New, I suppose

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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Kirbstone »

Very nice skirt, Coder

Way way before photoshop the French had a gadget for chopping off heads....the Guillotine. It was kinda messy though.

You could post pics in the Pics & Looks section, so we all can enjoy them.

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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Sinned »

A really nice look with a skirt likely cut on the bias which means that it's likely good quality. Dressed like that you shouldn't receive any adverse comments.
I believe in offering every assistance short of actual help but then mainly just want to be left to be myself in all my difference and uniqueness.
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Dick Ackerman »

I like that skirt. I would wear it anywhere any time.
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Coder »

Freedomforall wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:36 pm I really like those skirts. Can you share where you purchased them? I think they both look great on you. Are you wearing a belt?
The green skirt is by:
Not sure if they are still around - some images are broken on the site, and it was last updated in 2013. No social media posts. The actual pattern is quite simple, but I have no idea where you get the type of fabric they used.
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Daryl »

Coder wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 5:24 am Just a quick introduction.
Welcome Coder!

Yes, the trans movement is pushing boundaries for us. The only downside to that, from my experience, is that sometimes you might be congratulated for having the courage to transition. Not that big a downside.

Interesting that you used the language of "coming out". Yeah, it is kind of equivalent, especially where families are concerned.

Jeans are cold. Where men went wrong garment-wise is anyone's guess, but it's further back than jeans!
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

Welcome Coder,

Getting used to, comfortable and fairly confident in a skirt is definitely the first step. It's where we all started.

A number of us wear skirts and dresses to work on a regular basis, so there's nothing to be afraid of. Your university opened the door, walk through it. If the presenters can be themselves on the job, SO. CAN. YOU!!!

Check out my posts, Mark as in Mark's and SkirtsDad's to get an idea of what some of us wear to work.

A bunch of us know what you mean about the Roman Catholic Church. I was raised in the Catholic church; about when I hit the half-century mark, I switched over to my mother's side and I'm now a Methodist.

As Carl said, keep pushing your envelope and you'll get there.

Btw, not that it matters, but you're not a Buckeye, are you? I ask because, by education, I'm a Wolverine. I grew up in Connecticut so from that point of view you could say I'm also Nutmegger.

As to where men went wrong in their clothing choices, it was early 19th century when full-length pants came into their own. Like almost every other change in men's clothing, it was born of military necessity. Pants work better on the battlefield and the march thereto than knee breeches and hose.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other Coder and you'll get there.


David, the PDX Fashion Pioneer

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Re: New, I suppose

Post by oldsalt1 »

Cedar first welcome to the café

I agree with what Dave PDX is saying. The doctrines of the catholic church as well as other religions are strict. But the attitude of the clergy is changing. I am catholic while I don't wear skirts to Sunday Mass I am skirted most other times including weekday masses and the other numerous church activities I participate in. And there has been no reaction

Dave is also right about the military necessity . I am sure that a skirt would have been a pleasant relief for the sometimes 100 degree days . I don't think they would have worked to well while climbing in and out of tanks and armored personnel carriers. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The main thing is to be comfortable with yourself and take your time with things
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Coder »

Pdxfashionpioneer wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:50 am Btw, not that it matters, but you're not a Buckeye, are you? I ask because, by education, I'm a Wolverine. I grew up in Connecticut so from that point of view you could say I'm also Nutmegger.
Thanks for the comments! I'm a wolverine by degree (literally, in mechanical engineering) and employment. Not a fan of sports, but I don't hold that against anyone :P
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Coder »

oldsalt1 wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 11:39 am The main thing is to be comfortable with yourself and take your time with things
Ha! If I was the only person on the planet, maybe. Or if people weren't so cruel. I'm trying to get over the 'cruel' hump, but it's been with me since a child, so it's going to take a lot of deprogramming.
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by beachlion »

Coder wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:35 pm
Pdxfashionpioneer wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:50 am Btw, not that it matters, but you're not a Buckeye, are you? I ask because, by education, I'm a Wolverine. I grew up in Connecticut so from that point of view you could say I'm also Nutmegger.
Thanks for the comments! I'm a wolverine by degree (literally, in mechanical engineering) and employment. Not a fan of sports, but I don't hold that against anyone :P
Welcome to this forum that will push you in the right direction.

We have something in common. I'm a mechanical engineer too and use a sewing machine to make my own skirts and (a few) dresses. I don't like sport at all, not doing it or watching it. I have no sense of competition. I don't have to be faster or stronger than others. I do things in my own time and pace. Certainly after my retirement. I was born in the Netherlands and there stops the similarity.
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Happy-N-Skirts »

To Coder or anyone else with a problem wearing skirts in public: Find a nice day and put on a skirt that would be considered stealthy, such as denim or camouflage. Go to a state or national park, county regional park, lake, river, or beach. Carry a camera and find a trail and start walking. You might want to wear a day pack with lunch and bottled water. You can be as far as you want to from fellow hikers. If you meet someone on the trail coming toward you, just say hi and keep going. Sometimes that person may want to talk with you, usually a female, or a pair of them. You will find that very few people notice and I have never had unwanted stares, finger pointing, giggles, or sarcastic comments.

