Closing Window of Opportunity

Clippings from news sources involving fashion freedom and other gender equality issues.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by crfriend »

Barleymower wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:55 amThe average straight male will always reject anything that makes him look (in the world's eyes) - gay. Straight woman will reject a man (who she thinks, everyone else will think) is gay. That's the status quo now.
And it'll be the status quo tomorrow, next year, and the year after that with likely further hardening over time as society continues its blind lurch into the right wing and reactionary policies.
If the world accepts that the binary does not exist and by default, everyone is non-binary. LGBTQ+ will become the norm.
In spite of a 40+ year full-court press replete with propaganda, protests, and whinging, LGBTQ* is still not "the norm", and by the simple numbers never will be. What's wrong with the notion of letting people be themselves without labelling them in ways that they may not appreciate? Because, face it, it's just not important unless you're seeking an intimate relationship. Live and let live and be decent to others. What's so hard about that?
The group that needs to be won over is the women. If they decide it's ok for men to wear 'their' clothes. If the door is opened on gorgeous fabrics and styles, men all over will dive in. Imagine that, a world were we all can wear whatever we want without prejudice. This is bigger than just men wearing skirts, win the non-binary arguement and the rest will follow.
Winning the "non-binary argument" is highly likely going to be fruitless in the long run, never-mind the short. Instead of framing it that it's OK for the "non-binary" to wear skirts (but, by implication. not men) merely cuts off an overwhelming section of the demographic. Framing it as a style choice that we all should have is the easier of the approaches -- and it's agreeable to the human sense of fairness.

I'm with Stevie on this one, I'm not going to go down without a fight and they can pry my skirts from my cold dead fingers once the fight has gone out of me.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by TomOfTx »

The current generation of women are finding more and more men have no interest in getting married at all. The next generation (teens today) may likely be much more open minded to a man in a skirt based on how many are being exposed to the non-binary lifestyle presently.

I personally wouldn’t recommend marriage to anyone without a very long vetting process.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by moonshadow »

crfriend wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 2:04 pm In spite of a 40+ year full-court press replete with propaganda, protests, and whinging, LGBTQ* is still not "the norm", and by the simple numbers never will be.
Neither are skirt wearing heterosexual men. And like I said before, most women are hardwired to seek a "normal guy" because that's what traditionally puts food on the table, and protects her and her offspring against outside threat. Again, it doesn't make them [women] bad people, it's just evolution and the law of natural selection. Sure, not all species have the male as the dominant protector, but tens of thousands of years of human evolution suggest that in our case, traditionally, human males as the dominant protector, and human females are wired to seek that when selecting a mate. Maybe in a few more millennia it won't matter as much (yes it could actually take that long-- you're talking about undoing probably 100,000 or better years of evolution in the brain, it's not going to happen in a few generations).

Women can get away with acting masculine and partaking in masculine gender roles because to most men, that's not seen as a threat to the longevity of "the tribe", in fact, many view it as an asset. Most men cherish a woman who knows how to work outside the home, hunt, fish, skin a deer, change a tire, and can manage on their own, and yet still know how to be a mother. After all, two breadwinners are always better than one.

True, a there is no reason a skirt wearing man can not be a dominant protector, but skirts are seen as feminine, and there's really no reason a somewhat feminine man can't be a dominant protector, but again, we're trying to untangle thousands of years of evolution in the woman's brain. It's like trying to get Windows to work on a Mac machine... you may tinker with the programming a little, and get it to work... somehow, but it's going to be clunky, and it's going to take a lot of work to force it in place.

I mean... look around, how many spouses here object to "their man" wearing a skirt, how many countless others that aren't members here have this same struggle? Yes, many feminine guys and skirt wearing guys do gravitate towards the LGBTQ+ group, because in many cases, that group is the only place they can find community, and if they're open to it... romance.

It's not cis-gendered women's fault for not being attracted to guys like us, it doesn't make them bad people, or prejudiced. In fact, it seems kinda silly to get bent out of shape over it. Who we fancy is a personal choice. A lot of women just aren't into it, and that's their right. We have to accept that. Keep looking for that "winning lottery ticket", or find some way for companionship in some other fashion. We can't force cis-gendered women to be attracted to us anymore than I can force you to fancy a relationship with a trans-woman. We like what we like.

