Greetings from Central Illinois

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Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by Rev Paul »

I found this site after sharing some thoughts in another forum and I've been reading some of the posts before offering this my first. I am an occasional skirt wear mostly round the house. Several times late at night I've gone out with the dog for a short walk wearing a skirt. I've been a widower for a little over a year now and just recently got into wearing around the house again. The wife never cared for it so when her and the kids would go visit her mother or sister and I was home alone I would bring out the one skirt I had and wear it around the house. So how does one "work up the nerve" to wear a skirt in public or is it something that one says they are going to do and does it?
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by Caultron »

Hi, Rev Paul, and welcome to the board.

As to going out skirted in public, yes, it's pretty much something you say you're going to do and then do it.

Surroundings may help. It may be easier some distance from home, for example, or more comfortable near home. You might be more comfortable in a setting with only a few people around, or you may prefer the anonymity of a crowd. You may be more confident in some styles than others. And so forth.

But in the end, you're breaking convention and there's really no way around that. But people wear all kinds of unusual stuff for many different reasons, and you won't be the first. And if someone doesn't like it, it's their problem, not yours.

Surprisingly, many people won't even notice; they're too busy with their own life or just too apathetic about what other people wear. Another group will notice and think, "That's odd but oh well," and shake it off. Some, more often women, will like it. A few will frown for a second but that's as negative as it gets.

Just be confident. Stand tall. Never sulk, cower, or squirm. When someone notices you, smile and wish them a nice day. I'm sure you'll find that the attitude you project is much more important than the clothes you're wearing.

Good luck and once you've done it, be sure to post your experiences here.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by RichardA »

Hi & :welcome:
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by melsav »

Hi Rev Paul. Welcome to Skirtcafe.
As Cauldron says.
Just be confident. Stand tall. Never sulk, cower, or squirm. When someone notices you, smile and wish them a nice day. I'm sure you'll find that the attitude you project is much more important than the clothes you're wearing.
From what I have seen on Skirtcafe, Denim seems to be the best to wear for your 1st outing as I did with no problems.
Hope all go's well :D
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by skirted_in_SF »

Frankly, my technique is to not pay attention to whether surrounding people notice or not. I've not worn pants at all for the last four weekends using this method. I've been walking by myself on city streets and parks to shopping in crowded farmer's markets and grocery stores. I'm known at least by sight in many of these places. Last Friday I rode my regular bus and went to work in a skirt for the first time. It just gets easier the more you practice.
Stuart Gallion
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by Caultron »

skirted_in_SF wrote:...Last Friday I rode my regular bus and went to work in a skirt for the first time...
How did that go?

What kind of job do you have?

Did you prep your boss and co-workers ot just let 'em have it?

How did they react?
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by Jim »

Welcome, Paul, from an almost neighbor (north Central Illinois, near Princeton). I started with a denim skirt than many folks didn't notice was different from my usual summer shorts. I was motivated by a skin irritation between my legs that material there bothered, so explained to those who asked it was because of a skin irritation. But it felt so comfortable, I kept up the habit!
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by Rev Paul »

Jim wrote:Welcome, Paul, from an almost neighbor (north Central Illinois, near Princeton). I started with a denim skirt than many folks didn't notice was different from my usual summer shorts. I was motivated by a skin irritation between my legs that material there bothered, so explained to those who asked it was because of a skin irritation. But it felt so comfortable, I kept up the habit!
Jim did you go bare legged, pantyhose, or just white socks and tennis shoes? Just curious.
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by Caultron »

Rev Paul wrote:...did you go bare legged, pantyhose, or just white socks and tennis shoes? Just curious.
I know this question wasn't aimed at me, but I vacillate between tights and bare-legged.

The difference in reaction between a skirt with bare legs and a skirt with tights is essentially zero.

For hiking I wear men's hiking boots and for walking, men's walking shoes.

Otherwise, I generally wear either men's or women's sandals, or women's oxfords with about 2" heels.

High heels get more attention, perhaps even more than the skirt.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by dillon »

Welcome, Rev. There's nothing to it but to do it!
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by skirted_in_SF »

Caultron wrote:
skirted_in_SF wrote:...Last Friday I rode my regular bus and went to work in a skirt for the first time...
How did that go?

What kind of job do you have?

Did you prep your boss and co-workers ot just let 'em have it?

