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Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:01 pm
by phathack
I decided to try my hand at the new fashion trend being shown in the fashion shows of skits over pants..

So in this photo you see leggings and a skit in place of a pair of black slacks, which is what I would normally wear out on a saturday night.

After looking at the results I have to change my shoes but over all the looks not too bad.
Now would I head to the local club dressed this way, perhaps.

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:42 pm
by skirtyscot
Skirt over leggings is better than skirt over trousers.

I'd say the shoes are just fine, phathack. You would be better changing the jacket instead, as it dominates the skirt. But the overall look is OK.

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:36 am
by crfriend
Good -- nay, GREAT -- look, mate! The only drawback I can see is the bagginess around the right knee. It works splendidly.

By the by, absolute top marks for the photo in the background!

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:18 pm
by Brad
This is an excellent look and you wear it well. Please post more pictures.

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:52 pm
by Uncle Al
My $.02 worth(not counting for inflation ;) )

I suggest trying the outfit with the shirt tucked-in which would
provide a higher visual 'break point' to the outfit. Currently it
looks a bit top-heavy. By raising the visual 'break point' you
add depth and definition to the lower portion of your body,
taking away the illusion of wearing a mini-skirt.

Other than my 'suggestions' it's a good looking outfit :!:

Uncle Al
:mrgreen: :santa: :mrgreen:

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:19 pm
by Different_Trains
I have been trying something similar. Putting a scarf round my waist on top of trousers sarong-style. Looks good and works well I think. Works best with flared or combat trousers. Maybe I'll post a picture soon.

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:59 pm
by Since1982
I think this "trend" is just pushing men out of skirts and back into pants like the last thousand years we were stuck in. (except the French in the times prior to Napoleon.)

I've thought about it and thought about it and just can't imagine comfort coming from wearing say, a comfortable skirt over a pair of Levi Dungarees and maybe a pair of high heeled Cowboy boots and a pair of suspenders. Yuck...

I think it's a huge leap backwards, personally! :roll:

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:06 am
by Milfmog

I think you may be right that this is a leap backwards...

...for those men who have discovered the comfort of wearing a skirt. However, for the rest of the male population (in excess of 99.9% I'd guess) this is a step forward. It brings those who have never considered wearing a skirt a little closer to our position and may help to soften the boundary between skirted and trousered men.

Skirt over trousers or leggings is not a look I expect to try anytime soon, but I believe that anything which helps men get out of boring colours, boring fabrics and straight-jackets for the crutch has to be good.

Have fun,


Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:01 pm
by rick401r
I've never liked the look, for men or women. I always get the impression that they can't make up their mind.

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:42 am
by johnb
Since1982 wrote: I've thought about it and thought about it and just can't imagine comfort coming from wearing say, a comfortable skirt over a pair of Levi Dungarees and maybe a pair of high heeled Cowboy boots and a pair of suspenders. Yuck...
It certainly negates the reasons that attract me to wearing a kilt or skirt.


Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:30 pm
by Taj
"and maybe a pair of high heeled Cowboy boots"

The boots, at least, can work. Not suggesting with jeans and suspenders. I have a brown pair of packers (lace-up cowboy boots with a riding heal) that many use as genuine ranch wear that look great with my mid-knee black denim Utilikilt. If I had a picture I'd post it. Sorry. I'll figure outout how toto do that one of these days.

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:12 pm
by Grok
If the trousers-over-skirts look fails to appeal here-to men inclined to wearing skirted garments-then I doubt it will appeal to other men.

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:51 pm
by Different_Trains
Grok wrote:If the trousers-over-skirts look fails to appeal here-to men inclined to wearing skirted garments-then I doubt it will appeal to other men.
I think an earlier poster hit the nail on the head. It fails to appeal to us because we've already knocked down that mental barrier. To men who are still brainwashed into thinking they *have* to wear trousers, or that they need some sort of "permission" to do so, it's a good stepping stone to help them, if not a nice style they may like in it's own right, and that's not a bad thing.

Remember how long it took for women in trousers to become accepted?

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:50 am
by Grok
It occurs to me that this could be the next step after skorts.

Re: Trying the New Fashion trend

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:46 am
by norstdresses
Your outfit looks very good and to go out at evening a perfect choice. The shoes are good, why change?.
skirt over trousers is in my opinion useless. You will loose the feeling of wearing a skirt. Leggins are much better, but for me too warm. When I am wearing a shorter dress to go out, I use to wear thin knee length socks like this
me wearing shorter summer dress with shirt.gif