Graduate to public places such as gas stations, convenience stores, restaurants, movies. Go to a grocery store and get a shopping cart as no one will bother to look at you and what you are wearing behind the cart you are pushing. One time the clerk asked me if I were a performer and I said I just like to wear skirts. Everyone in line complimented me and the clerk said I have nice knees. Other comments were, "looks very comfortable," "looks nice", "nice pattern."

I don't wear skirts around relatives, organizations I belong to, meetings. I thoroughly enjoy skirts for walking and hiking, and for driving. I have never had a negative experience when wearing a skirt. I have very rarely had questions. I am asked whether I am Scottish, if I am a member of an organization such as bagpipes and drums. Some of my skirts are plaid, some with pleats. Most are plain colors in straight or A- line.

My wife likes me in skirts and has her favorites and tells me whether it fits the occasion, or whether I am color coordinated or not. I enjoy the freedom and comfort. I try to blend in as though I am wearing shorts. When I shop for skirts I ask for "masculine skirts." The sales associated seem to know what I am looking for. Most of them will spend time with me and look around the entire store for me and bring more to the dressing room as I try them in. I walk out and show them for their approval.

Think of it as a fun hobby.
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by lazerr »

Love that pattern, it is amazing how having the pattern turned like that changes the whole look.

I almost never head any comments, and I wear everywhere, everyday, and with everybody. I do agree with the hiking being a way to explore--stretch your limits. I've also gotten the "are you scottish or Irish?" and the do you play bagpipes. I have also (only once) gotten the compliment on being assumed trans. I totally understand. You cannot escape the fact that this isn't something people see everyday, although it really isn't that important to most people. Fundamentally, at least to me, is the idea that most people don't notice, or don't care.

One other thing I notice is that the way people dress is not the uniform look of years ago. Everyone more or less dressed like others, and strictly kept to the male/female expectations (though there were always plenty of diverse outliers) I see every type of clothes being work. What really is stretching the paradigms is yoga wear. You see yoga clothes being worn everywhere now, men and women, big and small, fit and non, winter or summer, workplace, shopping, events, and yes, even at the gym. Compared to just a few years ago, I don't think people are anywhere as judgemental regarding what others are wearing.

I believe that the fact that I have given what I wear some level of thought, to be something that adds to my life, and indirectly, others.
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Coder »

lazerr wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 1:14 pm One other thing I notice is that the way people dress is not the uniform look of years ago. Everyone more or less dressed like others, and strictly kept to the male/female expectations (though there were always plenty of diverse outliers) I see every type of clothes being work. What really is stretching the paradigms is yoga wear. You see yoga clothes being worn everywhere now, men and women, big and small, fit and non, winter or summer, workplace, shopping, events, and yes, even at the gym. Compared to just a few years ago, I don't think people are anywhere as judgemental regarding what others are wearing.
As much as I dislike yogawear (I have my biases :P), it occurred to me a while back that, yes, the bad cheesy sci-fi from the 70's (60's? 80's?) was coming true and everyone was going around in spandex jumpsuits. We aren't yet at the point where we have to wear a specific color for our profession in life, but I'm sure that'll be next.
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Hope »

Hello Coder

The first time I wear a skirt outside was at 2am, with fear of being moked and what do you think that happened? I was moked by drunk guys! :oops:
An other skirt wearer advise me to try in a crowded place, so I went to a big mall on Saturday afternoon, bought a skirt and keep it on to continue shopping. What has happened : nothing except the exceptional pleasure I had to be skirted in public!

Since this day I wear skirt as often as I can, except with my family and at work.

I assisted to a mass once, with my brown skirt, brown tight and knee boots (no heels). It was in London where I assisted at a training. The priest came at the end of the ceremony to talk with me, as he had understood I'm not English. We had some small talks and he invited me to share a coffee with others parishes. Some old ladies were a little bit interrogative, but that's all. Not a word about my outfit.

So, be yourself and enjoy😉
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Re: New, I suppose

Post by Coder »

Hope wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2020 9:24 pm So, be yourself and enjoy😉
I'm trying! I've been (at work) lately wearing tops and watches that I've bought in the past but was too scared to wear. Like, this watch (bought used):

Basically a giant gem for a watch crystal.

Or the sweaters featured in this post, some fitted t's, etc.. No one has said a thing, and even family members were oblivious to the source of said items ("you really look good in red" says my mom, to me wearing an XL fitted women's tee). So, it has brought me some joy/relief because I was almost certain I'd get looked at funny with these things. Or this watch (bought used): ... 3589796350

Essentially a beaded wood stretch bangle.

I'm really trying to slowly ease myself into being confident wearing things I like, that are offbeat, and that reflect my style. I've got some anxiety issues, which makes this whole thing a big cluster for me (hell, it makes getting out of bed a whole cluster, but, meh). Last weekend was a big win for me in a lot of respects, although I need to deal with a few other issues first before going skirted in the general public.

Finally, I'm making an effort to sell the stuff I can't, won't or don't wear. Which will be sad in some respects - I have some neat tops that I just can't pull off. But that's OK - baby steps - and wear what looks good on me.

I'll probably regret this post - I'm primarily interested in wearing skirts - but am not afraid of cautious freestyling. Basically, I want to wear what I like, without giving up my identity.
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