The Perceptible Willy

Discussion of fashion elements and looks that are traditionally considered somewhat "femme" but are presented in a masculine context. This is NOT about transvestism or crossdressing.
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by denimini »

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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by Faldaguy »

Thanks for the laugh. I'd forgotten how rough that outback country was!
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by skirtyscot »

denimini wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:40 am Solved!
That would certainly keep things under control!
Keep on skirting,

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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

In the interest of getting back to the original point of the thread, is it or isn't it socially acceptable for us when we're in public in a skirt to show a manly bulge at our crotches, I would like to pass along an incident I may have mentioned before, but no one is going to wade through 12 pages to find.

As I have talked about a number of times, one of the first and most public places I wore a dress, and yes it was a dress, was to church. Not only was it well received, but a number of the women in the congregation became fashion advisors. In fact, I came to think of one particularly attractive and stylish ladies as my fashion guru.

Because she has been so consistently supportive and helpful, the one time she snapped at me to put my jacket back on, I immediately complied. Even though it was just a light linen jacket it was already too warm to wear it. I had only worn it to break the early morning chill. The weather forecast had been for warm weather by the time service started I thought it would be a great day to debut my new sundress.

When I asked my fashion guru why she had snapped at me, she told me I had gotten a lot of people talking about me behind my back for "showing off too much of my boobs." Once I got home and looked in the mirror I saw a) I had forgotten to shorten the straps so the dress didn't show so much of the cleavage I don't have and b) my nipples were making themselves very evident.

If one's nipples poking through his dress is not socially acceptable, what makes any of you think that displaying the family jewels will go over any better?

I clearly remember that one of the contributors to this thread asked, "If women are allowed to show a 'camel toe,' why can't we show our package?" Well, as far as I know, despite the fact that I know of no woman being arrested for having too pronounced a camel toe, it is not an acceptable look.

Does all of this make any sense to all of you?
Last edited by Pdxfashionpioneer on Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by denimini »

I think that an exposed nipple is just the tip of the modesty debate. There seems a lot of inconsistency and hypocrisy in what is and isn't acceptable; not the tightest of pencil skirts could emulate the visual confrontation of men in bike shorts, which seem to be prevalent and accepted in Western society.
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by crfriend »

denimini wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:26 amI think that an exposed nipple is just the tip of the modesty debate.
I'm with Dave on this one.

Even when it comes to nipples, there's some level of backlash even for "print-through", e.g. "You've got your brights up." to indicate that one has a bit of a chill and the things are printing through.

However, and has been pointed up the the point of being "ad-nauseum" there's a severe double-standard in place on the matter, and we may as well face it that that is not going to go away in our lifetimes. We'll continue chafe about it, though, but that is going to be for naught.

On camel-toe, most of the women I've chatted with on the matter seem to think the display is tacky -- and for good reason. Others around you simply do not need to know what your hairstyle is down there, and I have seen "leggings" that tight. "Tasteless" is a good term for that display, and we're living it seems in tasteless times. The same goes for guys in trousers/&c. that are tight enough to betray the guy's religion. It's just not a good look unless you're doing it to deliberately advertise.
There seems a lot of inconsistency and hypocrisy in what is and isn't acceptable; not the tightest of pencil skirts could emulate the visual confrontation of men in bike shorts, which seem to be prevalent and accepted in Western society.
There is, and there will continue to be. As far as bike-shorts go, it's worth recalling that the ridiculousness of them grows exponentially with the distance from the bicycle.
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by Sinned »

As for the camel-toe I've seen some and I agree that it's tasteless but who, when embarrassed about it, is going to say something about it and then get promptly slagged off and told to mind their own business? The PW I don't worry about - it's perhaps more noticeable in a skirt with a flat front such as a body-con but I wouldn't let that stop me from wearing one. As to nipples - yes I had them try and poke their way out and again I wouldn't worry. Not a problem on a woman and should be less so on a man as he is able to go topless without much comment. Storm in a teacup! :)
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by r.m.anderson »

Ah ha the double standard of it all.
Women can wear less - expose more and have a wide range of comments usually complimentary.
BUT let a man expose a wrinkle in the flat front fabric and it is a call to action "Spanish Inquisition" fashion police of sorts !

The Olympics of old were held for the most part sans clothing - - -
Nothing much changed except clothing is the rigor of the event these days
BUT even then the women can wear tight fitting painted on skin graphics leaving very little for the imagination.

Which brings up the profound statement by women of men in a state of undress that they have seen it all !
Yet why do women wear almost nothing - have nothing to wear - and worry about men viewing them in nude ?

Go Figure and that figure is all about what is worn or not - and how much of it to what degree.

And that degree is almost coming full circle - leaving the Garden sans clothing (fig leafs and all that stuff) and
now except for the global warming weather less clothing is more - so go Figure again !
"Kilt-On" -or- as the case may be "Skirt-On" !
Isn't wearing a kilt enough?
Well a skirt will do in a pinch!
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by Fred in Skirts »

Women on the beach wear so little as to look naked, what with string bikinis their entire back side is exposed completely. The front is nearly so and there they go parading up and down the beach for all to see.

Yet if you caught them in bra and panties they scream bloody murder and act like you have raped them.

Men especially in the US have to wear swim shorts that are for the most part huge baggy and heavy and very ugly. When I was younger I could not find a bathing suit that I would wear. So I decided that a bikini was what I wanted so I made a pattern and started to sew. I had a bright red bathing suit that fit me just right and was for the US very daring. It was made to look like some of the first bikinis that were came out in the sixties.

While I got hard nasty looks from the men the ladies on the other hand made nice remarks.

