Skirting Modes

Discussion of fashion elements and looks that are traditionally considered somewhat "femme" but are presented in a masculine context. This is NOT about transvestism or crossdressing.
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Skirting Modes

Post by phathack »

As I sit here tonight its one of the few nights we get real winter weather here in the DFW area. Its been snowing most of the day and I'm inside dressed warmly in a sweater skirt and top with thigh high socks and ballet flats all in black. LOL Im the man in black wearing a skirt.
This got me to thinking about how and wear skirts. Basicaly it I wear them in 3 modes and depending on the weather ill pick on of those modes to match.
  • Full Skirt Mode
    Like tonight I wear a skirt and something to cover my legs light leggings, tights or socks, shoes are usually womens styles.
  • Skirt in place of shorts
    Like many summer days I will substitute a casual skirt or light weight Kilt in place of mens shorts with bare legs and what ever style of shoes I'm in the mood for could be either gender.
  • Kilt Mode
    This is a Kilt with stockings and boots or shoes with a sporran and sometimes a jacket if its cool enough.
For example next weekend I will be going to the local Irish Heritage Festival, I'm 1/2 Irish, and will be in Full Kilt mode as will be many of the other men at the event.

So how do you wear your skirts?
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Re: Skirting Modes

Post by crfriend »

I find that for the most part I am in "Full Skirt Mode" most of the time. I occasionally wear trousers, but those time are usually restricted to when I'm going to be working at odd angles or there may be a danger that my legs will get nicked up by something (e.g. ice). My shoes, more or less by necessity, are men's style mainly because "nice things" aren't available to fit sasquatch-sized feet.

In the wintertime (which amounts to about 5 months of the year where I live (or so it feels)) I tend to wear fairly heavy tights, mostly in black but also in colours from time to time. It's been anywhere between 10 an 30 degrees below normal for these parts for the past two months, so my MouseWorks skirts have gotten lots of mileage on them recently. I find that the fleece one paired with heavy tights is good to about 0 degrees (F) and still tolerable at the office.

In summer, I usually wear knee-high stockings and lighter skirts. Summer is June through August; the rest of the year is February. In summer, if the local temperatures are going to be much above 90 (F) I do occasionally opt for outright bare legs under very light skirts and "footie socks" that don't show under my normal shoes.

Spring and autumn are the times when I'm most likely to experiment with things because temperatures allow it; in this realm I fiddle with different weights of skirts and different styles of legwear. That said, last Sunday saw the first day above the freezing mark here and I celebrated by tossing on a pair of tights and one of my miniskirts, if for no other reason than to raise tall my middle finger to the month of February.

As far as "skirt in the place of shorts", I don't wear shorts in public (although I do have a pair of exceptionally lightweight ones which are nice), so that doesn't fly. I also don't own a proper kilt because I don't want to deal with all the baggage that mode entails (I am given to understand that the Kilt Police are the storm-troopers of the Fashion Police, and I have no desire to run afoul of that!).

In short, I find that skirts give me wide latitude to express myself from a style perspective, don't hamper me in most activities, and are a general joy to wear because they're comfortable. Why tamper with success?
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Re: Skirting Modes

Post by Kilted_John »

Like Carl, I'm in full skirt mode almost all the time. However, I typically stick with skirts between mid-thigh and mid-kneecap, worn with kneesocks (or knee-high sheer stockings, depending on the weather), and whatever shoes my feet will tolerate on a given day. I sometimes wear a Utilikilt, but, consider it a normal wrap skirt, which is what the owner of the company considers them to be, Used to go into full kilt mode, but, have decided that I kinda like having some anonymity, which regular skirts give me.

Skirted since 2/2002, kilted 8/2002-8/2011, and dressed since 9/2013...
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Re: Skirting Modes

Post by JeffB1959 »

I'm all skirts, all the time on my outings, hemlines depends on my mood as I wear everything from a 15 inch mini to a 40 inch maxi with women's tops. Hosiery depends on the time of year (tights to keep warm in the winter, pantyhose for dressy outfits) while my footwear is from the women's side of the aisle: pumps, boots and with spring here, sandals, all in various heel heights from three to nearly five inches.
I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman.
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