Grocery Shopping

Discussion of fashion elements and looks that are traditionally considered somewhat "femme" but are presented in a masculine context. This is NOT about transvestism or crossdressing.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by Bertino56 »

My first time out in public, I went to an upscale market at 7:00 in the morning
to buy bagels. The second time out was in late afternoon to Trader Joe's. The
third time was a coffee shop where I read and worked for an hour or two. Then
it was the library, the hardware store, the post office, a Chinese buffet, a book
store, a local farmer's market. There are some office venues where I won't go,
and certain people whom I absolutely do not want to see me wearing a skirt.
Otherwise, except for certain cautions, it has become almost a happy routine
for me. Nobody has ever said a word, and except for one or two possible
"second glances" from store clerks, nobody notices what I'm wearing.
It helps that I live in a town that is loaded with theatrical folks, all kinds of
artistic types, and people of unconventional style.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by Caultron »

Bertino56 wrote:...It helps that I live in a town that is loaded with theatrical folks, all kinds of artistic types, and people of unconventional style.
Congratulations on your outings and yes, I've found too that any sort of free-spirited or laid-back environment is, by definition, less judgmental and more accepting.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by jjjjohanne »

These comments are in response to some previous questions:

I own a few pairs of heels. I have not worn them recently. I feel rather self conscious in them. I am self conscious about how I walk when I wear them. Also, I am rather tall. I think I walk less like a farmer when I have on heels and therefore, I hopefully look less silly in a skirt... but I don't know that.

I blur my face because my wife and I still want that privacy. I do not want my face plastered on some Internet meme!! :) It is a personal choice.

That woman at the end of the aisle in the picture was a nice woman whom I saw the whole time I was shopping. She was polite and never gave me a bad look. I will come to her defense and say she is beautiful and free to dress as she chooses. We saw each other several times. I believe we spoke only once. She was not uncomfortable doing her shopping around a man in a skirt. I applaud her over a few others I saw in the store who did not accept my appearance so seamlessly. :) (Not that anyone was outright disrespectful toward me.)

Normally when I do my lunchtime outings, I go out earlier to avoid the crowds and drive further than my co-workers would have any interest in driving. Indeed it is still a risk that I will see them or someone else I know. Mathematically, I should expect to run into someone I know if I keep going out. The closest thing to this happening that has happened so far was I met a store clerk that I recognized. She recognized me, but we could not figure out how we would have ever met. She has become my big sister, of sorts, and helps me put together outfits that look good, in my opinion. I apparently have the common dose of male fashion sense. She is a big help.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by Ralph »

Not sure what part of the country or even what continent you live in, jj, but I'm still not ready to take that plunge. I live in an extremely conservative, extremely rural ranching community in the midwest. Just to give you an idea of what the culture is like around here, I think our county voted some 99% Trump. The people here love him. When the transgender bathroom controversy broke last year, the response around here was jokes about taking shotguns into women's restrooms and making extensive use of them on anyone with Y chromosomes who went in with the ladies (yes, the women are just as conservative).

It's also a *very* small town, one of those places where everyone knows everyone else. So if even one person saw me taking out the trash in a dress instead of blue jeans, it would be on the front page of the paper the next day and the local clergy would asemble outside my house to perform an exorcism.

My point is, I know that the day I finally take the plunge there will be no turning back, no doing it halfway. Once one person knows, everyone will know. I can't afford to move, and I don't want to live in isolation (despite my claim in the first paragraph, I do love people and like to be among them). I'm too old and too cowardly to fight that battle. Let the younger folks in the more progressive cities get it started, but I don't expect to see a softer attitude in my community in my lifetime and probably not my kids.

The sad part is, statistically speaking, of the 10 or so ranchers in my neighborhood probably at least one dresses just like I do, and is just as afraid to show himself.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by oldsalt1 »

I have gotten braver and braver with wear I go skirted . But I can well understand your situation because there are places that I just won't .

