Trying on skirts in clothes shops

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by Bruce »

Very creative there, kiltsrawesome. That should work!

I always just take a tape measure with me when I shop for clothes, for either me or for my wife. It eliminates the potential for embarrassment.

We fellas don't have hips to worry about, so the only measurements that matter in a skirt are the waist, and perhaps the length.

The other day at a thrift store I saw a lady ask the sales associate for a tape measure. I was prepared to help, had the associate not found one.
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by JohnA »

I use what ever dressing rooms there. No-one has ever told me other wise. Try and buy the skirts you want
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by AMM »

Bruce wrote:I always just take a tape measure with me when I shop for clothes, for either me or for my wife.
I've done that, although by now I can pretty well gauge things by eye, or by using my arm as a ruler.

I did once get into trouble in one women's clothing store for using a tape measure. I started measuring some skirts to see if they would fit, and the sales clerks started coming by every few minutes, asking rather specific questions about who I was shopping for, until the manager (owner?) came by and started following me around. At that point, I still hadn't found anything I really wanted, and just walked off in a huff. When I told the story to someone else, she said maybe they thought I was working for a competitor, trying to steal their designs.
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by joe1955 »

I often try on skirts in the thrift store as well as department stores, I pick out what I want to try on, walk up to the changing room and tell the lady I want to try these on, sometimes I get a funny look but most of the time they don't seem to give any mind to what I want to try on, I am not ashamed of wearing a skirt and wear one 90% of the time, so when I ask to try on a skirt I usually already have one on, this might make a difference.
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by Chris Webb »

I tried on skirts at stores for the first time last Friday.

The first store I put a skirt between two pairs of long shorts, they counted them and sent me on in, but didn't notice the skirt, at least I don't think so. The next place I was kneeling down to look for my size, which I wasn't sure was, and a sales clerk (a young lady) came up to help me ... she saw I was already in a nylon hiking skirt, knee length, and just started helping me like it was no big deal. She sent me to the changing room where another young lady saw what I had in my hand, two mini-cargo skirts, smiled as if she was proud of me and showed me to a room, ladies all around. Honestly, I was just stunned at how both of these gals, more than anything else, just seemed really proud of me for both wearing a skirt and trying some on. I bought two that fit perfectly, the guy ringing them up didn't seem to care at all.

Just as someone else indicated, the key seems to be simply 'owning' it, just acting like it is no big deal because, well, it is no big deal. Right after buying the two mini-cargo skirts from American Eagle I found the family bathroom, changed into one of my new mini-cargo skirts and walked the entire, rather crowded, mall ... nothing but a few smiles, and overhearing a couple of folks saying, with out any hint of disgust, see that guy in the skirt! I turned to look back at them and in all cases they just seemed impressed that I was in it. I even went back by American Eagle and the gal who helped me just smiled broadly and waved ... I felt freakin' sexy as Hell, I must admit. :)

One interesting note, I was back at the same mall today in a 14" Mini-kilt, my standard fair, and I do notice considerably more outright encouragement and enthusiasm on the part of others who see me than when I was at the same mall in a knee length skirt or a mini-cargo skirt ... I think it is because folks recognize a kilt, particularly if it is Tartan, and see it right away as a man-skirt, rather than a skirt on a man. I think this distinction is profound and represents a real advantage in wearing kilts over skirts ... but I also believe that we are getting closer every day to folks pretty much seeing any masculine skirt as a kilt.

Right now a kilt is a skirt but a skirt is not a kilt, so to speak ... but pretty soon I think danged near any skirt that is not feminine looking on a man will be simply called a kilt and the Americanization of the Kilt will be complete. A Kilt will be simply a skirt on a man ... when this day comes Muging will be danged near as easy as Pantsing! :lol:

Be encouraged, fellow Mugsmen, there are only minor skirmishes remaining in the War against the Tyranny of Trousers ... in fact I've not seen in over a year even a hint of a skirmish remaining in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. I even wore my little mini-cargo skirt to the drug store right here in Burleson, Texas, and all I can say is that I got the same smiles and wonderful treatment I've had in my kilts for years already. It just seemed as nothing to anyone, just Chris Webb in a skirt, as usual ... it's just become who I am and guys, if skirting ever becomes 'just who you are' then you'll really be able to skirt anywhere and anytime you want.

Anyway, long answer to a short question ... but it's hard not to talk about how much easier it is to skirt/kilt now than it was when I started. Grab the skirts you want to try on, march up to the changing room and proudly present your articles to be counted ... you'll be surprised how many folks will simply be proud of you for doing it.

Mug ON!

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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by r1g0r »

one other reason that you might encounter resistance when trying on a skirt in a store, is if the salesgirl is currently wearing it. often they struggle if you try to take their skirt off so you can try it on.

not all the time, mind you... :wink:
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by Mipi »

Usually I make my own skirts, but have bought one this summer. It was so cheap and good looking I couldn't resist. I was using the same tactic as Chris; took 2 knee long shorts and the skirt and tried everything. The skirt was perfect fit, but the zipper was broken. It was the last one. So I bought both shorts and went next day to the same shop in different town and bought it without trying.

In general I would say that shop assistants (employees) care only for selling as much as possible. But .. you can find some narrow minded people there like anywhere else.

Chris, you’re right! Attitude is important; if you’re showing confidence there are fewer chances to be mocked.

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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by alexthebird »

So, having been inspired by Jack Williams' pics, I thought I ought to see what I look like in a dress. I'd always thought that I'd look horrible, because dresses just aren't cut for a man's body but Jacks pics looked pretty good so I thought it's worth a try.

