Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by crfriend »

STEVIE wrote:Here is one that I prepared earlier and I do not regard it as one of my best efforts. I will say that it was damnably comfortable during hot weather.
You know, Steve, that's got more than a dollop of "mad scientist" aura to it. Not bad for an initial effort. Not bad at all. Better than my initial experiment which abruptly ended when my late ex- exclaimed that I looked like a gorilla in a dress. (She was right, of course, but that's neither here nor there.)

I like my dresses in the summer as well, and perhaps one day I will attempt getting a date wearing one of 'em.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by Freedomforall »

STEVIE wrote:Here is one that I prepared earlier and I do not regard it as one of my best efforts. I will say that it was damnably comfortable during hot weather.
I certainly never achieved a date in it but, truth be told, I never tried.

Stevie that is a very excellent look on you. It flows well with your body, and you look so natural.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by Sinned »

Steve, the overall dress looks great and you could never be missed on the street wearing it. The only thing that looks a bit "off" to me are the pocket flaps. Without them it is a standard sleeved shift dress which can be worn by anyone. I'd like to think that, like you, I had the cojones to wear it in that colour.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by STEVIE »

Honestly Guys, I am not being coy. I have been told before that the look is fine and had compliments in real time too. Carl said that photography gives the best basis for judgement and I don't find that the "look" is right to my eye. The paradox is that I love the colour and the physical comfort of the dress itself. Sinned, I have said that I am going to try to make 19 my year of the dress. After 2018, I feel that it is my just reward.
Bugger is that I have a new skirt ensemble in the wardrobe and it has not had it's debut either. That's life!
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by crfriend »

STEVIE wrote:[...] Carl said that photography gives the best basis for judgement and I don't find that the "look" is right to my eye. The paradox is that I love the colour and the physical comfort of the dress itself.
Then it's time to examine options on what to do to "adjust" the look, and with dresses that's a bit of a bugbear because there aren't all that many knobs to tweak.

To start with, I'd give dark tights or socks long enough to be concealed beneath the hem a shot to see if they improve the look in your eye any. If the overall appearance "improves" then continue experimentation along that line; if it looks like cr@p to you, abandon the line of experimentation and try something else. Also consider fiddling with the footwear; from experience, dresses are much more easily "disturbed" by other influences than skirts. It's very much a tight-rope. Work with a net or a safety-harness initially.

And no wise-cracks about "expiry dates"; we've had a few too many of our community already carried out feet first.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by STEVIE »

Hi Carl
Point taken re. dates and apologies too. That was thoughtless.
I have always regarded this look as a work in progress but it got placed on the back burner.
As I said, I have an idea inspired from another table in the café.
That is taking shape but I will aim completion for March with some luck.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by Gusto10 »

Rolando wrote:I'm not sure where this belongs, so I'll just leave it here.......

25 years ago Bruce Springsteen sang “57 Channels (and nothin' on) [tv] today, it's probably 157 channels and STILL nothin' on. Last night there was nothin' on, so I thought I'd 'catchup' on a programme I'd missed on Channel 4 (UK) last week.

Logging into All4 I was met with the usual suggestions/recommendations of programmes that I may like. Spookily, the first one had a picture of a man wearing a dress!! - how weird is that? The programme being recommended was 'First Dates' a reality type dating show that originated here in the UK about 5 years ago. The show format has since been adapted in the USA, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Australia, NZ and more, so some of you may be familiar with it. If not, have a look at their wiki page to see how the show works.

In this show, Paul – a helicopter pilot, who, since divorce hasn't dated very much and this is his first time in a dress on a date. He's been matched up with, confusingly, Sydney (female) – a saucy sexual health researcher, who likes men who are a bit 'different'.

I won't review the show, as I'm probably a bit biased in that IMO 1: most men shouldn't wear a dress – all the lumps and bumps are in the wrong places, and it can look a bit of a car crash – sorry, all you dress wearers :hide: . I myself do have a couple of dresses, but wear them as skirts, covering the top part (and all my lumps and bumps) with a polo shirt or sweater. 2: High heels, I don't fully understand why women wear them let alone men! :hide: . Poor Paul, walked like he'd ridden a horse all the way to central London – not a good look, so guys be aware.

For those that want to watch it's available in the UK (don't know if it can be viewed outside UK) until January 16th. Paul & Sydney are the first couple to appear, they then reappear at 9min:30sec, 12:00, 14:33 and 21:05 to 23:20
Link to show……….[url=]Image
For those who can't see the show, how did it end?
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

Rivegauche said "men can look good in a dress but it depends on the dress."

My experience says, it depends on the man. I don't try to look like a woman, nor do people mistake me for one, most days I get lots of compliments on my appearance and outfits and my usual public attire is … dresses!