On the lighter side if you live on a ranch do you have horses. and if you ride them with a skirt do you have to go side saddle :lol: :lol:
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by oldsalt1 »

Just came back from the food store. I was at the deli counter and got into a very friendly conversation with the women being waited on at the same time. all of a sudden she stops points her finger at me and says "your wearing a skirt" I must have had my wit hat on I stopped pointed at her and said your wearing pants. we had a good laugh we passed each other a couple more times while shopping and had a good smile.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by moonshadow »

Okay, everyone's entitled to be as open as they choose regarding their clothing, what ever makes you comfortable, but I'm here to tell you that you all's fears of trouble is simply unfounded.

Ralph: Nobody is going to bother you. Just stay out of the ladies room. Yes I know some people talk a mean talk, but at the end of the day murder is murder and their not going to risk a lifetime prison sentence for something as silly as shooting a male skirt wearer who's using the correct (men's) room.

Trump has nothing to do with it. Not to go down this road, but lets face it, Trump isn't exactly the pinnacle of Christ like behavior... and guess what, neither are those who voted for him! Do they approve? You might be surprised just how many do! Conservatives are a lot of things, but trigger happy isn't one of them. Lets face it, how many times do you hear of a mid aged conservative voter actually harassing someone different than they are. At worst they might shout an obscenity out their window as the drive by.

Gentlemen, I am SURROUNDED by conservatives! I have traveled ALL OVER this region wearing some downright flamboyant outfits, and in damn near TWO YEARS of skirt wearing... NO ONE... NOT ONE person has physically harmed me! VERY RARELY do I get any verbal grief. I mean literally I might have been verbally harassed maybe two or three times total, and it was always in passing, never "in my face".

I am VERY open about what I wear, now that everyone the world over knows about it, it's actually gotten to the point where I can talk about it quite openly in virtually all company now. NOBODY CARES!!!! I have traveled through West Virginia, Southern Ohio country, right in the HEART OF MIKE PENCE COUNTRY (Indiana) south on I65 passed Louisville Kentucky, a stones throw from "The Ark", three days in Cave City Kentucky and then a ride across central Kentucky back home again making a pit stop for lunch in Grainger County Tennessee, home of the states most hateful and anti LGBT shop owner who proudly displays "NO FAGS ALLOWED" on his hardware store, and yet I was there (the area.. not the store).... SKIRTED.

And now get this, there is a real possibility I may be transferring to Chattanooga Tennessee and I'm looking at apartments in Cleveland TN which I hear is the "Christian capitol of the south". Do I plan to switch back to trousers? Not even if hell freezes over!

I get somewhat annoyed with this... This is America, and for those of us who are Americans [0] we are guaranteed freedoms and liberties. Our liberties are subject to erode if we do not flex and exercise them! I sit back and watch as more and more of the freedoms I hold dear are in jeopardy.. why? FEAR! Everyone is AFRAID! Everyone is afraid of each other... bull sh!t! If you want liberty you've got to EARN IT! Stand up! Get fired up! Get mad! Don't ask for permission to be yourself. DEMAND IT! BE IT! And when the haters come calling tell them to f$%k off!

Women do it! Women do it every day! Women don't take any crap off of anyone, they'll band together if they have to, they'll work their assets and push change by force! What the hell is wrong with us??? Why are we so afraid??

"But Moon Shadow... I'll loose my job"... no ya wont! Been there... done that.. got the tee shirt, kept my job.

"But Moon Shadow... I'll loose my wife"... if you loose her over this there was never any love to begin with... sorry but it's true. You DON'T divorce someone over a silly skirt unless you never gave a crap about your spouse to begin with.

"But Moon Shadow... what if I get beat up?" ... Well? What if you don't. FIGHT BACK!

"But Moon Shadow... I'll loose my friends!" If that's the case, you're better off without "friends" like that.

And so what... so what if you do loose it all.. so what? Huh? Are you happy to live in bondage because of a little teasing? Or the loss of a petty job? How much is the cost of your soul??

Hell, it's no damn wonder the Femnazi's are taking over everything if every time they stomp their foot... "men" go into hiding... You're human beings for God's sake... you live in a FREE SOCIETY! WHAT. IS. THE. PROBLEM????