So to form it all up into one neat package wear what you like and in a style you like and let the nay-sayers eat from the septic tank. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by trainspotter48 »

As long as we don't return to the Tudor era with doublet and hose complete with codpiece!!
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by Faldaguy »

In some circles the codpiece is actually making a 'come-back'! But it strikes me that the male form, like the female one, has a basic shape and some parts protrude and others don't. When in so-called normal male gear, the PW is pretty normal -- so much so that we tend not to look/notice unless it's folks at a bar looking for some 'fun'. So, I am always a bit frustrated in a skirts that tends to allow ole PW to show his face as on one hand it is normal, but on the other -- in a skirt it not only breaks the line and look of the skirt, but may make you look a bit fatter too. :( Males in skirts do tend to draw more attention than in breeches--so I am perplexed, do I continue as I would in other clothes for comfort first, or do I conform to style and appearance-- criteria that have no more reasonable basis than saying men should not wear skirts or dresses or anything else outside the "approved norm"? I'm a guy, in some clothes I have PW, so what; women certainly have their perceptible parts and take a lot of heat--so what. To my mind, clothes have but two purposes: Protection & Presentation (art, fashion, style, decoration, sometimes roles.) PW is but a subtle element (perhaps not with a codpiece!) of presentation. Roping it in is not consistent with an argument for comfort, nor for the pernicious demands of style. Conundrum, catch-22, dilemma...add to the list!
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by nzfreestyler »

denimini wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:40 am Solved!


that would certainly contain thing the bulge? Looks like its made for a guys shape too? Not much hip width in there?
denimini wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:40 am The PW I don't worry about - it's perhaps more noticeable in a skirt with a flat front such as a body-con but I wouldn't let that stop me from wearing one. As to nipples - yes I had them try and poke their way out and again I wouldn't worry.
Because of my breasts I think I understand this conundrum. It is a contradiction of the genders I think. Its fine for me to show my chest provided I don't slip a nipple and so many styles blatantly plunge too low for your bra, on either front or back or both so your breasts are very much a 'fashion accessory' and part of your outfit, rather like your skirt or heels are too. Not everyone wants to wear that look, its nerve racking to do, but also a lot of fun to do, and is empowering to show off your breast shape, and its easy to wear this look once you are used to doing it (baring clothing malfunctions). Hard to explain if you haven't done it - I suppose if anyone wears high heels openly then it is very similar to the feeling of confidence/empowerment you get from wearing your taller heels and mini skirts/minidresses openly.

Most guys don't get to feel any such emotions from their clothing choices. And why shouldn't they be able to dress how they feel, and dress for their shape. A bulge down there is natural. Who says its wrong - its different. Wearing figure defining clothes means that's going to happen - buts its natural in a figure defining garment. A cod piece I think is extravagant, obviously was in trend at a time, not now, but could have a resurgence. Its just fashion. Its different for sure, but just a fashion style. A cod piece is very similar to a push up bra. Just another clothing option.

Guys don't really get to wear empowering 'look at me' clothing. While its not something I would wear everyday - these extravagant styles are fun to wear, empowering too, and are something many women understand on a routine basis. Why can't menswear delve into this foray a little at least? Who says its only for womenswear?

And the other double standard touched on is bare skin - men are covered up and women are largely uncovered. The more dressy - or night out-ish the less you are covered should you choose to wear a dress...
mens fashion is largely shapeless and fully covered.

I often talk clothing with strangers I meet because my fashion choices start the whole conversation thing with them. And I always tell folk I believe womens fashion is so much more complicated - and also fun - compared to mens drab options.

I'd better stop rambling, I'm losing direction I think....

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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by Sinned »

NZF, agree completely. At what point, on a man, does the developed breast turn from being exposable in going topless to unexposable by becoming sexualised as the female breast has? It's a bit like the question I have asked of my wife - at what point does a long T-shirt or shirt become a T-shirt or short dress and thus become, in her eyes unacceptable on a man? She's not really answered that so far.

Today I'm wearing a purple "female" top that I've worn before and a purple stretch bodycon skirt that shows my PW and there's been no comment from my wife apart from saying, "I suppose that you'll be wearing a skirt every day now during the self-isolation". Of course I denied it with a non-commital "Not necessarily". Fingers crossed behind my back, naturally. MOHs's garage has finally closed for the duration as the government has pulled the plug on MOT work by announcing a 6 month holiday and the repair work has dried up despite the government saying that garages would remain open. For what? Mechanics to sit and twiddle their thumbs hoping for a telephone call?

BTW I liked the "(baring clothing malfunctions)." The play on baring/barring was either accidental or if deliberate, a nice touch!
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by nzfreestyler »

Sinned wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 10:30 am BTW I liked the "(baring clothing malfunctions)." The play on baring/barring was either accidental or if deliberate, a nice touch!
good spotting. It was intentional. I am a bit naughty at times and I have deliberately played to the gallery with the odd nipple slip.
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Re: The Perceptible Willy

Post by partlyscot »

Codpieces, I have mixed feelings about them. They have been in the past, fashion accessories, as nzfreestyler said, roughly equivalent to a push up bra. I could see myself using something similar if they make an entry into something like mainstream fashion. My objection to them is the concept that I am trying to exaggerate size. I am not, by any means, oversize in that region, but I am not so insecure as to feel in have to be boastful. I have worn leggings outside, and this would be an obvious application. So far, when wearing leggings, I partner them with a long shirt. I have in some cases, added an extra lining panel out of material with stronger stretch than the base leggings. I don't have too much concern about someting being discernible, but I dislike the untidy nature of the naturally occurring shape. Yes, it's equivalent to the outline of a breast, but it's not as aesthetically pleasing, is it? I try to apply the extra panel in such a way as to present a smoother, but not necessarily flatter profile. I am not intending it to act like a gaff, not intending to present a female or androgynous look.
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