Greetings from the End of the Earth

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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by JohnH »

Yes, I admit having a DD bust, along with my hair longer than my shoulders. I am also clean-shaven. And for business and church I typically wear women's blouses along with lipstick and eye makeup. So I look like a woman. But I have a deep masculine bass voice.

I get ma'amed frequently but when I talk the response is "Oh, sorry, Sir". :D

There's an old expression of making lemonade out of lemons. :D

Anyway, welcome to the forum.

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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Sinned »

If you want o see someone with a full beard and wearing tiered skirts and dresses, strappy and otherwise, in all sorts of colours and still look like a man then look at the pictures of Kilted_John in the Pics section. He's amazing to be able to lull off the look. I just didn't think it possible and no doubt he will add a comment or two. This just goes to show that there are others on this site that are just like you but a but further along the road to acceptance.
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by TheSkirtedMan »

Hello Orange Apple and welcome.

Believe in yourself and be you. You have had some good replies and it is best to forget your "double take". Easier said than done but it is necessary. I've encountered many men and women with attributes different to others and at the end of the day so what.

Go about with confidence in yourself. Be polite, friendly and show no signs of intimidation or fear. All I can add is basically what I said to jc.33 with his introduction thread entitled 'hello'.

Don't let others force their personal views on to you so that it spoils your own life. Enjoy what you want to wear. Be as you want to be. So long as you are not doing any physical harm to others does it matter.

All the best.
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

I second the things that have been said here.

You've probably seen lots of coming out posts already but in case you've missed this theme let me say that we have all started by taking baby steps. I expect they're essential to having a good public experience. As I think Caultron suggested to jc33 first wear your skirt in private so it feels comfortable and natural, then go outside in your backyard, then deserted streets at night, etc. In other words, take it easy and slowly so that you get used to the idea and the experience, then be public about.

Also remember, as I told the other new member, when you've taken enough baby steps to think you're ready to take the plunge, TAKE THE PLUNGE! because none of us have been 100% ready before we did and all of us have butterflies when we step out the door, at least occasionally and certainly when we're taking our show to a new venue.

Welcome to the Skirt Café! Good luck and have fun!
David, the PDX Fashion Pioneer

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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Kilted_John »

Orange Apple wrote:<snip>

One of the interesting aspects of this forum is that it has made me think about things in different ways. My initial thoughts were along the lines of, "Gee, I'd really like to wear a skirt in public, but what will people think when they see someone with a full beard, very obvious breasts, and wearing a skirt?" As I've digested the material here, I begin to realize that most people will see the skirt and either not care or be pleased. Their eyes will be drawn to the skirt and they're unlikely to even notice my chest. And if they do notice both, it's really no different than today when I live in the real world wearing a T-shirt. I'm different. We are all different.
Firstly, welcome to the forum. Secondly, add long hair, plus some extra belly, and...


Mine aren't really large, but, if they don't shrink when I get back into shape, I'm not spending the $7-10K to have them minimized.

Skirted since 2/2002, kilted 8/2002-8/2011, and dressed since 9/2013...
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Orange Apple »

Kilted_John wrote:
Firstly, welcome to the forum. Secondly, add long hair, plus some extra belly, and...

Mine aren't really large, but, if they don't shrink when I get back into shape, I'm not spending the $7-10K to have them minimized.

Thanks for that. Definitely some similarity in our looks. And no, I am not interested in spending lots of money to take the risk of major surgery so I can have big scars instead of big boobs.
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Orange Apple »

I am taking the advice that several have offered and wearing my skirt today around the house.

I'm sure that these impressions are not new to most of you here . . . but I am finding that wearing a skirt affects daily life more than I had expected. It's a bit hard to put into words . . . For example, I am sitting in my usual chair, with my usual laptop, but my lap looks different. When I walk, it feels different. When I need to pick something up off the floor, I realize that I need to do it slightly differently. And we won't even discuss standing in the bathroom for the first time and thinking, "Now what?"