Good lord Jesus, Hallelujah! Pass the pretzels, blast off! I'm stepping off the soap box... bring that ladder over here! :eye:

[0] I realize we have members from non-American nations... I don't know you all's laws so I can't really say what you can and can not do, thus have omitted you all from this dressing down.
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by moonshadow »

oldsalt1 wrote:I have gotten braver and braver with wear I go skirted . But I can well understand your situation because there are places that I just won't .
No me, I'll go anywhere. In fact, for our 2017 vacation I've been thinking about taking a trip to Texas and traveling straight through the HEART OF DIXIE!
It all depends on a few circumstances, but even if I miss it this year, I'll catch it on the next one.
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by Disaffected.citizen »

moonshadow wrote:Okay, everyone's entitled to be as open as they choose regarding their clothing, what ever makes you comfortable, but I'm here to tell you that you all's fears of trouble is simply unfounded.
Although this is almost certainly true the majority of the time, we are talking about complex emotional sentient beings here. Psychologically, many experiences and factors will have a significant impact upon our confidence. Nobody has it perfect.
Ralph: Nobody is going to bother you. Just stay out of the ladies room. Yes I know some people talk a mean talk, but at the end of the day murder is murder and their not going to risk a lifetime prison sentence for something as silly as shooting a male skirt wearer who's using the correct (men's) room.
Mostly, this is correct; however, there's always the possibility (no matter how unlikely) that you are the unfortunate victim of the "random nutcase" who doesn't consider the effect of their action.
Trump has nothing to do with it. Not to go down this road, but lets face it, Trump isn't exactly the pinnacle of Christ like behavior... and guess what, neither are those who voted for him! Do they approve? You might be surprised just how many do! Conservatives are a lot of things, but trigger happy isn't one of them. Lets face it, how many times do you hear of a mid aged conservative voter actually harassing someone different than they are. At worst they might shout an obscenity out their window as the drive by.
This is true, as it is of supporters of all parties; good and bad mixed up in each and everybody. When the main electoral system is contested by two parties plus some minority interests (realistically, this is what you have) then the country either votes for one or the other. We have both Republican and Democrat (and other) supporters as members here.
Gentlemen, I am SURROUNDED by conservatives! I have traveled ALL OVER this region wearing some downright flamboyant outfits, and in damn near TWO YEARS of skirt wearing... NO ONE... NOT ONE person has physically harmed me! VERY RARELY do I get any verbal grief. I mean literally I might have been verbally harassed maybe two or three times total, and it was always in passing, never "in my face".

I am VERY open about what I wear, now that everyone the world over knows about it, it's actually gotten to the point where I can talk about it quite openly in virtually all company now. NOBODY CARES!!!! I have traveled through West Virginia, Southern Ohio country, right in the HEART OF MIKE PENCE COUNTRY (Indiana) south on I65 passed Louisville Kentucky, a stones throw from "The Ark", three days in Cave City Kentucky and then a ride across central Kentucky back home again making a pit stop for lunch in Grainger County Tennessee, home of the states most hateful and anti LGBT shop owner who proudly displays "NO FAGS ALLOWED" on his hardware store, and yet I was there (the area.. not the store).... SKIRTED.

And now get this, there is a real possibility I may be transferring to Chattanooga Tennessee and I'm looking at apartments in Cleveland TN which I hear is the "Christian capitol of the south". Do I plan to switch back to trousers? Not even if hell freezes over!
Although this is mostly true, do not be too cavalier about it. There are risks. The worst most are likely to encounter are heckles from afar, but that does not mean something worse cannot happen. You also need to consider population densities; I suspect there are parts of (say) New York City, Detroit or Washington DC (just as there are in London or Manchester and other cities in Europe) that are less safe (possibly downright dangerous) if you were to venture there at the wrong time. Statistically in the UK, 18 to 30 males are most likely to be the victims of violent crime, followed by the 30 to 50 male demographic. Also, when accompanied, you are less likely to be accosted by a miscreant than when alone.

