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hello from essex

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:36 am
by essexsparks
Good morning. I have been a member for a short while but not posted till now as I wanted to build a little confidence.
Anyway, I have almost done the full dress up thing and although I like it, it is more for special occasions. I felt that all I really wanted to do was wear a skirt and be 'me'. So i've been building confidence doing that and it is rather nice.
Other than that I have been out a few times in a skirt and had quite a few glances. Either people are more nosy where i've been or i'm very observant when I want to be.

Re: hello from essex

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:19 pm
by Sinned
essexsparks, Welcome to the forum. You will be rather sensitive to people looking at you for a while. After all it's all new to you and your confidence will be low until you build it up with some experience. After a while your self-consciousness will go and you will stop even looking. Read some of Moon's and others posts on this. You are doing well to get out of the house in a skirt, some don't even manage that. Give it time and all will fall into place. An air of uncertainty or embarrassment will communicate more fully than any skirt you are wearing so don't force it - if you don't feel confident or right going out in a skirt then don't and wear shorts or trousers.

Please tell us a little about yourself and from my point of view whether YOH is accepting of your new attire. Mine is only selectively tolerant, but that's a long story.

Re: hello from essex

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:39 pm
by Caultron
Hi, essexsparks, and welcome to the forum!

I agree with Sinned that the many glances and nosiness you're sensing probably stem from your own uncertainty rather than any sort of public rejection. Yes, you're dressed differently than most, and some percentage of those around you are going to notice. The most common reactions are surprise and curiosity. But people look each other for lots of other reasons as well. And if they don't like what you're wearing, it's their problem, not yours. And for every person who disapproves, several others will like it and often tell you so.

And I also agree you're doing quite well just to get out in a skirt. Trepidation about that first time can be a major barrier.

So again, welcome. Keep on skirting and do let us know how it's going!

Re: hello from essex

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:47 pm
by essexsparks
well, I told moh when we were starting to date that I liked wearing womens clothes. she got use to it and likes that but wants to keep it just for us. I feel that I can as a man wear a skirt when I want to. I don't need to try and look like a woman to wear a skirt so why try. so I've been out a few times in a skirt. I went to a trade supplier and an Asda on the way to a job and I wore a denim mini, black tights, and ladies ankle boots ('cos they don't make my feet look massive), few looks but felt confident. I also walked around Sainsburys, and pcworld in harlow whilst wearing a black pencil skirt, shirt tie, and the ankle boots again, it was very hot but only really got one staring look. it was fun but I currently will only dress when I am some distance from home.
as for confidence, I have walked around lakeside twice while 'dressed', I looked bloody awful and questioned after the second time if I really enjoyed what I was doing, which is why I feel just wearing a skirt is comfortable, trying to be something I am not is tedious.

Re: hello from essex

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:00 pm
by crfriend
Welcome to the forum, Sparks. Electrician or radio-man?
essexsparks wrote:well, I told moh when we were starting to date that I liked wearing womens clothes. she got use to it and likes that but wants to keep it just for us. I feel that I can as a man wear a skirt when I want to.
Well, that's the purpose of the forum here -- to assist guys who would like to wear skits/kilts and not feel the need to masquerade as women. There is much useful advice, but by far and away the biggest pieces are that it's not illegal, for the most part nobody is going to really care, and if somebody does care it's their problem and not yours.
[...] ladies ankle boots ('cos they don't make my feet look massive) [...]
That's a common theme here, and it's mostly down to the fact that guys tend to have bigger feet than the gals, and men's shoes tend to magnify the difference.

Read and enjoy.

Re: hello from essex

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:12 pm
by essexsparks
thank you. seems like a good place.
I do have size 13 feet in general wear. mainly due to the width. I get my nice shoes from Evans. recently I got a nice denim skirt from BHS, shame they are closing