On my way home from work, I stop in at the local Dress Barn (again inspired from the cafe, but this time from a Sapphire post). The friendly store assistant asks me if there's anything she can help me with. I say, "Yes, I'm looking for a dress. I've never worn one before, so I'm not sure of the sizing but when I buy skirts they can be anything from a 10 to a 14." She says, after looking at me for a second, "You should probably look more towards a 14 because you've got good shoulders. Why don't you look around and see if you like something, pick a couple of sizes, and I'll start a dressing room for you." I did, she did, and as I was trying things on, I got her opinion on a couple of things. I finally decided on a black knit (clings to the upper body with no extra space for boobs) with long sleeves, mock turtle neck, and a slightly flared grey/black knee-length skirt. When I went to the register, she tried to sell me a belt (which I bought) and a necklace (which I didn't).

What exactly is it that we have to worry about when shopping for skirts?
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by Since1982 »

Not a thing, any clerk that gives us a hard time is just burning the store owner's money and seeing the end of her tenure in sight. :D :D :D
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by stefan »

alexthebird wrote:So, having been inspired by Jack Williams' pics, I thought I ought to see what I look like in a dress. I'd always thought that I'd look horrible, because dresses just aren't cut for a man's body but Jacks pics looked pretty good so I thought it's worth a try.
It would be nice to see a picture of you in your dress.

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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by RyeOfTheDead »

Yeah, I'd also like to see the dress. I still haven't found a dress that I think I could wear and still project any sort of masculine image. Not that I mind having a feminine image, but I still have trouble there with dresses because my shoulders are broad and most dresses actually emphasize them and the two looks don't mesh well.

As far as trying on stuff in stores, I haven't had any problems ever. I used to do the trick where I held a men's item in front of the skirt so it just looked like I had two mens things and told the clerk "2" when she or he would ask, but now I'm open enough about it that if they did tell me no, it would be my choice to not buy the skirt. When I was on Canal Street in NY once I saw a women's clothing store that said "No Men in fitting rooms" on the front door, so I didn't even enter the store.

Most of the places I shop though carry clothing for both sexes though, and so it's not so jarring for a guy to be coming to the fitting room I suppose. I'm finding more and more too that newer Target stores are just putting in one big fitting room section rather than have one each. I guess they figured each stall has its own door and lock so they're already personal anyway, why separate them? Plus I know when I worked at a Target in high school, the men's fitting rooms got used maybe once or twice a day at best, probably not worth the store real estate to have them separated.

The trick honestly is to just act like you're confident and not doing anything wrong and most places just won't bat an eye. Also fun for me was recently going into Forever 21 at the mall, wearing a skirt that I had bought there and was still hanging on the racks, and then trying other stuff on.
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by FloralSkirt »

NO men in fitting rooms!

Well thats just common sense. I sure the hell would not want men crawling in the womens dressing rooms when a female I know is in there. You never know what will happen in todays world.

You either use the mens or not at all.

I have been offered to use the womens dressing rooms on several occasions but declined. I told them I do not want to produce any unnecessary problems or make the female customers uncomfortable. So the manager offered to allow me to come in 1 hour before the store opened & try on anything I wanted! LOL Works for me.
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by RyeOfTheDead »

Floral, I 100% disagree with you here. I find the idea that I would be a threat to any woman in a fitting room area to be downright insulting. It's not like we're going to both be placed in a single open air room that we'd watch each other change in. If a place has a men's fitting room, I'm happy to use it, but if they only sell women's clothes and I want to try on a skirt, I'm not doing anything wrong by using the designated area to try it on, especially since fitting room doors are usually locked on the outside.

As I said in my previous post, most of the stores I shop in have unisex fitting rooms at this point anyway, and it seems to me thousands of people use them all day without men "crawling around" in there and endangering the womenfolk. Yet there's nothing different about the setup of the women's dressing rooms in stores that only sell ladies clothes, there's a row of stalls, and maybe some mirrors outside if someone wants a better angle. I shouldn't be allowed to shop there at the regular business hours simply because I'm not their typical customer?

I would think a SA would be more annoyed at having to deal with someone coming in before the store is opening to try stuff on than they would having to just be more aware of who is in the fitting room for five minutes during the work day. And what if I decide I don't want to buy the skirt in question? Now I've totally wasted their time if I come in before the store opens.
I told them I do not want to produce any unnecessary problems or make the female customers uncomfortable.
This type of response is exactly what I tend to avoid, because now you make it sound like you're doing something wrong that they need to be concerned about. They were being totally open minded to you and offering you the fitting room and you made it sound like there was something illicit about it.
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by Skirt Chaser »

FloralSkirt wrote:NO men in fitting rooms!

Well thats just common sense. I sure the hell would not want men crawling in the womens dressing rooms when a female I know is in there. You never know what will happen in todays world.
Yeah, she might like guys confident enough to wear skirts and maul him. 8) Sharing fitting areas with men does not bother me in the least, I prefer that any day to careless mothers who have yet to teach their kids not to crawl into the next dressing booth. :hand:
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Re: Trying on skirts in clothes shops

Post by flarob »

FloralSkirt, I disagree. The shops I shop in are 'Womens Stores' like Lane Bryant, Avenue and Catherines plus others. Initially I always asked for the store manager and explained that I wanted to try some things on, and would be willing to come in early or be there just at closing. Their response in ALL instances was - NONSENSE! - just come in at any time. They all said that they get a number of men that come in to try things on so it didn't make any difference when I would stop by.
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