Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Here's a thought, about this whole subject, My Daughter in law visibly embraced about her son at the age of two only wants to wear his sisters shoes, it seems that she was more afraid of my reaction knowing things that I've gone through, Not knowing that I am kinda open minded, I guess this is why I mention it at all, and why she brought me a beer.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Kirbstone »

I too admire your ability to get your point across, Carl, by use of the English language, but here I'll quote a Churchillian quip: that you should never use a preposition to end a sentence with!

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

I am thoroughly enjoying the intilect of the folks in this forum, It has been the highlight of my day, thanks to all who have contributed. I have made a decision to buy grandson a sportkilt, same as mine, He will probably give up the pink pumps after that, but if not, at least He is having fun!
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by TomH »

And I think Carl does a better job of reading and thinking about what he read than I and some others do. Some old habits are good, some not so much. That about somes it up for me.....

Welcome to our group Skirted Marine from another Navy guy. There is lots to learn here. I know it has helped me feel more comfortable.

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by klaatu »

Having read the original post from our new found friend put me in mind of a website that I discovered through a facebook link not so long ago. This site promotes a children's book based on a true story written by the mother of a then 4 year old boy who has a fondness for pretty clothing. I think it best if you read it for yourselves as my interpretation of it would not nearly do it justice. This book is used by anti-bullying campaigns all over North America and is spreading around the world. I highly recommend viewing the site for yourselves.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtingtheissue »

skirtedMarine wrote: so at what age spacificly does someone become a crossdresser? And what item of clothing constitutes the Fruoidian Religion definition of "crossdressing"? I can honestly say that I don't want to be a female, I just want to be comfortable...
Hi, skirtedMarine. I think the standard or orthodox definition of a crossdresser is one who enjoys presenting as the opposite sex; this is usually a male presenting as a female. Most of these men do not want to become female permanently (though a few do and crossdress as part of a long transformation process.) There is a great range of behavior within that framework, ranging from one who only dresses up in the privacy of his own house occasionally, to one who basically lives as a woman every day and is skillful enough at "femulating" to pass for a female. The typical crossdresser combines dress with makeup, wig, bra, and any other accessory and mannerism to complete the picture. One crossdresser friend likened it to creating an artistic rendering in which he is the 3-dimensional canvas. I don't think your age question has an answer.

This forum is not for the typical crossdresser. I and probably practically all others here are comfortable being a guy, like you. Skirters also fall along a range, with the majority being guys who simply want to wear a skirt for the comfort and feel and to help move society to a point where skirt wearing by men is more accepted and commonplace. Others, like me, firmly believe in this movement, but are also comfortable expressing a bit of femininity as part of their persona. Thus I enjoy a men's kilt but also a women's skirt that may be thinner or more decorative. But I certainly wouldn't wear a spaghetti strapped dress, would never wear a wig or makeup, and do not consider myself a crossdresser. "I just want to be comfortable" also, and being in a skirt is often as comfortable as I can be. The physical sensations tell me "this is so cool and feels great and all guys should try it", the psychological thought that skirts are associated with women tells me "I feel good deep down, this is who I am, I feel like it's the real me, and I'm not ashamed to show a little femininity". This has been a bit rambling but I hope you get the picture!
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Tor »

Carl wrote:As far as my "command of the language" goes, I find myself continually getting in trouble for it at work with the higher-ups; however, I really love the language, and try my level best to do it justice even if doing so occasionally causes grief.
Hmmm... at the risk of being excessively off-topic with my first post, I find myself wondering how you manage to vex the higher-ups. With you not working with customers, I seem capable of conjuring images of user facing error messages "excessively well written" - though how one would succeed in such an endevour I somehow fail to comprehend. Unless of course they are sufficiently lacking in reading comprehension (perhaps sadly easy to find, these days) as to find fault with well written internal texts.

More on topic, last I checked, at two, one is highly unlikely to understand the social mores (or is that to mild for this forum and I should say boxes, or even caskets) sufficiently to mean anything more than seeing something that looks interesting to try wearing. I could debate whether continued wearing of such, especially for children, is at all intelligent from a body structure standpoint, but it seems rather early for such questions to arise - and such questions are perhaps quite outside this forum.

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by crfriend »

Tor wrote:I find myself wondering how you manage to vex the higher-ups.
The style of writing that I use, featuring elements like full sentences, is functionally obsolete for communication with the "busy businessman" of the modern era who expects bite-sized chunks in bullet-lists to save his valuable time. (This allows them to make mistakes faster.) Mid-level types occasionally get annoyed when they need to reach for a dictionary to look up a word that they don't know. Part of it, too, is that I am unapologetic if somebody has to pay attention and to think when reading something of mine -- they're supposed to be thinking in the first place if they're making critical decisions!
More on topic, last I checked, at two, one is highly unlikely to understand the social mores (or is that to mild for this forum and I should say boxes, or even caskets) sufficiently to mean anything more than seeing something that looks interesting to try wearing.
Indeed, at the age of two, one is likely to still be developing the sense of "ME!" to the exclusion of how "ME!" relates to the world around one (save for things that cause overt pain or other distress). That comes later as the child becomes aware that he (or she) needs to integrate into the greater world around him (or her) and that sometimes "me" needs to take a backseat. However, when it comes to things like clothing, the established boundaries can appear extremely arbitrary and tend to be applied unequally between the sexes. I suspect that this causes much confusion and angst, and this spills over into adulthood, else places like this would not need to exist.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtyscot »

From what I have read, it seems that up to about age 3, children are really not bothered about the arbitrary distinctions between "normal for boys" and "normal for girls". Pink - especially the shocking pink which little girls seem to be surrounded by 24/7 - is a nice bright colour, so small children like it. Your 2-year old grandson has no idea about how high his heels should be or how sparkly his shoes should be. The messages to little boys about what boys should and should not like start in the crib, but it takes them until they are about three to notice or care. Eventually the messages sink in: "boys don't wear skirts", "boys don't wear pink or play with pink things", "boys don't want to grow up to be nurses" (or secretaries, or whatever), "big boys don't cry". The list is endless and even if you have never uttered any of them yourself, you will have heard other adults saying them. Girls used to get the opposite set of messages, of course, but nowadays nobody tells them not to be doctors or wear trousers. That's great, but what we want is for the social restrictions on boys to disappear as well.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtyscot »

skirtingtheissue wrote:The physical sensations tell me "this is so cool and feels great and all guys should try it", the psychological thought that skirts are associated with women tells me "I feel good deep down, this is who I am, I feel like it's the real me, and I'm not ashamed to show a little femininity".
But if you're wearing a plain skirt, one which is pretty much like a pair of mens' trousers or shorts except for the fact that both legs go down one tube, then where's the femininity?
Keep on skirting,

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtingtheissue »

skirtyscot wrote: But if you're wearing a plain skirt, one which is pretty much like a pair of mens' trousers or shorts except for the fact that both legs go down one tube, then where's the femininity?
If a plain skirt, it's a small degree of satisfaction that it was bought in the women's side of the store. But I didn't necessarily mean plain; patterns, colors, fabric, trim, embroidery, cut/shape, etc. can add any desired degree of femininity.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Tor »

crfriend wrote:The style of writing that I use, featuring elements like full sentences, is functionally obsolete for communication with the "busy businessman" of the modern era who expects bite-sized chunks in bullet-lists to save his valuable time. (This allows them to make mistakes faster.) Mid-level types occasionally get annoyed when they need to reach for a dictionary to look up a word that they don't know. Part of it, too, is that I am unapologetic if somebody has to pay attention and to think when reading something of mine -- they're supposed to be thinking in the first place if they're making critical decisions!
Ah, yes. I have run across those who seem incapable of reading complete english sentences - at least in an email. As for the dictionary, I always have terminals up, and issuing "ldict foo", alias for "dict foo|less", is quite a simple matter, and something I am known to do with words I already know. Then again, I am among those who enjoy studying language and english in particular for nothing more than the intrinsic rewards of doing the same. I also will pause in reading a novel on occasion when I come across a word I am less familiar with or just a neat word in order to enjoy the word, though I'm not inclined to pick up a dictionary then.

Crafting your writing to say exactly what you mean including shading and nuance, at least if read properly, has to be at least half the fun of writing.

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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by Sarongman »

I'll also add my welcome to you, Skirted Marine and also, now, being a (now educated) but rather ignorant Aussie--Semper Fi to you! I got in to trouble from another Marine on this forum (2 tours of duty in 'Nam. under his belt) for saying this to a regular U.S. army officer on this board. My grandson (5) wears a necklace sometimes but, so far, has no inclination towards skirts.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

I am sorry that I have been busy, and I havn't had a chance to see what's going on with my new found friends.
Thanks Klaatu,
I checked out, it was "cute",and entertaining.

That was a Distinct Definition of "Crossdressing" Thanks, and Yea, I got the picture, though I am happy to be a man, Don't mind felling more "pretty" once in a while, You and I might agree that there is nothing that spells E.Y.E. C.A.N.D.Y. like the true Female form,
,as it was created, I can't help but to see and appreciate, and sometimes envy the power in that.
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Re: Grandson (2) only wants to wear sisters shoes!

Post by skirtedMarine »

Again, I enjoyed reading Your "Mental masterbation", it is true, I would agree that without Social Conditioning, a forum like this would need not exist. Again, You have been a "Steward" of this forum, and I appreciate Your higher than average inteligence.

just because You can read something, doesn't make it true,as I would contend that Frued developed a religion out of blaming mothers (for the most part) I am sure that He had some issues.
I really enjoyed how You described Social Conditioning,
"Boys Don't wear skirts"
Boys Don't wear pink"
"Boys Don't become Nurses"
"Boys Don't become Secrtaries"
"Boys Don't cry", and so on,
Socialrestrictions indeed.
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