Should we be SkirtCafe?

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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Gus »

I'm cool with Skirt Café. It would be crazy to change it now.
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Jack Williams »

Jack back. Something that crossed my mind thinking about naming things: Why do we mostly use psudonims? Well, let's start with me i guess. Why am i masqueading as my old "alias joker" on what i reckon (believe me) is the greatest forum site around? Good question. One is probabably force of habit, as it is i guess a convention to use a psudonim on the internet for various reasions. (posting my email address is a dead givaway tho!) Actually "Jack" would be a pretty thin disguise to anyone in these parts who know me at all on sighting postings. Which is quite a lot i must say. Especially if it's me that's prodding them to have a look.// But, if i used my normal name and mentioned valve hi-fi for instance, it could be a subtle form of advertising i think. // Otherwise it's a form of modesty as well, as in: "Here I am, the famous Blah-blah to crash the scene!" but rather just another 'newby'. // The thing is: this is a serious issue i think. Why are men so hung up? I have'nt thought so much about it before. I can't begin to think of an answer... "Jack".
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Jack Williams »

Jack here again. I thought "Why doesn't someone open an actual Skirt Cafe"? Manned of course by all skirted males. You might need a burly skirted bouncer to deter "bifurkated" perhaps! Enforcing the "dress" code! Could be a lot of fun. Actualy i know some young guys who have opened a cafe about a year ago which is a left-o-field place. The "Food Fashionistas" panned it in a review (except for the coffee) and biz picked up a lot therafter. Someone even wrote into the main newspaper in support, saying that the purpose of a cafe was to generate strong coffee while the patrons plotted revolution! Sounds like the Skirt Cafe to me! I don't reckon it would be hard to persuade those guys to make the slow day of the week "Skirt Cafe" day. If i know anything about Auckland "The Next Big Thing" is the search. This could be it. Maybe a franchise next! "Jack".


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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Since1982 »

Sounds good Jack, I think you ought to do it. Got a million or so laying around collecting dust? Lets see now, a nice upscale location, say $10,000.00 a month rent, room for at least 50 guests at once, a $300,000.00 liquor license, a maple or teak dance floor with underfloor lighting, strobes all over the room. 2 or more bars complete with lots of bartenders and waiters. Perhaps a fully staffed kitchen in the back with some fantastic cuisine. Good idea, Jack, let me know when you have it open. :) :hooray:

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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by mugman »

I've always thought the word 'cafe' was a bit offputting. A place where bright young things gather, in all angles of leaning, some almost horizontal, drinking those wee thimble cups of twee coffee blends that cost a week's wages. Just me maybe.
I would have preferred something like 'Skirtcentr'. That says neither male nor female, so doesn't major in any way on either; obviously says 'skirt', so no misunderstanding there - doesn't even suggest a place where 'skirt' (slang) is oggled at as the word is too industrialine (is that a word?) for that context. 'Centr' stands for the 'core of the matter' - the main place to talk skirts (and kilts). It doesn't have any inferrence to feminine (or masculine?) fetishism. So it does the job for me. I wear kilts, but once I realised they weren't excluded, that was perfectly OK. 'Skirtcentr' also has undertones of some authority on the subject - which of course it darned well has!, is one letter short so doesn't take so long to type it, and sounds, above all, modern. We are modern men. Why not.
Just my thoughts. (As usual).
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Milfmog »

mugman wrote:I would have preferred something like 'Skirtcentr'.
I must say that I like that, but I would be against changing the (now well) established "brand". We are skirt café and skirt café we should IMO stay.

I really feel that this thread has outlived its' valuable life.

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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by r.m.anderson »

If something is working let's not break it!
I would venture to comment that a great number of us have the SkirtCafe Bookmarked for easy and frequent access.
"Kilt-On" -or- as the case may be "Skirt-On" !
Isn't wearing a kilt enough?
Well a skirt will do in a pinch!
Make mine short and don't you dare think of pinching there !
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Since1982 »

I would have preferred something like 'Skirtcentr'. That says neither male nor female, so doesn't major in any way on either; obviously says 'skirt', so no misunderstanding there
You can always start "Skirtcentr" maybe you'll get a bunch of humans to come join, maybe you won't. Skirtcentr or Skirtcenter to me just means a place for skirts, to buy them or look at them, like ebay. Cafe denotes a place of gathering, the subtitle says why we gather here, sitting around a cafe chatting about one of our favorite subjects sure turns me on, seems it turns a few others on too. In my opinion, leave it alone. It works for me just as it is. :thewave: :thewave:
I had to remove this signature as it was being used on Twitter. This is my OPINION, you NEEDN'T AGREE.

