It's all about "sex"

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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:25 pmPerhaps it's too late Carl...

Maybe we "blew it" in 1980...
That's just the point in time where the brakes were let off on a standing freight train and nobody noticed when it started to roll -- and by the time anybody noticed it was moving too fast to catch and re-apply the brakes. The result of that is what we're seeing today -- a train-wreck of mind-blowing proportions.
One thing is for certain, we can't blame that one on the millennials!
Much of the "blame" goes to "The Greatest Generation" (which had its heart in the right place but made some idiot decisions) and a whole lot goes to the "Boomers". The "Gen X" crowd, like the "Millennials" wasn't and isn't part of this and the remainder are too young. Chronologically [0], Trump is I believe a "Boomer" and Biden may be at or near the border of "Greatest Generation" and "Boomer".
But unless there is outright voter fraud in the primaries, the democratic party has their candidate of choice. There were some good people running, Warren and Buttigeig to name a few, Buttigeig and Warren together would have been excellent, but this country (democrats included) with all its prejudice just isn't ready to hand it all over to a woman and a gay guy...
Based on observable evidence I am convinced that there is one party involved and that the "split" is for show only. The thing is run by a couple of hundred super-rich types and those do not represent We The People one whit and are only in it for personal gain. Thus, anybody intent on reforming the system isn't going to get anywhere near the general ballot, and if by some miracle does and gets elected will be immediately hamstrung by the legislative and judicial branches as Bill Clinton was when he proposed a single-payer health-care notion to alleviate some of the mess we were in during the '90s.
So as Dennis has suggested, we have the government we deserve, so we shall choke on it...
No, it shall choke us -- as it has been doing for decades.
This is his country... not mine, I just live here and pay my 40% in taxes... I have no representation, I have no community,
No, it belongs to the super-rich. The little people that play "patriot" have no clue that they've been duped. This is a country now wholly owned by the Bloombergs, the Forbes, the Buffets, the Waltons, and the Kochs. We The People have no standing any longer.

[0] Intellectually and emotionally? Read a few twits and draw your own conclusion. Use your intellect not your heart or blind faith.
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by MrSoapsud »

Sinned wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:03 pm BTW the BBC is not without its bias - it has been accused of having left-wing views at times. So maybe not the middle line unbiassed news channel it once was.
The BBC may have had a left-wing bias at one point but most news coverage is now pro-Tory. Nick Robinson, Laura Kuensberg (sp?) and others have had roles within the Tory party in the past. They let loads of lies about Brexit be broadcast without challenge and regularly gave a platform to Iain Duncan Smith and others, not to mention Nigel Lawson denying climate change (I think that was it?)
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by beachlion »

oldsalt1 wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:10 am...... and by the way Manhattan actually sold for $24 not $60
Manhattan was sold for household goods and similar with a value of around 60 guilder. That 60 guilder still stuck in my memory since elementary school but I could not find the guilder character on my keyboard. The dollar sign ($) was the nearest symbol for money.

The Dutch were all over the world in those days. They were good negotiators and were the first to do business with the Japanese empire. They were also very careful when it came to money. So they tried to buy Manhattan with travellers cheques but Wall Street was still a few years in the making and the locals had no way to cash it. So the Indians were happy with good quality Dutch pots, pans, knives, axes and some fabric. Wall Street now is slightly different from then when it was just a sturdy fence and some gates

In the 19th century for some reason an American came up with the idea to rewrite history and calculated that 60 guilders must be equivalent to $24. I never realized that fake news started that early.

In a wave of total idiocy, the Dutch government cleared in 1825 most of the archives about Nieuw Amsterdam. Documentation of the period is from indirect sources. A letter that mentioned the price the Dutch paid for Manhattan is in archive and it is considered the birth certificate of New York.
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

crfriend wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:22 pm
Much of the "blame" goes to "The Greatest Generation" (which had its heart in the right place but made some idiot decisions) and a whole lot goes to the "Boomers".

Minor point of factual correction: The Greatest Generation were the folks like my Mom and Dad who whether it was on the Home Front or in uniform fought WWII. The generation that you left out, that Joe Biden fits into is referred to as the Silent Generation. Those obedient and quiet kids born in the 1930's through 1945 who were therefore too young to fight in WWII or keep the fires of the Home Front burning with paid employment. (Though the contribution of their scrap drives, assembly of recognition models, etc. shouldn't be overlooked!) People in that age bracket are called the Silent Generation because they weren't seen as being the loud, in your face kind of demonstrators that us Baby Boomers were. Instead they quietly and peacefully sat in at Southern lunch counters and interstate buses during Freedom Summer.
crfriend wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:22 pm Based on observable evidence I am convinced that there is one party involved and that the "split" is for show only. The thing is run by a couple of hundred super-rich types and those do not represent We The People one whit and are only in it for personal gain.

I'm sorry Carl, but I have to call you on this one. A number of political observers, including Robert Reich and Jimmy Carter who have worked in national government, agree with you that the US has become an oligarchy; but, I haven't seen anyone but you say that the division between the parties is a sham on the order of Potemkin fronts and Hollywood CGI. So I have to challenge you for specific, irrefutable evidence that directly shows the connection of the party and that the divisions are orchestrated theatrics. Inferences from actions don't count. You follow enough inferences and we can pin the Kennedy assassination of some Millennial who hadn't even been born in 1963!