I've never been to the places you have visited but, from those wonderful photographs you have posted, I get the impression they are the epitome of the "American frontier" hospitality a traveller might expect. I know the reality might be very different, but I couldn't make out too many "gang" markings :lol:
I get somewhat annoyed with this... This is America, and for those of us who are Americans [0] we are guaranteed freedoms and liberties. Our liberties are subject to erode if we do not flex and exercise them! I sit back and watch as more and more of the freedoms I hold dear are in jeopardy.. why? FEAR! Everyone is AFRAID! Everyone is afraid of each other... bull sh!t! If you want liberty you've got to EARN IT! Stand up! Get fired up! Get mad! Don't ask for permission to be yourself. DEMAND IT! BE IT! And when the haters come calling tell them to f$%k off!
I can completely understand your stance here. It is analogous to the article in this thread.
Women do it! Women do it every day! Women don't take any crap off of anyone, they'll band together if they have to, they'll work their assets and push change by force! What the hell is wrong with us??? Why are we so afraid??
Don't they just. But, is this a case that too many men are just not prepared to "band together" for a cause; survival of the fittest, etc?
"But Moon Shadow... I'll loose my job"... no ya wont! Been there... done that.. got the tee shirt, kept my job.
Very likely not the case, as you say, but still a concern since work is vital for both the provision of daily essentials (shelter, security and food) and for our mental wellbeing.
"But Moon Shadow... I'll loose my wife"... if you loose her over this there was never any love to begin with... sorry but it's true. You DON'T divorce someone over a silly skirt unless you never gave a crap about your spouse to begin with.
Although I generally agree with you here, it is more complex. Again, we are talking about complex emotional sentient (sometimes irrational) beings here. Depending upon "how far in" you are, there are likely significant penalties for divorce and there is a bias against men in the court system when it comes to divorce and child custody.

I know I beat a particular drum when we talk about relationships here. If men were to dictate what their female partners were to wear, the women would be consulting all sorts of legal professionals about "domestic abuse", yet they cannot see the correlation! In some cases, they even use our proclivities to don a skirt to demean us.
"But Moon Shadow... what if I get beat up?" ... Well? What if you don't. FIGHT BACK!
It's a risk, yes, but we take risks every day. Take a sensible approach to your personal safety and you should be OK. You're less likely to be attacked in daylight in a populated area than after dark alone in a "back alley"!
"But Moon Shadow... I'll loose my friends!" If that's the case, you're better off without "friends" like that.
100% agreement on that one. Found out just how "fairweather" both friends and family were several years ago.
And so what... so what if you do loose it all.. so what? Huh? Are you happy to live in bondage because of a little teasing? Or the loss of a petty job? How much is the cost of your soul??
A commendable approach to life, but not at all easy to break free. Frankly, having actually "lost it all" (before anyone challenges this assertion: job - yes, home - yes, friends - yes, family - mostly, yes, partner(s) - yes, savings/money/assets/possessions - yes/yes/yes/yes, liberty - almost, life - wasn't far from losing it; all part of a sustained domestic abuse orchestrated by, as it turned out, a serial abuser), I can assure you it is not a nice place to be.
Hell, it's no damn wonder the Femnazi's are taking over everything if every time they stomp their foot... "men" go into hiding... You're human beings for God's sake... you live in a FREE SOCIETY! WHAT. IS. THE. PROBLEM????
It's quite possible that the "Feminazis" get away with it because they appeal to the misogynist judges/politicians, etc, who still think of the "little woman" as being the homemaker. How often are the terms "man up" used when we encounter inequality?
Good lord Jesus, Hallelujah! Pass the pretzels, blast off! I'm stepping off the soap box... bring that ladder over here! :eye:
Just for now :D
[0] I realize we have members from non-American nations... I don't know you all's laws so I can't really say what you can and can not do, thus have omitted you all from this dressing down.
Mostly, our laws and rights are similar. In countries formerly part of the British Empire, their legal systems have foundations in the systems from those days. They will have evolved, but it is actually possible for a judge in the UK to consider legal precedents set in (say) Canada or Australia, before coming to a conclusion and judgement.

