lingua franca here -- are increasingly giving way to faith and belief on the matter. This is NOT going to be tolerated any longer, either by myself nor by the other moderators. I am sick to the point of despair over the antics of the "Church of Trump" and the "Church of the Anti-Trump", and any more shenanigans along those lines are going to get squashed because it's devolved into two "Churches" and never the twain shall meet.

On the personal matter, do try -- strive even -- to not let the general negativity affect you. That's tough, but it's a fight worth fighting.
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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by dillon »

I think you make too big a deal of this, Carl & Company (mods). Like I posted, I can't/won't change anyone's minds. The best I can do is correct the factual record, and maybe remind our members across the pond that the majority of Americans have moral and ethical views very different from the powerful figures that remain powerful only because Americans are failing to exercise their Constitutional responsibility to correct the abuses of power. If facts don't matter, then why get upset when they are presented? Besides, if folks know my POV, which, by now, they must, then they don't have to read my posts...unless they just enjoy getting their dander up. Honestly, I don't mind being ignored.
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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by oldsalt1 »

You might as well lock this thread now some people just don't know when to quit . They have been crying for the last 2 years and are going to be crying for the next 6 when President Trump is Reelected
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Re: Some follow up thoughts on a derailed thread....

Post by crfriend »

dillon wrote:The best I can do is correct the factual record, and maybe remind our members across the pond that the majority of Americans have moral and ethical views very different from the powerful figures that remain powerful only because Americans are failing to exercise their Constitutional responsibility to correct the abuses of power.
Facts matter not to the Faithful. They have their own beliefs.
oldsalt1 wrote:You might as well lock this thread now some people just don't know when to quit .
And thus the hammer falls.
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