I agree with you wholeheartedly that 1980 was a pivotal year in American politics and governance thanks to Ronny Reagan and the Republicans. (Kind of sounds like a '60's garage band doesn't it.)

Speaking of the 1980's, one of the Democratic Party's weaknesses has been a lack of bench strength. That too many of their leaders got their start in politics BEFORE 1980. So, for your theory to be correct, at some point they would have had to decide to throw in the towel and secretly join the Republican Party.

That doesn't sound likely to me.
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by crfriend »

Pdxfashionpioneer wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:12 amThe generation that you left out, that Joe Biden fits into is referred to as the Silent Generation. Those obedient and quiet kids born in the 1930's through 1945 who were therefore too young to fight in WWII or keep the fires of the Home Front burning with paid employment.
I stand corrected on that count. Thank you.
I'm sorry Carl, but I have to call you on this one. A number of political observers, including Robert Reich and Jimmy Carter who have worked in national government, agree with you that the US has become an oligarchy; but, I haven't seen anyone but you say that the division between the parties is a sham on the order of Potemkin fronts and Hollywood CGI.
Note that when I spoke of the matter I explicitly pointed out what is observable -- i.e. that which is open and can be seen. I have precisely no clue what the thing looks like on the inside, but on the outside it is one team that's playing a game, and the circus is always somewhere conveniently distant from the things that really matter in the instant. If that doesn't speak to being one team then what can.
So I have to challenge you for specific, irrefutable evidence that directly shows the connection of the party and that the divisions are orchestrated theatrics. Inferences from actions don't count. You follow enough inferences and we can pin the Kennedy assassination of some Millennial who hadn't even been born in 1963!
I challenge you on the former to engage your brain and your eyes and think for yourself rather than parroting party line. The latter comment is simply asinine, sort of along the lines as saying that humans never landed on the moon.
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by moonshadow »

Kudos to Cal Thomas, a well known right wing conservative that had the guts to call out his holiness, Trump... ... e2587.html

I don't often agree with Thomas on many matters, but I respect a person who doesn't down the kool-aid....
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by Sinned »

Sorry, I get the following:

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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by moonshadow »

Try Googling "Cal Thomas toxic tulsa"...

One of them has to work...

I don't want to plagiarize the whole article here...
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by crfriend »

Sinned wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:42 pmFor any issues, contact or call 419-784-5441.
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by Sinned »

Yeah, that got it. A good report and I had heard that he spent quite a time on the topics of his shoes and that ramp and his holding the glass of water. As if that matters any more - it's history, get over it. You need policies and what he is and isn't going to do. Unfortunately what he does has a tangential impact on us, and the rest of the world. I suspect that whatever he does will, like the Mexico wall will get undone by the next incumbent, and quickly. What a waste of money. Please don't re-elect him. Please don't. Please. Don't.
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by moonshadow »

Sinned wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:48 am Please don't re-elect him. Please don't. Please. Don't.
Well, I'll do what I can. Much of my approach with moderates (his base is a lost cause), is the point up the ridiculousness of his rhetoric and style of "leadership" (if you want to call it that...) and to play down the effects of a Biden administration.

I'm not crazy about Biden, he's a snooze, and he'll likely be a one termer... but I don't think he'll do anything too drastic, and he gets "the god in chief" outta there!
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by moonshadow »

It would also help if the U.S. would pull its head out of its ass and actually engage in a little critical thinking instead of relying in the TV to think for us.

I'm not a smart man, far from it, and many of my ideas would likely flop... but I'm quite proud to say that NONE of my opinions were built from sources like Fox News, One America Network, CNN, MSNBC, or any other "news network"...

I can prove it by my lack of a cable or satellite bill. My old 19" SD TV isn't even connected to an antenna... just as old VHS tape player that has long ago lost its remote, and a worn out DVD player that takes about 15 tries to get it to spit a disc out..

My thoughts may at times may be flawed, but they are still MY THOUGHTS... Not many Americans can say that.
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by Uncle Al »

For the American members of Skirt Cafe',
this guy is right on target :!: ... reload=101

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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by moonshadow »

Uncle Al wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:14 pm For the American members of Skirt Cafe',
this guy is right on target :!: ... reload=101

Uncle Al
:mrgreen: :ugeek: :mrgreen:

Term limits would also eliminate incumbents in districts like mine from going stale. Republicans are at no risk of losing VA 9, but even to have a fresh GOP congressman sitting in the chair every now and then would be nice...

Griffith (R) seems to have gotten complacent in his office. To be fair, Boucher (D) seemed to as well. I wouldn't mind seeing some fresh blood in VA 9, even if it is a Republican.

BTW.. yes I voted in the Republican Senate for Virginia's U.S. senate seat primary yesterday.
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Re: It's all about "sex"

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:59 pmTerm limits would also eliminate incumbents in districts like mine from going stale. Republicans are at no risk of losing VA 9, but even to have a fresh GOP congressman sitting in the chair every now and then would be nice...
The counter-argument to that is that we already "have" term limits by virtue of the ballot box; you don't like the old one, vote 'em out of office. However, that assumes no party interference and little dirty money, neither of which are the case in the US.
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