Although the laws differ, the interaction of "The Commonwealth" and the European Union means that, by and large, we (in the "Westernised" countries) are entitled not to suffer from discrimination or inequality. The reality is that anywhere there is human interaction, there will be challenges to those freedoms.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by moonshadow »

Disaffected.citizen wrote:Mostly, this is correct; however, there's always the possibility (no matter how unlikely) that you are the unfortunate victim of the "random nutcase" who doesn't consider the effect of their action.
True, but statistically, you have a greater chance of being killed in a traffic accident than you do of being killed simply for wearing a skirt, and that's coming from a man who drives a thousand miles per week.
Disaffected.citizen wrote:Although this is mostly true, do not be too cavalier about it. There are risks. The worst most are likely to encounter are heckles from afar, but that does not mean something worse cannot happen. You also need to consider population densities; I suspect there are parts of (say) New York City, Detroit or Washington DC (just as there are in London or Manchester and other cities in Europe) that are less safe (possibly downright dangerous) if you were to venture there at the wrong time. Statistically in the UK, 18 to 30 males are most likely to be the victims of violent crime, followed by the 30 to 50 male demographic. Also, when accompanied, you are less likely to be accosted by a miscreant than when alone.

I've never been to the places you have visited but, from those wonderful photographs you have posted, I get the impression they are the epitome of the "American frontier" hospitality a traveller might expect. I know the reality might be very different, but I couldn't make out too many "gang" markings :lol:
Of course there are risk! There are always risk. Life is a risk. Crimes can and do happen certainly. But once again, you're just as likely to be the victim of a crime wearing trousers. It is true that there are some less desirable places to be, and yes, there are some places I won't even venture, but these are places I wouldn't go no matter what I was wearing. Such examples are deep in the ghetto's of big cities, KKK rallies, rough honky tonks, you know the usual places that draw out the bad apples of society. But again, it's got nothing to do with the skirt, I'd avoid those places wearing anything.
Disaffected.citizen wrote:I can completely understand your stance here. It is analogous to the article in this thread.
The road to liberty is marked by the blood and sacrifice of those who fought for it! Things got pretty ugly here state side a few times in our history,and our history is still being written. The most recent was the civil rights movement of the 1960's. Lots of blood shed on that ordeal, but segregation ended, and as I've learned, even east of the Atlantic, I see you all have had your bouts with tyranny and in most cases you all fought to overcome. Excellent! :)
Disaffected.citizen wrote:Don't they just. But, is this a case that too many men are just not prepared to "band together" for a cause; survival of the fittest, etc?
This is a case where I believe the problem is men are their own worst enemy. It's that macho bull sh!t that parade around with that causes this. Too often men are afraid to just say they need help, to band together to force change. Rather men always want to be the lone ranger and be the sole hero. There is power in numbers, the moment men stop thinking with their penises and start using their brains they'll be better for it.
Disaffected.citizen wrote:Very likely not the case, as you say, but still a concern since work is vital for both the provision of daily essentials (shelter, security and food) and for our mental wellbeing.
And an understandable concern if we were having this discussion ten plus years ago. In fact my own employer has a record of terminating crossdressers in years past, but times have changed to some degree and they know it. Still I will admit that there are some jobs even where I work now where skirt wearing, even off duty is frowned upon. It really comes down the price of your soul! How much of it are you willing to sell for a dollar?
Disaffected.citizen wrote:Although I generally agree with you here, it is more complex. Again, we are talking about complex emotional sentient (sometimes irrational) beings here. Depending upon "how far in" you are, there are likely significant penalties for divorce and there is a bias against men in the court system when it comes to divorce and child custody.

I know I beat a particular drum when we talk about relationships here. If men were to dictate what their female partners were to wear, the women would be consulting all sorts of legal professionals about "domestic abuse", yet they cannot see the correlation! In some cases, they even use our proclivities to don a skirt to demean us.
The result of which has, according to studies, many male millennials foregoing out of marriage all together! Patience D.C., the femnazis will reap what they sow. True women don't need men, but the dirty little secret is... men don't need women either. It's only a requirement for procreation... so let the human race go extinct... it would be the best thing to happen to this planet! This is why personally I believe if you've ever had any homosexual thoughts, given the current political climate, a man is better off with another man when it comes to life partnerships. Simply put in the event the relationship goes south, the courts will be at a loss as to which one to screw. Thus you can expect an equitable divorce.

