What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

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Fred in Skirts
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What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Fred in Skirts »

To start this off my hobbies are train watching, train riding, railroad model building, and photographing trains.
Yes I do wear a skirt while doing all of the above activities.

So what are your hobbies and do you wear a skirt while doing them??
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Big and Bashful »

My hobbies were sailing, mostly skirted, 4*4 offroading, never skirted, motor cycling, again, never skirted because I like skin. These days I no longer do any of them, the money ran out. At the moment all I do is on the computer, always skirted but just sitting in the house. I love my simulators but since the end of April instead of simulating various vehicles I spend most of my time researching and reading up on how to manage diabetes and haemochromatosis. I need to get back to editing my video from the latest canal trip, again, more time spent in front of the computer.
At least I am now going for a walk every day, knees permitting. I am almost enjoying that now. I intend to start camping, since I have a good sized tent and most of the stuff I will need, as well as a more reliable car, so I can start exploring more of Scotland and maybe further afield. I am trying to find out about my pension, if I can afford to I will be retiring as soon as I can and camping or if they still do them, a rail rover type ticket so I can travel via rail and use B & Bs to explore, that will be a start. I really fancy that. I used to dream of moving onto a narrowboat and spending life on the canals, however now that I have passed 60 and have spoken to a few people who have made that choice I am sure that would be a mistake, so it looks like I will be staying where I am and just heading out for trips.
Oh, finally, my other hobby which is still active is the art of having cats, my little 3 cat family keeps me going!
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Bodycon »

Big and Bashful wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 6:46 pm ...or if they still do them, a rail rover type ticket so I can travel via rail and use B & Bs to explore
Scotrail do an over 60 railcard for 1/3 off and you can get an older person bus pass (free travel I think) at 60 too. Put them together and off you go...

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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Bodycon »

Clay Shooting, Yes but not often, but did a Scottish Championship in a utility skirt for a bet, so guide dogs got £100.00.
fishing, Yes now and then
archery, no
motorcycling, no
Cycling, yes always
Hill Walking, yes always
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by pelmut »

Engineering (lathe work, welding, benchwork etc)
Canal restoration
Magazine editing
Folk dancing
Festival stewarding
Public address work
HIstoric sound restoration
Sound recording
Trawling around car boot sales...

Yes, I wear a skirt for every single one of them.
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Faldaguy »

My active sporting days are pretty much gone; but I've played badminton not long ago in a skirt; billiards, chess, reading, hiking are no brainers for a skirt. Most of my woodworking is done skirted -- with an appropriate 'apron' if a dash of welding (rare) is needed. I found bicycling to be a bit of a hassle but mostly managed it with some concessions. I've played golf (poorly regardless of attire) and volleyball skirted.

Given my rather sedentary life style these days, little impinges upon my pretty much full time skirting. All shopping and normal daily stuff is skirted. Parties, church, medical, is skirted -- hard to think of what is not. Last time I recall pants was because we were protesting outside the 'Supreme' court about the child welfare people holding a kid in 'protective custody' rather than his pedophile father and I felt supporting the Mother while dressed in a skirt might give the wrong image--so four hours in pants about three years back.

I'm trying to think of what one could not do in a skirt--maybe....???? I see clothing mostly as either protective or decorative. Skirts might not cut it for motorcycles or skateboarding where you want more protection. But, my key pleasures, chess, reading, woodcraft and hiking all go well in a skirt. Maybe the question should be what can you not do in a skirt -- and we can find solutions!
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Jim »

Hobbies are hiking, gardening, and fishing. Hiking and gardening are usually in a skirt, but sometimes with less; fishing always in a skirt.
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Coder »

Lots of hobbies, mostly related to making things - electronics, 3D printing, woodworking of sorts, building stuff. If I'm standing or sitting at a workbench, table and in my shop or home I'll typically wear a skirt. If I'm running a lathe/mill I'll first consider if it is safe to wear a skirt (ie, spinning equipment). If I'm on my knees constructing stuff I'll wear pants - would rather not beat up my legs/knees while building stuff. Some examples of the latter - I did some stonework - pants, sanding a large timber frame - pants. I know both could be done whilst skirted, but pants have a purpose, I swear they do! They saved my legs from chemical burns (mortar), splinters (the sanding work).
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by crfriend »

For this old boy, the primary passion remains in the realm of computer history, and the restoration of historical systems to operational status so that they might teach "the younger set" that computers have been around for quite a while indeed [0] and that the history and their operation has valid meaning in how things work today. This involves not only a deep understanding of how computers work, but also all the electronic theory underlying them (It isn't just board-swapping!), the manufacturing tactics, and the fabrication details. All come into play when one is looking at a 50-year old machine that's begging for help to come alive again.

To the types who believe that computing sprang from the mind of Bill Gates in 1981, all I can say is, "Get a life" and learn something. I'm particularly happy when I get a chance to let drive at clowns that state, "My iPhone has more power than the Apollo Guidance Computers!" because (a) it's crap, (b) the AGC was a work of art at its time, and (c) the I/O capability of the AGC eclipses anything now because it was a purpose-designed machine (and the programmers took every advantage of it that thye could, including using instructions that were "undocumented" but worked for the purpose).

[0] Computers, as we know them now, have been around since the late 1930s -- fully general-purpose ones, executing programs from read/write memory and with shockingly modern I/O capability. Credit, now, largely goes to Conrad Zuse in Germany for the Z-3 which first ran in 1938. The British Colossus deserves high praise here, and almost got passed over by history because of its classified/secret nature, and thank the gods that Tommy Flowers remembered enough of the design to recreate it in our time at Bletchley Park (now a museum). Too, the Manchester "Baby". The American claim about ENIAC is false as that was essentially an electronic difference engine that was programmed not with bits-in-memory but patch-cords.
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by 6ft3Aussie »

For me, things like homebrewing, electronics, restoring vintage valve (tube) radios, amateur radio.

I've done it all in skirts and utility kilts.

Skirts can be handy if you drop a screw or a nut, or flick (accidentally) a blob of molten solder onto your legs...
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Ray »

Cycling / no
Hill climbing / no
Walking / no
Playing guitar & piano / yes
Doing jigsaws / yes
Wine / yes

These are the main hobbies.
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Kirbstone »

I do all of Ray's list except guitar. I would add a few also:
Competitive rowing.....No.
Home Gym No
Offshore sailing.........No.
Garden DIY................Yes
Music playing.............Yes
Evaluating half-decent whiskies....Yes

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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by Uncle Al »

I have a short list :arrow:
Model trains(4 scales)
Minor gardening
Pipe organs(playing and repair/rebuild)
Converting my 1984-ish Conn 653 analogue theater organ into digital
Skirt Cafe' of course ;)
Some critters(dogs & cats)
My lodge work

OK - - Maybe not so short after all :)

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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by pelmut »

Coder wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:36 am If I'm running a lathe/mill I'll first consider if it is safe to wear a skirt (ie, spinning equipment).
It is, especially a long one that stops the swarf from getting into your shoes.  (There shouldn't be any unguarded spinning equipment below waist level.)
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Re: What are the hobbies that you have and do you wear a skirt when doing them?

Post by geron »

crfriend wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 1:10 am Credit, now, largely goes to Conrad Zuse in Germany for the Z-3 which first ran in 1938.
You remind me that, some decades ago, I needed to write to Dr Zuse (I'm now racking my memory to recall what it was about) and I received an absolutely charming letter in reply. What a gentleman.
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