I tried the skirt on for size when I picked it up (a few of us actually picked up our skirts in Minneapolis) but this is the first time I have actually worn it for any length of time. And don't get me wrong; none of this is BAD. It's just a rather different experience than I had expected. And I haven't even tried getting into and out of a car yet . . .
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by crfriend »

These impressions, sensations, and, sometimes confusion, are all normal for first-time wearers. They will pass in time, but should not be surprising given that for all of your days up to this, you've had separate tubes for each leg and now there's but one, and that one is flared somewhat. Of course it's going to feel different -- very different. Wait until you get outside and feel a breeze where none could ever get to before.

Take the time to master the basics of how to handle a skirt before venturing into public. I don't know if the Skirtcraft skirts are prone to lifting in a breeze, but know how to deal with that. Bending at the knees to pick things up not only preserves modesty, but is also better for your back (this is a "hidden win" for skirts). There are advantages to skirts and there are some disadvantages, and it'll take time to learn them. Recall that girls used to get taught all this stuff by their mothers -- our mothers never taught us because they all knew that we'd never wear skirts because we're guys. Who could have known...
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by moonshadow »

Welcome again to the board Orange Apple!

Regarding your boobs... it's a part of you. Don't hide it, don't worry about it. People are going to think what they want to think, but I'm willing to bet that most people wont care, and those that do wont say anything. Hell, I've got really small "boobs", not sure if it's because I've gotten a little fatter over the years, or I'm just producing less testosterone. I can't even blame it on a drug. But I do know that certain "women's" blouses "bring them out". And you know what.... that's fine with me. It is what it is, and I'm happy with my body the way it is, and frankly, I enjoy wearing clothes that compliment my body- little man boobs and all.

crfriend wrote: I don't know if the Skirtcraft skirts are prone to lifting in a breeze
I don't think they will, unless you're in a hurricane. The fabric is pretty heavy, and the skirt holds it's shape particularly well. An excellent knee skirt for wear on a breezy day if modesty is important. The disadvantage is, when sitting... once again it holds it's shape, thus the middle won't fall between your legs naturally, you'll have to push it down, or sit with your legs together. ... or not worry about it, just wear underwear.
crfriend wrote: but know how to deal with that
I find carrying a purse helps. One that hangs by the hip, it seems to help hold at least one side down. Skirts with smaller built in slips seem to function well on windy days. However I normally choose a longer skirt if it's going to be very windy. Two reasons: one is it takes more to lift it, two is they look REALLY cool flowing in the breeze!
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Orange Apple »

moonshadow wrote:
Regarding your boobs... it's a part of you. Don't hide it, don't worry about it. People are going to think what they want to think, but I'm willing to bet that most people wont care, and those that do wont say anything. Hell, I've got really small "boobs", not sure if it's because I've gotten a little fatter over the years, or I'm just producing less testosterone. I can't even blame it on a drug. But I do know that certain "women's" blouses "bring them out". And you know what.... that's fine with me. It is what it is, and I'm happy with my body the way it is, and frankly, I enjoy wearing clothes that compliment my body- little man boobs and all.
crfriend wrote: I don't know if the Skirtcraft skirts are prone to lifting in a breeze
I don't think they will, unless you're in a hurricane. The fabric is pretty heavy, and the skirt holds it's shape particularly well. An excellent knee skirt for wear on a breezy day if modesty is important. The disadvantage is, when sitting... once again it holds it's shape, thus the middle won't fall between your legs naturally, you'll have to push it down, or sit with your legs together. ... or not worry about it, just wear underwear.
crfriend wrote: but know how to deal with that
I find carrying a purse helps. One that hangs by the hip, it seems to help hold at least one side down. Skirts with smaller built in slips seem to function well on windy days. However I normally choose a longer skirt if it's going to be very windy. Two reasons: one is it takes more to lift it, two is they look REALLY cool flowing in the breeze!
I've been dealing with the boobs for years, or perhaps not dealing with them in the sense that, just as you said, people really don't notice and if they do they don't care, and if they do get their panties in a wad, it's their problem, not mine. But somehow the idea of wearing a skirt AND having noticeable breasts seemed like it might be an issue. Now that I am actually wearing the skirt, it's just not that big a deal. Rationally, why would I be concerned with something that I've not cared about for years? I just have to get the emotional side of my brain on the same page as the rational side. And we know how that can occasionally be a challenge.