Of you could do like Carl did and just have an "engineered marriage". Granted, it went south for him due to other unfounded accusations that he overcame, but even so, and I may be wrong here, but I don't believe she went after his pay checks since in the eyes of the law (the state), they were never actually married. In fact, I find more and more young heterosexual couples are doing just that.... not rushing off to the court houses to get married, rather they are living together year after year. As long as they never have children, then in the event of break up, the courts need not get involved. Maintain two separate addresses and you're in business!
Disaffected.citizen wrote:It's a risk, yes, but we take risks every day. Take a sensible approach to your personal safety and you should be OK. You're less likely to be attacked in daylight in a populated area than after dark alone in a "back alley"!
My "secret"...? Just don't be obnoxious. When there are confrontations, be polite. Take no sh!t, and stand your ground, but be polite. They ALWAYS go away!
Disaffected.citizen wrote:A commendable approach to life, but not at all easy to break free. Frankly, having actually "lost it all" (before anyone challenges this assertion: job - yes, home - yes, friends - yes, family - mostly, yes, partner(s) - yes, savings/money/assets/possessions - yes/yes/yes/yes, liberty - almost, life - wasn't far from losing it; all part of a sustained domestic abuse orchestrated by, as it turned out, a serial abuser), I can assure you it is not a nice place to be.
I know you've been through a lot, but at the end of the day, you're here, talking to us. You survived... people survive. And you learned. Now you must pick up and move on. You also must forgive! My conservative friends (my bible friends) tell me that you don't forgive for the person who wronged you.. you forgive for YOU. And when you forgive, you put it out of your mind, you let go of the anger, bitterness, and fear. Take your lesson and learn from it, but you must move on and find solace in your life. You don't need a woman to be happy, you don't need ANYONE to be happy. Peace comes from within, and if that what you seek, you don't find within, you'll never find it without. -Doreen Valiente

"What shall it profit a man to gain the world and loose his soul?" -Jesus
Disaffected.citizen wrote:It's quite possible that the "Feminazis" get away with it because they appeal to the misogynist judges/politicians, etc, who still think of the "little woman" as being the homemaker. How often are the terms "man up" used when we encounter inequality?
That's the one irony of the radical Feminist movement, they are against the patriarchy, and yet the patriarchy is the very reason they (women) have such an advantage in the courts!
A true Feminist would demand an equatable divorce and leave emotion at the door regardless of the leanings of the judge. At the end of the day, he will back the woman's play, if she doesn't want what isn't fairly hers, the judge will likely back it.

Women who play the "poor pitiful me, I'm a woman" card and game the system for their gain are not Feminist. They are blood sucking vultures who are riding on the coat tales of true well meaning feminist for their own personal gain.... they are monsters best avoided. Maybe Appalachian feminist are different that feminist elsewhere but I've had talks with self proclaimed female feminist in the real world (meat space), and the things they say make me just want to reach out and hug them. They're not bad people. I had a very good discussion with a 19 year old feminist girl working in one of our stores the other day. It was VERY encouraging. She doesn't hate men... and... she's totally cool if her boyfriend wants to wear a skirt! I met him too, he was an awesome fella!
Disaffected.citizen wrote:Just for now :D
Indeed! I have been full of piss and vinegar lately! :twisted:

*sighs*... I just get so weary of seeing the constant excuses of why we can't wear skirts. There is no good reason why we can't. We blame wives, we blame conservatives, we blame the church, it's all unfounded!