FWIW I've heard some mumbling over the years of certain people in the LGBT group shouting bigotry if the [straight] person they are attracted to doesn't like them back. That's not bigotry, that's just preference. Sometimes... you just gotta accept the rejection. Take it from a guy who's had his share of them... :wink:
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by TomOfTx »

What appears more obvious to me in recent years is how many men today are masculine in name only! Far too many women literally “wear the pants” in many households. The thought of needing permission from the wife on things such as how you dress is ridiculous!

Sure, there are many women turned off by a guy in a skirt. There are far more men by sheer numbers turned off by women who dress like a man! Women are good at the old bait and switch in luring a man. Dress sexy, be nice, and put out sexually. Once she takes a bite of that wedding cake, all those good things about her that attracted a man disappear in most women. No surprise more men today are not interested in even getting married.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 2:45 pmFWIW I've heard some mumbling over the years of certain people in the LGBT group shouting bigotry if the [straight] person they are attracted to doesn't like them back. That's not bigotry, that's just preference. Sometimes... you just gotta accept the rejection. Take it from a guy who's had his share of them... :wink:
If nothing else, one would think that the lesson of the past 50 years would have been learnt by now: One cannot legislate acceptance, understanding, nor affection. It Just. Does. Not. Work! Full bloody stop. You can legislate tolerance, but nothing beyond that.

And the folks on the LGBTQWTF "spectrum" can be fully as bigoted as anyone else because they're made of the same stuff as everybody else. And, they're after special rights and protections which don't apply equally to other members of the population, strictly by virtue of preferences, pop-sci, and attitude. I am all for (and always have been) a level playing field where everyone gets equal protections under the law; we do not need another super-minority with special rights that nobody else has. If we're going to abolish men's-only clubs then we should abolish women's-only clubs. Treat everybody equitably. Don't legislate special rights and privileges that are open only to a few, for down that road lies madness, anarchy, and despair (or at least disgust).

So, yes, it's all about equality, and I'm tired of seeing the vast bulk of the male population get the shaft. And don't start on "patriarchy" -- that notion has been dead for years, and ultimately the old adage of, "Those who rock the cradle rule the world" turns out to be true.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by jamie001 »


I have to say that I don't agree with you 99 percent of women don't like 99 percent of skirt wearing men or other men that display feminine characteristics. I would say it is maybe 80 percent. I am a married feminine male that presents as a feminine male. I do not attempt to deceive anyone of pretend that I am a woman. I am just a feminine male that enjoys wearing skirts, nail polish, women's purse, feminine hairstyle, but I do not go the crossdresser route and attempt to pass. In the past 5 years I have been at parties where women have struck-up conversations with me because of my attire/look. They compliment my appearance and told me that it is so cool and attractive that I don't "follow the herd". They were interested in pursuing a potential dating relationship. In these cases, I declined because I am happily married. So yes, there are women out there that respect and are attracted to men that don't follow the herd mindset, especially creative and intellectual women! Also most intelligent/creative women don't need a man as a "protector". Those days are long gone and women can take care of themselves. Successful intelligent business women are many times insulted by chivalry or men suggesting that they need a protector.

Therefore, the women are out there that are attracted to men like us. You just need to find creative/artistic/intellectual women that appreciate a man that marches to his own drum and not the herd neanderthal man mindset.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by Coder »

moonshadow wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 2:45 pm Women can get away with acting masculine and partaking in masculine gender roles because to most men, that's not seen as a threat to the longevity of "the tribe", in fact, many view it as an asset. Most men cherish a woman who knows how to work outside the home, hunt, fish, skin a deer, change a tire, and can manage on their own, and yet still know how to be a mother. After all, two breadwinners are always better than one.
Not 100% related, but here goes:
TomOfTx wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:32 pm Sure, there are many women turned off by a guy in a skirt. There are far more men by sheer numbers turned off by women who dress like a man! Women are good at the old bait and switch in luring a man. Dress sexy, be nice, and put out sexually. Once she takes a bite of that wedding cake, all those good things about her that attracted a man disappear in most women. No surprise more men today are not interested in even getting married.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say men probably do the same.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by TomOfTx »

Likely Coder. Especially in the beginning when the guy tries to impress a woman by claiming he possesses valuable things (house, cars, money), when in reality still lives at home! 🤣
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by Myopic Bookworm »

Men who marry a woman simply because she looks sexy are presumably happy to ditch her for a younger model a couple of years down the line. I don't have any respect for that attitude.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by STEVIE »