You're right about the fabric on the Skirtcraft garment. Since I am working with a sample space of one, it had not occurred to me that the stiff fabric was actually a disadvantage when sitting, or that a different skirt would feel completely different. The things I have to look forward to . . . including the wonders of wearing a long skirt.

I have to say . . . I had in my mind the idea that, yeah, wear a skirt, no big deal other than feeling like people were staring. But I am discovering all these aspects that I had not even considered. This is actually turning out to be much more of an adventure than I had anticipated. And so far, quite a pleasant one.

I want to thank everyone here for the encouragement, the specific information, and sharing the pictures. All of that has been helpful beyond words.
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Caultron »

Orange Apple wrote:One of the interesting aspects of this forum is that it has made me think about things in different ways. My initial thoughts were along the lines of, "Gee, I'd really like to wear a skirt in public, but what will people think when they see someone with a full beard, very obvious breasts, and wearing a skirt?" As I've digested the material here, I begin to realize that most people will see the skirt and either not care or be pleased. Their eyes will be drawn to the skirt and they're unlikely to even notice my chest. And if they do notice both, it's really no different than today when I live in the real world wearing a T-shirt. I'm different. We are all different.
When I first started wearing skirts in public I was pretty tense and felt sure everyone was glaring at me.

Then nothing bad happened and I relaxed and felt pretty much out of spotlight.

Then I started wearing tights with my skirts and again, I was pretty tense and felt sure everyone was glaring at me.

Then nothing bad happened and I relaxed.

Then I started wearing heels with my skirts and tights. And guess what, I again was pretty tense .

Then nothing bad happened and I relaxed.


Also, I suspect you'll find little if any difference in public reaction between a man with breasts and a man with breasts and a skirt. Relax, smile, look straight back at them, and wish them a nice day.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Caultron »

Orange Apple wrote:. . . And I haven't even tried getting into and out of a car yet . . .
Try getting in butt first, feet later.

As to the rest, have fun with your new experiences!
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by moonshadow »

I have a story I'd like to share about being who we are and embracing our body's imperfections. It's about a few of my imperfections that I've had all my life, that has given me a somewhat unique perspective on "being different". I don't think I've really discussed it much on this board, and in fact, I've never really opened up to them at all in my life. It's long winded and it's already after noon and I need to get to work, so I'll have to write it later. But it's ironic that these imperfections in me helped give me confidence to wear skirts, and what's interesting is wearing skirts made me more at peace with these imperfections. Amazing the way Nature balances out if you let her.

I'll post it tonight in personal stories. Stay tuned! :P
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by pelmut »

Orange Apple wrote:... I am finding that wearing a skirt affects daily life more than I had expected. It's a bit hard to put into words . . . For example, I am sitting in my usual chair, with my usual laptop, but my lap looks different. When I walk, it feels different. When I need to pick something up off the floor, I realize that I need to do it slightly differently.
Not only that, but you will find different skirts have different effects. You will find a big bulky or flared skirt needs a bit more clearance when you walk past household objects, otherwise you will keep knocking things on the floor. When going through a narrow doorway or round a corner in a long skirt, it helps to turn the hips so as to swing the hem clear of the woodwork. (You may even enjoy the occasional surreptitious twirl when no-one is looking.)
With a shorter skirt, you will immediately become aware of the cold air spilling from the freezer cabinets in the frozen food section of a supermarket. On hot days you will suddenly realise that you don't seem to be getting as heat-stressed and sweaty as you used to in trousers or shorts. You will learn to be very careful what you sit on, plastic chairs can get very hot in bright sunshine.

Yes, there is a whole new world of experience just waiting to be explored - and that is before you get out and start interacting with people and discover that women are prepared to accept a man in a skirt into their exclusve club, which most trousered men never even suspect exists.
And we won't even discuss standing in the bathroom for the first time and thinking, "Now what?"
Sit. It is so much easier in a skirt (and much nicer if you are the one who has to do the cleaning).
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Re: Greetings from the End of the Earth

Post by Orange Apple »

moonshadow wrote: I'll post it tonight in personal stories. Stay tuned! :P
You know how to set the stage . . .
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