Should we be SkirtCafe?

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Post by JRMILLER »

I am inclined to agree with Ian -- I think the brand is well established and should remain as is. The paragraph next to the brand-name does a fine job of describing the site.

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Post by Uncle Al »

Ian wrote:
Video? Man you is OLD! :D (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Thanks a lot Ian :D
Yes, I had my 57th birthday last Sunday. I have a small
DVD collection, but about 160 VHS tapes in my collection.
Some are home-made. These I cherish as they include
my Mother, who went to be with my Dad on 25 March 2007.
She lacked 20 days of reaching her 100th birthday.

Now Ian--is 57 really old? :wink:

Granted, "SkirtCafe'" is an established name, and I'm not trying
to 'rock-the-boat'. Thanks for liking S & K Cafe', and MIKS Cafe'
sounds good too. Yes, they do roll off the tongue quite nicely.

Bob--Thank you for your responce. I do whole-heartedly
agree that you originally inherited a 'hornets-nest'. But I
see that you have cleaned up the nest quite nicely. I'm glad
you liked my "$.02 worth" of an idea. That's all it is-an idea.
Basically, that's how the Cafe' started----an Idea. A place
where men can get together and discuss fashion choices.

Personally I would rather be able to conquer fashion change,
one step at a time. The kilt is recognized as a male garment
by the general public.
Get enough kilts out there, where they
are common place-when no one asks if there is an 'event' that
you're going to-then proceed to skirts. The general public will
be more acceptable to the change to skirts. As a new athelete,
you don't start by running a marathon. You have to train, train,
and train for the race. Training the general public into acceptance
of Kilts as everyday wear is the 1st step. Skirts would be 2nd.
But this has been discussed before.

Since I've retired, I now have a greater opportunity to be
'out and about' in my kilts. However at freezing temps,
I still wear p**ts. :wink: I don't want any 'frozen' pipes! :wink: :) :wink:

Uncle Al
Duncanville, TX

P.S.--Last Saturday I wore my Black Watch to a friends home.
We were working on an organ project. His wife, a sweet person,
asked if there was a special event for the kilt. I told her the
event was F.T.H.O.I. She had a puzzelled look as she tried
to decipher what the initials stood for. Then, I told her
For The H*** Of It. She said 'that was a great reason' as
she smiled and laughed. :D
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Post by Departed Member »

Bob wrote: When I inherited the forum, there was widespread fear that it was going to become yet another transgender / transvestite site.
There certainly was! Much of it 'planted' by some of those departing, "MY Kilt's not a skirt!", protagonists.
Bob wrote:... I changed the tag line from "Men in Skirts & Kilts" to "Skirts & Kilts for Men."
Which was far more to the point!
Bob wrote: Whether it's skirts or kilts, this is not a "lifestyle" website, but rather a fashion website.
I am deeply saddened by this remark, Bob. Gutted, in fact. As one who regards 'fashion' as the antithesis of what most here appear to trying to achieve, I am both surprised and hurt. Are you saying I suddenly don't belong here, anymore?
Bob wrote:I've never been 100% satisfied with "SkirtCafé" because it sounds far too risque. But we just couldn't find anything better.
Did we try hard enough? It's great to see some new ideas, eh? I'm personally not keen on S & K Café (but only because it reminds me of the Swinton & Knottingley Railway!), but would certainly endorse "Miks Café". As we don't appear to have any Irish input here, I cannot see that 'offending' anyone! And, as you have observed, it would do away with the undoubted 'risque' element which has, on occasion, attracted an oddball or two!
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Post by AMM »

Uncle Al wrote: Since I've retired, I now have a greater opportunity to be 'out and about' in my kilts. However at freezing temps, I still wear p**ts. :wink: I don't want any 'frozen' pipes!
One advantage of skirts over kilts as currently conceived is that you can get them in longer lengths. If I go out for a walk into town in below-freezing weather, I usually wear skirts that are at least 33" long, with lots of layers underneath, plus heavy knee socks.

I once wore my bog-standard wool kilt on a drive back from Philadelphia at the end of October, and my thighs were freezing -- it was just way too drafty. I wished I had brought my long denim skirt; I would have pulled over and changed into it right there on the NJ Turnpike, despite all the traffic driving by.

The reason I qualify "kilts" with "as currently conceived" is that according to all the sources I've seen, back in the days when Scottish kilts were first invented, they were made in whatever length the wearer wanted. And the predecessor to the kilt, the "belted plaid", could be adjusted to whatever length was needed at the time. Virtually all of the "rules" about kilts, tartans, etc., were invented long after kilts, plaids, etc., had ceased to be everyday wear.

A 30" box-pleated kilt might evoke the wrath and derision of the kilt-snobs, but it would be historically correct. And a lot warmer!
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Post by sapphire »

AH, c'mon. THere ARE rest stops on the NJTP
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Post by Peter v »

Maybe a dumb question, but does the name have any bearing on the search argument when searching on the internet for "skirts" ?

If so, then Skirt Cafe would be very good, and Miks cafe would be bad, because who looks up Mik on the net when searching for skirts?