TomOfTx wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:32 pm The thought of needing permission from the wife on things such as how you dress is ridiculous!
It is called compromise and if you want any kind of satisfactory long term relationship you'd better learn about it now!
Not just a partner but the whole damn world, it is how we actually haven't blown it completely, yet!
If you are in a stable relationship, I apologise but don't envy "the wife", sorry man!
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by TomOfTx »

crfriend wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:34 pm
moonshadow wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 2:45 pmFWIW I've heard some mumbling over the years of certain people in the LGBT group shouting bigotry if the [straight] person they are attracted to doesn't like them back. That's not bigotry, that's just preference. Sometimes... you just gotta accept the rejection. Take it from a guy who's had his share of them... :wink:
If nothing else, one would think that the lesson of the past 50 years would have been learnt by now: One cannot legislate acceptance, understanding, nor affection. It Just. Does. Not. Work! Full bloody stop. You can legislate tolerance, but nothing beyond that.

And the folks on the LGBTQWTF "spectrum" can be fully as bigoted as anyone else because they're made of the same stuff as everybody else. And, they're after special rights and protections which don't apply equally to other members of the population, strictly by virtue of preferences, pop-sci, and attitude. I am all for (and always have been) a level playing field where everyone gets equal protections under the law; we do not need another super-minority with special rights that nobody else has. If we're going to abolish men's-only clubs then we should abolish women's-only clubs. Treat everybody equitably. Don't legislate special rights and privileges that are open only to a few, for down that road lies madness, anarchy, and despair (or at least disgust).

So, yes, it's all about equality, and I'm tired of seeing the vast bulk of the male population get the shaft. And don't start on "patriarchy" -- that notion has been dead for years, and ultimately the old adage of, "Those who rock the cradle rule the world" turns out to be true.
CR, nice post. Couldn’t have said it any better.

We can’t sit around hoping society accepts us. We have to be the change. Forcing others to accept us may get tolerance at best. Being out her wearing a skirt is no more an issue than a woman wearing pants. We just need others in society to hear it from us and let them decide. To me, I will keep doing as I am doing regardless of what society feels.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by TomOfTx »

STEVIE wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:10 pm
TomOfTx wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:32 pm The thought of needing permission from the wife on things such as how you dress is ridiculous!
It is called compromise and if you want any kind of satisfactory long term relationship you'd better learn about it now!
Not just a partner but the whole damn world, it is how we actually haven't blown it completely, yet!
If you are in a stable relationship, I apologise but don't envy "the wife", sorry man!

Compromise is not a one way street. It has to go both ways to keep any relationship strong.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by Sinned »

I don't discern any association over here of skirts and LBwhatever either with females or males ( however you define them to be nowadays ). I wear a skirt through comfort and desire, simple.
I believe in offering every assistance short of actual help but then mainly just want to be left to be myself in all my difference and uniqueness.
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by crfriend »

STEVIE wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:10 pmIt is called compromise and if you want any kind of satisfactory long term relationship you'd better learn about it now!
There is a not so subtle difference between compromise and capitulation. Modern "women" usually demand capitulation because that's the current doctrine of radical feminism.

Compromise involves active participation of all parties to the matter; capitulation is like trying to "negotiate" with the S.W.A.T. team when they show up. The former is honourable; the latter, merely suicide.
TomOfTx wrote:We have to be the change.
"Be the change you want to see in the world." is usually, but incorrectly attributed to the Mahatma Ghandi, and is a very powerful motivator indeed. More of us would be better served if more of us adopted the notion and acted on it!
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Re: Closing Window of Opportunity

Post by TomOfTx »

crfriend wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:45 pm
STEVIE wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:10 pmIt is called compromise and if you want any kind of satisfactory long term relationship you'd better learn about it now!
There is a not so subtle difference between compromise and capitulation. Modern "women" usually demand capitulation because that's the current doctrine of radical feminism.

Compromise involves active participation of all parties to the matter; capitulation is like trying to "negotiate" with the S.W.A.T. team when they show up. The former is honourable; the latter, merely suicide.
TomOfTx wrote:We have to be the change.
"Be the change you want to see in the world." is usually, but incorrectly attributed to the Mahatma Ghandi, and is a very powerful motivator indeed. More of us would be better served if more of us adopted the notion and acted on it!

Right on! I am all for compromise when needed. It just can’t be compromise in one direction and capitulation in the other direction.

When I was going through marriage counseling my wife couldn’t accept being told by the counselor she needed to change herself and not expect me to change what she wanted. This is the whole compromise versus capitulation scenario. She wanted the capitulation and not compromise, so therefore we are getting divorced.
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