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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by mugman »

Fine by me. It was only a thought. I'll go with the flow.
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Jack Williams »

No revolution, at that Disco. "Jack".
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by crfriend »

Fine by me. It was only a thought. I'll go with the flow.
It's interesting that this thread has popped alive again so long after the issue was "solved" -- in "historical times" if one uses 'Net time as a reckoning gauge.

The reason the name was chosen was that we had to do *something* (Actually, at the time it was Bob; I hadn't been instated as an admin (to use a nautical analogy, Bob's the Captain and it's my job to make steam and keep the propellors turning) yet.) because the owner of this community's progenitor wanted to keep the original name of "Tom's Cafe". This was perfectly well understood, and was agreed upon when the initial "seed" data for what ultimately became "Skirt Cafe" were transferred. Included in that transfer of data was the entire user-base of "Tom's" and enough of a history to allow some continuity for the community's "citizens". As it ultimately turned out, the original name "went fallow", but that's part and parcel of the overall nature of on-line "life".

Now, fast-forward a couple of years (an eternity in 'Net time) and the community has lost some members and has gained some. This is natural, inevitable, and ultimately healthy -- it's also the way that our physical communities around us in "meatspace" work, albeit at a more leisurely pace. However, that change can obscure the past, and that's why this thread leapt alive again. This is why history is taught in schools -- so we have some grounding in where we came from, so that we might learn to judge our course wisely.

I'm not saying that we've always done things correctly -- we're human, after all -- but rather that by looking back at where we've been, we might gain insight into where we might be going. Personally, I'm saddened by the departure of so many of the "elder members" of our community who were first and foremost kilt-wearers; I miss their voice. However, other communities now serve their interests and needs better than what Skirt Cafe evolved into, and they "moved" to their new communities -- and new folks moved into Skirt Cafe.

Perhaps someday when I have more time on my hands than I do now, I'll do up a proper article on the history of this "small town" on the Internet. It might be an excuse to use the Wiki setup I did several months ago and then never used because I lack the time to do proper writing these days.

But, ultimately, the "Skirt Cafe" name is here to stay. Ian noted the "brand" idea, and I know that "brand recognition" is important to Bob. These are important ideas: they lend a sense of stability to the community, they confer a sense of shared interests and congenial conversation, and they respect the deep (by 'Net standards) history that the those of us who support the site hope the citizens appreciate and find familiar and comforting.

Sorry for being a bit long-winded, but being a bit of a history wonk this was just too much to pass up.
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Since1982 »

Having been here since Tom Manuel and Tom's Cafe days, I want to stick in one more "two cents" worth. When it was Tom's Cafe everyone was happy with the name, when Tom died (unfortunate for a 49 year old man of cancer) a fellow named Noodles took over, he didn't want to change the name or it probably would have become Noodles Cafe, when he got tired of running it and Bob took it over we had a couple of months of suggested new names. Bob didn't want it named Bob's Cafe so all members made suggestions if they wanted to and we all pretty much agreed on Skirt Cafe. It's been Skirt Cafe ever since. With the name and the subtitle giving the reasons Skirt Cafe exists I believe it's the best name for the site. If someone thinks of a different name and can explain why it would be a better name I'd like to see it. This one is well known across the web, probably the biggest site for "Blokes in skirts" and not just another TV, TG, CD or DQ site and stands out as a golden island in an ocean of other sites. This is my opinion, you don't have to agree, just respect my right to have it. :hooray: :thewave:
I had to remove this signature as it was being used on Twitter. This is my OPINION, you NEEDN'T AGREE.

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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by mugman »

Perhaps it would be easier to put a lock on this thread, at this point, to avoid further misconstruements? It wasn't my intention to make any waves on the subject, but I thought the thread was still an ongoing one. I can understand, now explained clearly, why Skirtcafe is Skirtcafe, and certainly sympathise with the reasons.
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Gus »

Ok, before anyone locks the thread, here is my two cent's worth: I agree with Skip completely -- this is the golden island in an ocean of other sites. This is the only site that I have joined in the context of blokes in skirts and it will probably remain that way. Although there is an active crowd of members who often disagree in no uncertain terms, to me that's just like a typical family. And that's exactly what I like about it. I feel privileged to be a member of this "family".
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Re: Should we be SkirtCafe?

Post by Jack Williams »

Good to read all the posts on the subject of "Should we be Skirtcafe" A cafe was a French invention and means "Coffee", and was (is) a place where bods could gather to consume coffee and fill the place up with the smoke of whatever substance and plot against whatever "Establishment" was in at the time. I,'mtold the London Stock Exchange and Lloyd's bank were started in those cafes.So Bob starting one to try to exdend the clothing options for men is in the best traditions of cafes. So "let's hear it for Bob" for putting in the time and effort to give us the Skirtcafe forum which is exactly what a cafe has always been. a place where can gather to discuss stuff and maybe "change the World" or at least a small part of it. Jack.
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