Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Since1982 »

I am so backwards I had no idea what a "determinant" was, much less a linear determinant.. Live and learn. Welcome to our site Skirted Marine and thank you completely for your service to our country.

I was put into skirts/dresses by my Mom when I was from 4 until I was out of the home and into Miami Childrens Hospital at age 6 (Kicked in the groin turning into Polio at age 6), Having lost 2 brothers and 4 sisters until I was 8 from Blood problems. At birth my bros and sisters had mostly died from the same thing that kept me weak and bedridden until I got Polio. I was born nearly dead from having ORH-Negative blood in my Mom and A+ blood in my Dad, giving me A- blood.

All of my parent's children died except me prior to age 4. My Mom and Dad were supposed to not have children. My Mom was ORH- and my Dad was A+, I am A-....In the early 40's children with those blood types didn't survive birth. I was born 11/1/41. I was sent to public school at age 15 with no more skirts etc., but not allowed to wear comfortable clothes like I'd worn the previous 15 years.
I had to remove this signature as it was being used on Twitter. This is my OPINION, you NEEDN'T AGREE.

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Thanks for the reply Skip, and thanks for the warm welcome, and the personal background.
We were lucky enough to have had the pleasure of 4 of the 7 Grandkids over for the weekend including Kalib, (who wore his sisters shoes most of the weekend, ) it was a great weekend! lots of hugs from out of the blues, fun in the pool, even my dog had fun! :D
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Kirbstone »

Aha, SkM, With 7 grandkids it seems we have something in common. Certainly not in common is your weather, which allows you have fun in the pool &c. Where do you live?
We've just had a long weekend at our 52nd parallel retreat including 2 grandkids, but what the Heavens chucked at us required wellies & waterproofs! I wrote about it under the 'Gardening' heading in Off Topic.

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Hey Kirbstone,
I was glad to hear from You, You asked where I live, I live on the East side of Oahu, Hawaii, where I retired from the military, and became a Licenced Electrician. Indeed, much in common, as I have a small sloop that provides a great measure of tranquility. And more work than I Have time for.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

I enjoyed reading of Saphires "Stupid wild Blackkberries" , and thought of My boyhood days, picking blackberries for my Grandmother, and getting thrown off of my horse into black berries in N. California
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

As for the "52nd Parralel Retreat " (As I am unfamilliar) Does this have anything to do with the 52nd "Regement of Foot" who were ground grunts of the British Army Who fought against us in Our American Revolution?
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Kirbstone »

Hi Scott,

Never been to the Pacific Islands. Must be a great place to live and keep a sloop. You must tell me more about her (the sloop).

Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry in S.W. Ireland lies roughly on the 52nd parallel North Latitude on this little ball we all live on, (which the late Neil Armstrong waxed lyrical about, describing it as a beautiful blue marble in the heavens laced with white).
We have had a little bolthole there for 39 years now, but as with all other locations on this little island on the East end of all those Atlantic weather fronts, is subject to frequent changes in conditions, so fine days are to be enjoyed singly, alas.

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by SkirtedViking »

skirtedMarine wrote:Crfriend,
Again, I enjoyed reading Your "Mental masterbation", it is true, I would agree that without Social Conditioning, a forum like this would need not exist. Again, You have been a "Steward" of this forum, and I appreciate Your higher than average inteligence.

just because You can read something, doesn't make it true,as I would contend that Frued developed a religion out of blaming mothers (for the most part) I am sure that He had some issues.
I really enjoyed how You described Social Conditioning,
"Boys Don't wear skirts"
Boys Don't wear pink"
"Boys Don't become Nurses"
"Boys Don't become Secrtaries"
"Boys Don't cry", and so on,
Socialrestrictions indeed.
That is a good one.Women have overcome most of social stereotypes at least in terms of fashion and most hobbies/interests.To be a tomboy even in later stages of life is ok,while the opposite - no comment...
There is nothing worse than double standard!
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Nothing worse than a double standard indeed, but i see that alot of the problem is that We Guys do this to Eachother, Its like Us feeble pukes never left High School. As we know what to expect from Society, and We just march on, towing the party line so we can fit into the mold, and survive.good to hear from You Skirted Viking, Thanks for the input.

I have another suit comming in next week, looking forward to trying it on, it will have a manskirt with a 20 inch hem line, man sized pockets with same belt line and front zipper as mens dress pants with inverted box pleats in the front and rear center. Also ordered matching dress pants incase some occasion might warrent the need. Hopefully I'll have the Ball to wear the skirt! :!:
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Hey Kirbstone,
Since You asked about the boat, She's just a little old Lady, only 21 Feet, but she has some character , and Honestly too small for the big stuff out there, so I have mostly kept her in and around the Kaneohe Bay area, We have a huge sand bar in the middle of the bay, where I enjoy bringing the wee ones, droppig anchor and firing up the BBQ , seems the kids can swim all day, I enjoy a few Pints of the cold stuff, and still manage to get back to the marina safely.
I don't really have much, but through it all I have alot to be thankfull for. I noticed that You sail, another thing in common, I hope to read more of your experience.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Kirbstone »

Hi Scott,

I must look up your Paradise on Google Maps. Your 21-footer is what we'd call here a Day Boat.....Just perfect for transporting the 'wee ones' to the sand bar for that bar-be-que.
To get that sort of weather we Irish mostly have to fly South, hence the likes of Ryanair get fat on the proceeds.

My sailing exploits to date have been fairly well exposed under 'Personal Experiences' section in 'Another cracking good day before the wind' thread.

I'm envious of your new suit with proper skirt & pockets &c. You must post a few pics. of it on you. I'd have a matching kiltsuit made tomorrow, but they're charging serious orthopaedic limbs for them in Scotland, and I have a spouse who would consider that a terrible waste of money. You know what that means...

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Hey Tom,
An old friend just stopped by my place out of the blues, with another mutual friend, a couple pints into it we were remembering crewing on a friends well known racing sail boat, This is the kind guy who flys to California, Calls his Guy back in Hawaii and has his boat sailed to California on a whim, spends a few days and sails back to Hawaii.
(Way above my tax bracket) the sails alone on his boat (Carbon Fiber) are worth Twenty times the cost of my whole boat, the guy is down to earth like He would jump into a trench and help me put a 4 inch conduit together, alot to be said for Humility, I seem to realise
as I kind of stumble through life.
I don't know how to sign off with what seems to keep comming up in my thoughts "I don't have alot, but I have alot to be thankfull for".
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Hey Tom as for posting pictures of me in either of the suits, if I work up the courage, (I am kind of an ugly old bald headed Irish Bastard) You, I would give Your phone number to my sister if You wern't spoken for. :lol: it's going to be an interesting week.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Kirbstone »


Yes, there are a lot of rich guys who aren't 'hands on' at all. They're too used to delegating tasks and giving orders. A rich guy who is prepared to grovel in the dirt is all the more admirable for that. It's quite a way to California, so I expect your friend has communication gyzmos on board to run his empire(s) while underway.

Another thing we have in common....I'm also an ugly old balding Irishman, but don't mind putting my mugshots on this forum. Most times though, I hide the old bald head under a cap, as in my avatar.

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Hey Tom,
Thanks for the reply, refreshing to spend time where folks seem to have more character than an old pair of shoes.
did you get the snippet, the American History significance of the Tea Party in Boston?
I don't know if You are familiar.
Too bad last time and only time I was in Your country as a Military Man , as the plane landed for fuel, I remember the green rolling hills, felt like I was Home, We flew out an hour or so later, One day I hope to see more, Nice Country, and Your Women are Hot!
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