Maybe it's because I'm younger and people just expect me to be full of shenanigans. I don't know....
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by Fred in Skirts »

moonshadow wrote:
Indeed! I have been full of piss and vinegar lately! :twisted:
Is that what you are calling it :?: :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:
moonshadow wrote:
*sighs*... I just get so weary of seeing the constant excuses of why we can't wear skirts. There is no good reason why we can't. We blame wives, we blame conservatives, we blame the church, it's all unfounded!
Maybe it's because I'm younger and people just expect me to be full of shenanigans. I don't know....
Moon I do not think that age has anything to do with it after all I am 74 and feel the same way. When I discovered the blessings of skirt wearing I decided that the only way to be was 100% or nothing. Now I only wear skirts and I wear them every where. From going to the trash dump to the county offices and the doctors offices.
To quote a very distinguished gentleman "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". I think that says it all.

Skirt on :!: :!: :!: :!: :D
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by crfriend »

moonshadow wrote:Of you could do like Carl did and just have an "engineered marriage".
I believe I referred to it as an "engineered relationship" for when the two of us actually looked at the advantages and disadvantages of an all-up marriage we came to the conclusion that there was no good reason to invite the State into our bedroom. To do so would have been a "lose" all the way 'round.

The thing went south for other reasons.

As far as gainful employment goes, that's extremely ingrained into men's psyches nowadays, and to be without a paying job can be -- and most often is -- devastating to men. I felt that pinch when I took a 4-month sabbatical to undo the damage a psychopathic ex-boss did to me over the course of a decade, and I have a very good friend who has been unemployed for over a year -- in a supposedly "booming" economy. One of the "prime movers" for men in the modern world is the job they hold down to provide for themselves and those closest to them -- and without that motive power they tend to suffer terribly.

As for the odds of getting beaten up by virtue of what one wears, I suspect that fear is overblown. I've only had one or two instances where it looked like "fight or flight" needed to be invoked, and both of those involved alcohol, drugs, or both combined. I'm not saying to pay the possibility no heed, but I don't feel that there's a need to obsess over it either.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by moonshadow »

crfriend wrote:I believe I referred to it as an "engineered relationship" for when the two of us actually looked at the advantages and disadvantages of an all-up marriage we came to the conclusion that there was no good reason to invite the State into our bedroom. To do so would have been a "lose" all the way 'round.
Indeed, I stand corrected. I was hoping you'd chime in with the correct way of it.

Anyway, out and about in this rig today, in Trump country U.S.A.... still have all my teeth.. no black eyes, in fact had some rather pleasant chats with the locals as the outfit definitely popped!

For my upcoming trip to Nashville Tennessee this weekend I have arranged two outfits to wear for Saturday and Sunday, of course stopping at various places along the way. Though I'm not sure if I'll do it or not, but I'm prepared to change clothes once I get out of my meeting. Maybe... depends on how I feel.

Just do it guys! There's nothing to fear!
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by mikel »

I'd like to come to the defense of Ralph. We can all come with some very good arguments as to why we shouldn't feel uncomfortable wearing a skirt in Ralph's neighborhood. If you lived a conventional lifestyle being accepted and comfortable in your skin and dressing like your friends and neighbors what is to be gained by putting on a skirt? I have tented with a friend in the middle of know where. Slept bare-assed but had to put on his clothes to go outside to pee. It's not rational behavior. Absolutely know one but me in the area! So I wouldn't judge Ralph.
If you're not ready to wear a skirt/kilt, be cool, someday it will happen! You can also wear a skirt in the privacy of your home. I also love the rural lifestyle.
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Re: Grocery Shopping

Post by moonshadow »

mikel wrote:I'd like to come to the defense of Ralph. We can all come with some very good arguments as to why we shouldn't feel uncomfortable wearing a skirt in Ralph's neighborhood. If you lived a conventional lifestyle being accepted and comfortable in your skin and dressing like your friends and neighbors what is to be gained by putting on a skirt?
Oh now to be clear I wasn't meaning to come down on Ralph. Granted I quoted one of his lines, but at the point where I greeted "Gentlemen", it was addressing the audience as a whole.

Yes, we must be comfortable with ourselves or it won't work, the public will see right through our fear and eat us alive.

I'm just trying to light the path.

No goals are ever achieved by people who constantly make excuses. I'm sorry to be blunt, and don't mean to offend, but that's just the way of it....
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
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