home made kilt

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home made kilt

Post by davidkilt »

A newbie to the group, joined today, based in the South of France. I have been wearing a thick Tan Utility kilt for about a year. I bought a lighter weight black one on ebay before lockdown here. Temperatures have rocketed since then, it has even topped 40°C, proper roasting. I decided to make a superlightweight kilt copying my black one as closely as possible. I trundled down to the fabric shop in our nearest town and found polyester satin in black, shiny smooth on one side and pretty matte on the other. I decided to put the shiny side inside to keep it from being so obviously girlie, a rough plan of measurements on a piece of paper, a dove in. cut the two pieces and started sewing in the pleats as the original, I did all the outside pleats first and then decided that I would probably be better off leaving the inside pleats to form naturally. It took about 6 hours sewing time, and a nerve racking 10 minutes hammering press studs through the waist band. Hey presto, a super lightweight soft silky kilt. It feels very feminine on the inside, sliding across your legs, well my legs. My wife is impressed with the result too, she wants me to run one off for her too. She had never seen me sewing before, I haven't done any for twenty odd years when I made my first wifes wedding skirt (biting off more than I can chew is an understatement). Anyway I now have a kilt that almost feels like your naked, and it looks OK. So it's a thick cotton workwear kilt for the day and a thin soft one for the evenings. My next project will be a wrap skirt in the left overs, I bought enough fabric to not have to join fabric in the kilt, 4 metres, I only needed less than half the width of the fabric for the kilt. 10 euros for the fabric, 7 for the press studs for 2 kilts. Well happy with the results so far.
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Re: home made kilt

Post by Grok »

Well done! :D
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Re: home made kilt

Post by KurtC »

Sounds like a desirable kilt. I got a poly athletic kilt Matt finish with sides and it is my lightest kilt. Not to stylish but practical around the house. I like the feel of a light skirt too.
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