I will admit my lovelife hasn't been the greatest, but that doesn't mean it's been nonexistent since I started wearing womenswear.

I've posted a number of pictures on this website; judge my appearance in them for yourselves. But please, do yourselves a favor and drop the categorical statements. It's a new age and we're helping to create it.

Don't replace one set of stupid, arbitrary, restrictive rules with another!
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by skirtyscot »

They went off in a taxi together (unlike one of the couples in the programme) and it seemed like they would have another date. But the voice-over at the end said that she turned out not to be the woman for him.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by crfriend »

skirtyscot wrote:They went off in a taxi together (unlike one of the couples in the programme) and it seemed like they would have another date. But the voice-over at the end said that she turned out not to be the woman for him.
Thanks for the update, even if it didn't work out the way the hopeless romantics would have wished.

Face it, more relationships fail to light off than succeed, and, as in old-school rocketry more will fall back down and blow up, and still others will blow up on ascent. It's only the rarest of ones that actually make it into a stable orbit. Failure, it seems, is the rule, not the exception.

I remain agog at the folks who celebrate 50-year relationships. I thought myself lucky in a long-haul one when it detonated without warning after 27 years. If I'm to celebrate a 50-year run now I'll be well over 100 (which isn't going to happen). I'd be happy with a 5-year run now, but I keep telling myself that it's better to be alone and safe than entangled and in peril.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

Btw, Paul's dress seems to fit him well so the "lumps and bumps" argument simply doesn't fly. I feel you dress naysayers need to reexamine your position.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by skirtyscot »

That is true, Dave, of both the one in the picture (which he wore on the date) and another one he wore when being interviewed alone on the programme. He has a small pair of moobs, which probably helped. But I bet his choice of dresses was very limited. High neckline, straight torso (neither narrow waist nor wide hips), fairly flat chest. Most dresses would be wrong somewhere on him.

In principle, if you're willing to wear a skirt, there shouldn't be a problem with a dress, but it's a step too far for many of us.
Keep on skirting,

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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by crfriend »

skirtyscot wrote:In principle, if you're willing to wear a skirt, there shouldn't be a problem with a dress, but it's a step too far for many of us.
That's certainly anecdotal, and for me it's an unavoidable fact. I've got no problem with the concept -- either on myself or anyone else -- but personal execution is quite difficult, to the point of being nerve-wracking in a way that basic skirts simply aren't. I find that they're much harder to make look good/believable than skirts. I suspect that's down to the notion that with skirts there are enough other "knobs to tweak" that once can produce very worthy looks with almost any skirt; dresses, on the other hand, stand alone and don't have the range of options as an entire ensemble as skirts. Accessories take on a whole new dimension because of that.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by Dust »

crfriend wrote:
skirtyscot wrote:In principle, if you're willing to wear a skirt, there shouldn't be a problem with a dress, but it's a step too far for many of us.
That's certainly anecdotal, and for me it's an unavoidable fact. I've got no problem with the concept -- either on myself or anyone else -- but personal execution is quite difficult, to the point of being nerve-wracking in a way that basic skirts simply aren't. I find that they're much harder to make look good/believable than skirts. I suspect that's down to the notion that with skirts there are enough other "knobs to tweak" that once can produce very worthy looks with almost any skirt; dresses, on the other hand, stand alone and don't have the range of options as an entire ensemble as skirts. Accessories take on a whole new dimension because of that.
Dresses are not only unbifurcated, but they are also one piece top and bottom. This is something else that is foreign to most men. Not quite as big a jump, but most guys don't wear overalls or coveralls much either, and definitely not as formal wear or even casually, like a romper for women. This could be almost as big a step as a skirt.

Plus, women's wear for ones top half are designed for assets most men don't have, and if they do, they normally try to hide them, not show them off. I know some here wear women's tops, but if you don't there's that step too.

Personally, I don't get the women's tops thing, so while I hope men's dresses and a wider variety of men's shirts are someday available, same as I hope for men's skirts, I'm not about to start wearing dresses or women's tops. One step at a time... Maybe I'll find an excuse to wear some kind of casual overalls.
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Re: Man in a dress on 'First Dates' television show

Post by Sinned »

Dust, I didn't think about wearing women's tops either until I was given one or two and realised how comfortable they were. I then bought a cami top, got it home, tried it on and then went back and bought more along with some vests. I know that we have to be selective because some tops have darts in them to accommodate women's assets but there are plenty more that don't and they are the candidates for me. Dresses I find difficult in concept and execution so is on the horizon but not there yet. Anyway, MOH has difficulty with skirts so dresses would be much too much for her.
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