My day trip to London

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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My day trip to London

Post by ChristopherJ »

All right - for those who live in London, this is not a big deal - but for a country boy like me going up to the capital is a big event. I only go there once or twice per year.

I'm going there this time to visit the British museum as, I am ashamed to say, that even though I was a student in London, I have never visited the place and it is one of the greatest Museums in the world.

Anyhow - what to wear? Only joking! I'll be wearing a short skirt, denim jacket, black leggings and brown boots. A trip like this is good for me as it takes me out of my normal comfort zone for skirting - into new places. I went to London in a skirt last Spring - and that was fine, but this time I will have to walk quite a way down Oxford Street - on a Saturday - and I find it difficult to cope with crowds. But hell - I'll just go for it.

I'll tell you how I got on tomorrow.
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Re: My day trip to London

Post by crfriend »

ChristopherJ wrote:I'm going [to London] this time to visit the British museum [...] I'll be wearing a short skirt, denim jacket, black leggings and brown boots.
Good for you lad! It may be ten past one in the morning for you as I write this, but I applaud your fortitude.

I've never been to the UK; the farthest afield I've ever been has been (outside the US) Newfoundland and Labrador (delightful places; I recommend them highly). I'd like to visit the UK and Europe someday, but as I have great difficulty flying probably never will get the chance (being a wage-slave with only three weeks' vacation per year pretty much rules out surface transport trans-Atlantic).
ChristopherJ wrote:A trip like this is good for me as it takes me out of my normal comfort zone for skirting - into new places.
This can be a "good thing". Stretching one's boundaries by shoving up against the "comfort zone" can be remarkably rewarding. I wish you luck!
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Post by knickerless »


You wil have no trouble in London. I try and get up to the capital five or six times a year and always go skirted. Apart from wolf whistles from hairy arsed builders - I have had no trouble at all. You will find Oxford Street so busy no one will see what you are wearing. You will have no problems in any shops, Museums or Galleries.
Just remember though that London can be a dangerous place for everyone. Keep to the main roads and keep your wallet and phone in a safe place.
Are you going up by train

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Post by ChristopherJ »

You wil have no trouble in London. I try and get up to the capital five or six times a year and always go skirted. Apart from wolf whistles from hairy arsed builders - I have had no trouble at all. You will find Oxford Street so busy no one will see what you are wearing. You will have no problems in any shops, Museums or Galleries.
Just remember though that London can be a dangerous place for everyone. Keep to the main roads and keep your wallet and phone in a safe place.
Are you going up by train
Yes - I went by train. I *love* riding on trains - although I don't stick my head out of the window any more. Too scary!

Oxford Street was SO busy I just could not believe it. I had a hard time coping with it. I take medication for anxiety attacks and that just takes the worse peaks of the anxiety away. Good job too otherwise I would have been a gibbering wreck in Oxford Street.

Anyhow - the good news was that it was so crowded that most people didn't see what I was wearing - although it was young men (in groups of 3 or more) who did notice and did yell out a few times. It always seems to be the young men (and hairy arsed builders) who take exception to what I wear. But, by and large, Londoners don't much care what people wear - because there are so many weirdos in London that one more just doesn't make any difference!

The British Museum was great. Absolutely amazing. Of course, I could only see a tiny part of it and I concentrated on the sections dealing with ancient Mesopotamia - the Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian cultures.

Today I saw . . . a beautiful decorated clay pot that was 7,500 years old; a stunning golden head-dress of a Sumerian queen - 4,500 years old; the 'Flood Tablet' - relating that part of the Gilgamesh epic with the Flood and the Ark etc.; the Rosetta Stone; the Elgin marbles!

I have overdosed on history . . .

Sorry Bob - I know I am a wee bit off topic here - and this thread should have been started in another part of the forum, I think. Please accept my apologies.

Back to the important stuff . . . two women in the museum said that they liked my skirt! I got lots of smiles and people trying to take sneaky photos of my legs. It always seems to me that women just easily accept that I am wearing a skirt and it is no big deal at all to them. Most men find it a bit more difficult to deal with and they tend to stare a bit more.

Anyhow - it was a good exercise for me - as I did have to go out of my comfort zone. It is very easy for me just to wear a skirt around my local area, where I feel comfortable. It is harder for me - in all sorts of ways - to go outside of that. But it's good for me to do it.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood . . .

Post by BrotherTailor »

Way to go sir!

I too made a leap out of the usual and went kilted for work all day. Mixed responses, as no one had ever seen me in anything but trousers/overalls (boiler suit for you Brits). I'm still alive and in one piece... 8)
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Post by crfriend »

ChristopherJ wrote:Anyhow - it was a good exercise for me - as I did have to go out of my comfort zone. It is very easy for me just to wear a skirt around my local area, where I feel comfortable. It is harder for me - in all sorts of ways - to go outside of that. But it's good for me to do it.
Well done, sir, well done! And you've got me a bit jealous on the history aspect; I'd love to see some of those artefacts.

Congratulations on a successful outing and "pushing the boundaries" a bit!
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