Returning like a bad penny ?

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Re: Returning like a bad penny ?

Post by OldRadiostar »

Haha, Thanks for the welcome !
It is such a long time since I was a junior anything !
I shall bask in the title, To be honest, Junior is one of the nicer things I have been called.

I plan to sort my profile out later this week,
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Re: Returning like a bad penny ?

Post by TheSkirtedMan »

Hello Tim, Radiostar, Bobclops.

Good to hear from you again. We first met (online) a good 12 years back as Bobclops.

I kept my site going, always remember your help with Joomla. I rebuilt when 1.5 came out and did the same last winter for version 4. Lot easier for a novice than the transfer sequence required.

I am still very active skirt wearer, a good 95% of the time. Rarely get a direct challenge about 5 times since 2011 and each time I give a return answer and more if needed which makes them walk away. Had one last week from a local at a local concert. Two others frowned, one tried to out stare me but when I walked towards them they gave up. The third was daft enough to challenge so the remark was thrown back at her as she was in trousers and quite manly in appearance. Not giving up so my next reply was quite blunt - bigoted women like you never see their own contradictions because they are do wrapped up with their narcissistic shellfish attitudes they do not see further than their nose ends. That worked, as she changed the subject!

Anyhow, I stand my ground with men's freedom of choice, expression and individuality, rarely, very rarely required verbally.

Have I noticed any increase in negativity, recently, not really. Get the same small minority of looks and stares but I usually give them a wave back. A stand tall, shoulders back and remain confident. I still get far more compliments and a lot of people do interact with me. I find volunteering at a Historic Hall is great advertising. So much I now volunteer at two!

My presence on this forum is very adhoc. Usually when I have an hour or so and upto date with all else. That can often be months! I think early March was my last visit. Now currently sat on patio in the sun at 17.05 pm with a lager.

You have probably forgotten my email but you can get that via this forum.

No doubt will spot you on this forum in due course.
Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy.
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