How did they react?
At the risk of hijacking Rev Paul's thread . . .
It went fine. First up was walking up to the bus stop and seeing a woman I know to chat with from time to time. She gave me a look and asked "what's with the outfit?" I replied - it's casual Friday and it's supposed to be warm today. We went on to talk about other things. BTW, this was an almost ankle length black skirt.
A lot of the people in the office were out on vacation, but other than a couple of people I had no verbal comments from anyone. One Chinese co-worker, who tends to say whatever comes into her head, asked if I was Irish. I told her no, I'm not wearing a kilt and kilts are more Scots that Irish anyway. The other was from my male dressing lesbian coworker who gave me a big thumbs up. But she was the only person who I had warned in advance that I might do this. At lunch I walked down to the street artist's area to talk with some of the vendors I buy from regularly. My Chinese friend who makes my bags/purses commented on my dress. I had to reply that while she was wearing a dress, I was wearing a skirt. It's kind of a counter-culture crowd there, so there weren't any problems.

I do accounting/system administration for a company that owns and operates hotels nationwide. My direct boss was on vacation, but I did I did have to stop by to get signatures from the CFO a couple of times.
Stuart Gallion
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by moonshadow »

Hello and Welcome!

"how doe one work up the nerve?"

What seems to work for me is to just put on the skirt and go for it! Take a ride away from people you know for starters, don't bring an emergency pair of trousers. Walk into a busy place like a walmart or shopping mall (malls seem to be better as they generally have younger more open minded clientele.)

You will have the occasional dirty look, but don't worry about this. This may sound cliche, but I really do think those people are actually jealous because you are doing something they can only dream of!

Family and friends are tougher than strangers, and I wish I could offer advise, but alas, that's a hurdle I have yet to clear!

Best of luck and enjoy!
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
Rev Paul
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by Rev Paul »

Jim wrote:Welcome, Paul, from an almost neighbor (north Central Illinois, near Princeton). I started with a denim skirt than many folks didn't notice was different from my usual summer shorts.
Jim you said you started out with denim. What about khaki would that be good to start with as well? As for a place to go to would that mall up in the LaSalle/Peru area be a good one to go for a first trip? I've been in there once or twice just passing through and seem to be not many people in it. Might be a little far for me but just a thought.
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by Jim »

Rev Paul wrote:
Jim wrote:Welcome, Paul, from an almost neighbor (north Central Illinois, near Princeton). I started with a denim skirt than many folks didn't notice was different from my usual summer shorts.
Jim you said you started out with denim. What about khaki would that be good to start with as well? As for a place to go to would that mall up in the LaSalle/Peru area be a good one to go for a first trip? I've been in there once or twice just passing through and seem to be not many people in it. Might be a little far for me but just a thought.
Yes, khaki works the same for me. I prefer skirts styled much like shorts, with a front zipper, belt loops and pockets. I've been in that mall and the Chinese Restaurant nearby in a khaki skirt. I didn't notice anyone noticing.
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Re: Greetings from Central Illinois

Post by TheSkirtedMan »

Hello Rev Paul and welcome to SkirtCafe.

I have to agree with Caultron
Caultron wrote:Just be confident. Stand tall. Never sulk, cower, or squirm. When someone notices you, smile and wish them a nice day. I'm sure you'll find that the attitude you project is much more important than the clothes you're wearing.
to your question "So how does one "work up the nerve" to wear a skirt in public or is it something that one says they are going to do and does it?"

Pick the situation & location you feel the most comfortable with. It is a bit nervy to start with but like everything it gets easier the more you do. If you have a good a loyal friend take them. From my experience most people will give no indication to what you have on. Just as many strangers start impromptu conversations with myself in a skirt or clothing society still insist on womens clothes but any clothes for women as when I am dressed in stereotypical and expected male clothing. A few will stare and some of those will make it obvious they are talking about you. The secret is to ignore them and if they are straight in front of you, eg serving you or in the group you are in, speak to them generally or as I do at times, "excuse me is there something amusing about me". To date they always say no and either walk away or start to talk to you. Friends I found were very accepting, family can vary but apart from one family branch on each side of our family trees family have been fine with me.

Don't let them get under your skin. After four years of skirt wearing in public recently both my wife and I did on a short break we had and once you do you dwell upon it and make the situation elsewhere worse. Its advice we stuck too but for some unknown reason that time we didn't. Perhaps we were tired, just had a few weeks of long tiring days or the fact that on that location the small minority were very vocal in our surroundings but it is a lesson both my wife and myself have learned. Ignore, move on, "ask" only when confident and you are in a strong position.

It's as Moonshadow says "but I really do think those people are actually jealous because you are doing something they can only dream of!" and at the end of the day chatter you cannot hear could be positive chatter!

All the best

Jeremy Hutchinson
Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy.
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