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Skirts from the FashionSpot

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:05 am
by Bob
Really, I don't know where this stuff came from. But I totally dig it. Great looks, great photos.

-- Bob ... r-men.html ... stcount=80

Re: Skirts from the FashionSpot

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:26 pm
by crfriend
Of the lot, the one that most closely "agrees with" my aesthetic is the one on the lower left from the second link above. I really like the use of the sash instead of a belt, I like the way that the skirt integrates well with the legwear, and I like the fact that the designer/photographer has the guy in plain shoes instead of monstrously overdone boots of some ilk. Overall, the look is a bit "busy" for me, but I could certainly swipe several components from it and go from there!

Re: Skirts from the FashionSpot

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:49 pm
I like the way the plaid is worked into an otherwise pleated black skirt. I saved a copy of the image for my "notebook" of skirts I like. I will use this for future "projects". Thanks for the post!

Re: Skirts from the FashionSpot

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:16 pm
by RichardA
Why do the models always look like freaks
There are some very positive letters there which is always nice to read

Re: Skirts from the FashionSpot

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:50 pm
by crfriend
RichardA wrote:Why do the models always look like freaks
Well, I suppose that one reason is that 5th Avenue has got it into its little head that anorexic models don't detract as much from the shock-value of their clothes as do normal-sized human figures. Every time I see one of these stick-figures on a runway all I can visualise is some of the really horrific photographs taken at concentration camps in WW II. The only term I have to describe the look is "cadaverous".

If one looks past the "whole picture" and sees only what the designer/photographer wants you to see, then some of the looks presented could well be adapted to work fairly well on Main Street.
There are some very positive letters there which is always nice to read
That was rather refreshing to read. All too often it's just boneheads jerking their knees and saying, "No" without ever thinking about why they're saying that.

Re: Skirts from the FashionSpot

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:08 pm
by Pythos
There are aspects I like of these, and there are some I don't.

I really don't like the damaged tights, the only time that looks any good is when it is a real punk rock look, and with a mini skirt, but that is my opinion. For most other looks I like intact legware.

But any sign that skirts for men will be accepted is all good to me. Bring it on.

Re: Skirts from the FashionSpot

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:03 am
by Kilted_John
Like Pythos, there's stuff I like and stuff I don't care for. The skirt is great. I'd wear it in an instant. As do most of the stuff worn above said skirt. But, the shredded tights, meh, not so much.
