Out and About -- In your dreams

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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Out and About -- In your dreams

Post by Faldaguy »

Had a dream last night in which I was in conversation in a public setting while wearing a skirt. That is not an unusual event as I wear skirts daily in all venues of my life -- but seeing myself in a dream so dressed, is unusual for me as I seldom see myself, or note my attire in any dreams. I do dream quite a bit, but I forget most of it before arising. So, this is just a curious query: Do you see yourself dressed in your skirts, dresses, or other attire in your dreams? (I suspect the answers may be impacted by the number of years you've worn non-conforming attire -- so that might be an interesting aside to mention as well.) BTW -- my 'dream attire' last night was not anything I recognize from my own closet!
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Re: Out and About -- In your dreams

Post by Gardevoir »

I've found myself dressing non-conformally in my dreams before, often in much more public settings than I'm comfortable in real life. I suppose my dreams reflect my feelings as to how I think such situations would go: strangers don't usually mind but there tends to be some friction when the dream setting involves certain family members of mine.

I've dreamed of outfits I own and outfits I don't. Some of the ones I don't would be things I'd love to have for real; I can't think of a dress or skirt I've dreamed up that I wouldn't want to try on in real life, though.

To answer your other question, I've been dressing differently for nearly a year now, and only twice in public, yet I've already had several of these dreams.
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Re: Out and About -- In your dreams

Post by Coder »

Interesting question - occasionally I'll have a dream where I'm in a skirt - and will be either in church, or some other setting where it would be quite disruptive to other people. At that point I panic and try to avoid being seen, then wake up. I suppose this is because I've not really skirted much in public, and my generally anxious nature. Too bad I can't redirect the dream and use it to build confidence.
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Re: Out and About -- In your dreams

Post by STEVIE »

I cannot recall ever having had a single skirt dream but that is not to say that it never happened.
One very powerful experience that I will always remember was during an inner child session with a counsellor.
There was no hypnosis involved but I was asked to focus on an image of my younger self.
I did go into some form of trance state.
I was wearing trousers in the image and in the reality but as I became lucid I saw myself wearing a skirt.
I could even feel the material around my legs.
It was that experience which finally convinced me that I could go out in the world as a guy in a skirt.
Up to then it was behind closed doors or in full female disguise.
There has been an awful lot of water under the bridge since that day.
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Re: Out and About -- In your dreams

Post by moonshadow »

I have one every so often, maybe once per month (that I can recall)

They are always positive, normally at a social function, or around family who are accepting.

What's better is I'm not only wearing just any skirt, I'm usually wearing something very beautiful and elegant. A long time ago I had a dream where I was walking though a warehouse I used to work in wearing a long flowy sun dress. There were no issues.

Other times I'm wearing something like a ball gown, with lots of lace and little flowery designs.

We'll get there eventually.

But my skirts are just a part of my everyday wear, so I think it's just normal for me to naturally wear them in my dreams.

Otherwise I'm dreaming I'm at work (in work pants), and those dreams suuuuuuuuuuck! I usually wake up with a headache when I have those...
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Re: Out and About -- In your dreams

Post by Faldaguy »

by moonshadow » Sat Dec 05, 2020 12:54 pm

I have one every so often, ...

Otherwise I'm dreaming I'm at work (in work pants), and those dreams suuuuuuuuuuck! I usually wake up with a headache when I have those...
wake up from panting...I think those are nightmares, not dreams! :( Thanks for the smile, albeit a painful one.
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