Peter v.
A man is the same man in a pair of pants or a skirt. It is only the way people look at him that makes the difference.
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dumb question

Post by JRMILLER »

Actually, not dumb. To be more useful to people searching, 3 things should be changed 1) The Title HTML tag should include a couple of our best keywords like " - Men discuss kilts and skirts" or something like that, 2) Insert a meta keywords tag which lists all the keywords and phrases we think people would use to find us, e.g., "skirt, kilt, men in skirt, men in kilts, men discuss skirt, men discuss kilt, etc" and 3) Add a Meta Description with briefly describes our site, this is sometimes used in search engines to show someone what a site is all about.

All these things in conjunction with the copious text we have all created will bring them in - if that's what we want!

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Post by Milfmog »

Uncle Al wrote:Now Ian--is 57 really old? :wink:
No, of course it's not old, heck I'll be there myself soon enough.

Just before typing my last post, I had been having a conversation with my 12 year old son who used the "man you is old" phrase when he discovered that I have a collection of vinyl records (remember those?) in the attic. I had not had a turntable capable of playing them for about 15 years but somehow I never got around to disposing of them. Having been pilloried for owning records I am never going to admit to the eight track tapes languishing next to them :D

Darn; now I'm starting to feel old.

Have fun,

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Since 2004

Post by Since1982 »

I've been a member since early 2004 when Tom was still alive and the boss. For those that see "girly" in "skirtcafe" and I can understand that, and those that have been here a while and remember Tom's days and remember all the fun places we discussed back then, I can quickly think of at least 1 other name that was part of the cafe when I joined and seems to have fallen out of favor from misuse by newbies that never heard it. Since the large definition of what the site is about is ON the site once someone opens it, we could hie ourselves back to calling it the "Potted Palm". I remember many conversations with folks around the "potted palm" in the corner, which gave us a very friendly groupie feeling.

Just my opinion... :):):)
I had to remove this signature as it was being used on Twitter. This is my OPINION, you NEEDN'T AGREE.

Story of Life, Perspire, Expire, Funeral Pyre!
I've been skirted part time since 1972 and full time since 2005.
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Potted Palm

Post by Uncle Al »


I remember the 'Tree'. Gorgeous wasn't it. If I remember
right, it even started to grow some baby coconuts. I haven't
seen that tree in quite awhile. Did it make the move or die
intransit? Maybe we need to take up a 'collection' to get
a 'new palm tree'. You, as I, will remember Hamish inviting
anyone over to his 'table by the potted palm' for 'a cup and
a good chat'.


I've just aquired a 'turn-table' to add to my 'stero' system.
I have Many Fine Recordings to listen to. Many were my
parents collection. I would like to find a way, or place, to
convert my LP's to CD's. Some of them are the 'Readers
Digest Series'. Six to ten LP's in one 'box'. Some, if
not most, of these recordings are no longer available.
Too bad to! ( I won't mention the 45's either! Some are
original Elvis 45's that my wife collected. :) )

( I won't mention the 8-tracks to your son, so don't worry! :lol: )

This moring started out at 24 degrees F, and it's now
up to 31 degrees F. Still cold for Texas. Anymore, we
say 'if it's below 3 digits, it's cold'. :lol:

Well, I'm off, back to the kitchen. Making a pot of
home-made Chili for a pot-luck tonight.

Uncle Al
Duncanville, TX
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Uncle Al

Post by Since1982 »

Thanks Al, I was trying to remember Hamish' name when I was typing that response, but old age is getting my memory. Hamish was always at the ready with a cuppa tea and a good word at his picnic table with potted palms at both ends like the table pictured in the many sections of pictures taken at the million skirted men march in New York with our original den mother, (Whom I also can't remember the name of) If anyone remembers her name, I'd really appreciate a memory boost so I can recall those great times. :) In those days it was always a softer smoother more fun loving bunch than we get sometimes here nowadays. Seems there is more stridence and people watching for anything to overreact to than there used to be. Maybe the good times will return...We can only hope.. :):)
I had to remove this signature as it was being used on Twitter. This is my OPINION, you NEEDN'T AGREE.

Story of Life, Perspire, Expire, Funeral Pyre!
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Post by Milfmog »


I used to enjoy going back through the Tom's Café archive before the forum migrated to phpBB. Is there a reason why they are no longer available to us? If not, I (and I suspect others) would love to have them available to dip into again.

Have fun,


(Would a "pretty please" help?)
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Re: Potted Palm

Post by Peter v »

Uncle Al wrote:Skip,

I've just aquired a 'turn-table' to add to my 'stero' system.
I have Many Fine Recordings to listen to. Many were my
parents collection. I would like to find a way, or place, to
convert my LP's to CD's. Some of them are the 'Readers
Digest Series'. Six to ten LP's in one 'box'. Some, if
not most, of these recordings are no longer available.
Too bad to! ( I won't mention the 45's either! Some are
original Elvis 45's that my wife collected. :) )

Uncle Al
Duncanville, TX
There are new turn tables on the market, and even not that really expensive, with a attatchment to feed the table input through a cable to a CD copyer, or maybe computer, so that you can record your LP's directly to a CD.

That is not my field, so my explanation may be a bit rough.

Peter v.
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Post by Bob »

The potted palm is still here, displayed prominently in the text at the top of the forum. Maybe we're all so busy we forget to stop and take a look. Maybe we need a new logo with a mug AND a potted palm.

Siri was the original den mother.

I never had the Toms Cafe archives. They stayed with Noodles, but fell offline recently. Everything I inherited is still up here under phpBB.

I think it's easy to idealize the past. We actually had a lot of flame wars back then.

Post by SkirtDude »

Last edited by SkirtDude on Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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