Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by Barleymower »

moonshadow wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 1:35 pm Feel free to follow your gut instinct on this, you know these people, I don't, but my initial reaction is: If you're not going to wear skirts around the scouts anyway, then I see no reason to have this awkward "coming out" conversation. I think I'd just leave it alone. If they see you out and about, and especially if you've followed my earlier advice and kept it masculine and conservative, then just play it down like it's no big deal. Because really, it doesn't have to be [a big deal].
Moonshadow, I agree. This is an awkward conversation nobody wants.
I keep it masculine anyway I wear knee length skirts with shirts, tees, socks, shoes or boots. My wife is ok with it, she says she has more courage to wear skirts herself, my boys ask questions and tease me. My daughter is my biggest proponent..
It took a big leap of faith and all my courage to come this far. I am so pleased I can do what I do with my family on board after so many years looking on. I don't want to ruin it now.
I've just bought a beautiful full length, green, tarten(ish), silk skirt with a small black crochet at the hem. I can't wait to see it. If it works I'll wear it to pride with my daughter in Brighton with a white tee and dm's.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by moonshadow »

I'm curious, how many people on this thread have taken the time to actually watch one of her story time videos...

I just looked at one from a few years ago, and I have to say... she's good. A lot of enthusiasm and I'm sure the kids love it. It made me smile.

Check it out if you get a chance... it doesn't have any sexual overtones at all!
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by Uncle Al »

Barleymower wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:33 am My kids attend scouts and I help out there, I'm now one of the leaders. <snip> I have thought this through now and I've decided to carry on as before. That is continue wearing skirts out and about. I will not be seen in the scouts or anything to do with the scouts in a skirt. That will be kept separate. I will tell the other leaders, if they decide I should stay away then I will stay away. I don't think they will.
OK - You don't want to wear a skirt at a Scout Meeting. FINE -- Wear a kilt :!:
(A kilt is a form/type of skirt)

USA Kilts & Celtic Traditions:Kilt with Your Scout Uniform???
Traditionally, Boy Scouts have used tan, olive green and the MacLaren tartan for Scouting uniforms.
The MacLaren Clan has authorized use of their tartan by the Boy Scouts since the early 20th century.
More examples of Scouts in Kilts:



Still want to avoid wearing a "skirt" to a Scout Meeting :?:
The Kilt(skirt) is as common for Scouting as Buttered Toast :!: :kiltdance:

You could go with a plain olive green kilt or the MacLaren tartan kilt.
They're available from many on-line retailers that won't 'break-the-bank'.

Uncle Al
:mrgreen: :ugeek: :mrgreen:
Kilted Organist/Musician
Grand Musician of the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. of Texas 2008-2009, 2015-2016,
2018-202 ? (and the beat goes on ;) )
When asked 'Why the Kilt?'
I respond-The why is F.T.H.O.I. (For The H--- Of It)
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by Faldaguy »

Great post UA. :D
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by Barleymower »

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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by skirted84 »

moonshadow wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:21 pm 2) Stay away from children.
Surely no more than when trousered. Thats just common sense for men, not interacting with kids you have no reason to. Children aren't usually perturbed seeing me skirted walking past in the street or in a shopping centre as long as everyone is just minding theur own business. A spontaneous smile or hello may be fine if they're with an adult but stay self aware.

This is about foisting a very adult act onto young minds. Its wrong.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by moonshadow »

skirted84 wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 2:33 pm Surely no more than when trousered
Yep... always. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing, I stay away from kids.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by pelmut »

Barleymower wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 12:50 pm I live in Reading and I have been out and about in Reading in skirts and really did not realise the depth of anger the population still has for anyone who crosses the barrier between the genders.
This is not a random group representing average people, it is an organised mob stirred up by a small group of haters which probably includes some of the extremists who have recently been behind the anti-trans hatred in the media.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by Barleymower » ... ldren.html

The war rages on. Any insight on this subject greatly appreciated. It's not a MIS issue I know. It does however seem relevant. It looks like a battle ground outside Tate Britain.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by moonshadow »

This is why I root for the machines in A.I. movies, and why I root for the aliens in others.

I hope the machines do take over the world, I am sick to death of watching my species in their natural habitat. We don't deserve this planet and we take virtually everything for granted.

This is also why I don't believe in religion... there is no way in hell a God like entity would intentionally create such a vile abomination as the human species. No, we are a fluke of the universe, and the sooner some little blip pinches us out of existence, the better.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by moonshadow »

On the other hand, I can see why religion exist in the first place, the thought of leaving this hell hole and spending eternity in a place where people actually get along is indeed appealing.

Too bad it's a fairy tale.

I'm not saying I'm any better. No. I'm just ashamed. I wish there was a workable solution, but their isn't.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by Stu »

I have no issues with children encountering men - or boys - in skirts, dresses etc. I have no issue with them being exposed to the kind of drag that we have in pantomime, or even occasionally in sitcoms or comedy sketch shows. But the "drag scene" is something else. These are highly sexualised parodies of women and my view is they should be for adult audiences only where there is no problem at all. The "drag queens" seen to be involving themselves with children leaves most people I know shuddering and even questioning the motives of those doing it. I really don't believe that those of us just wanting to extend male sartorial choices should be hitching our cause to this because, if we do, then we will be inviting rejection and hostility.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by crfriend »

Stu wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:04 pmI really don't believe that those of us just wanting to extend male sartorial choices should be hitching our cause to this because, if we do, then we will be inviting rejection and hostility.
I tend to agree with Stu on this. one. We have enough of a problem just convincing Joe Six-Pack that we're normal, healthy, productive members of society. We don't need to add another drogue into the mix.
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by Coder »

I agree with Stu. If you read the article, this particular performer has posted suggestive tweets in the past, which hints that there is more to their drag performance than just dressing up:
Samuel sparked anger after old social media posts came to light, where he made a crude joke about an orgy, and another about how 'love has no age'.

Other questionable images he has posted include a picture of a pubescent boy and an older man accompanied by a comment remarking that gay clubs are 'wild' as you can 'meet both types and be told both are 23'.
The problem is many of these "performers" have a record (criminal or social) of sorts - and they aren't bringing innocence and light to a children's event.

Ultimately I have major problems with drag:

1) What Stu wrote

2) I feel it's a harmful parody of women - very few people do the same to men, unless you consider machismo under the guise of action films or the rare drag king. I'm not going to say it's misogynistic, but it sure feels like that to me.

3) I think it harms our cause
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Re: Reading drag queen story hour. Radicals attempt citizen arrest

Post by moonshadow »

And thus, the line has been drawn.

Somewhere there is a forum thread going on, or some dinner table conversation where everyone is in complete agreement that skirts are for women ONLY.

I had an older women shield her young grandson from my sight when I was wearing a black Macabi and a tee-shirt. We know where her line was at.

When my landlord reported that one of his campers tried to persuade him to literally evict me because I had the audacity to wear "women's clothes" out in plain sight of the RV park where we lived (there were 5 permanent housing rentals on site)... we know where the line was drawn with those campers.

And so we all walk around with our own shiny badge representing what we believe to be the "Moral Police".

I didn't know about the remarks about the orgies or remarks about love having no age, but I'd need to see some context. I'd also have to take into consideration the actual event at the libraries. Most of us live a life that we wouldn't necessarily brag about at Sunday morning service, we've all said things that may have been in bad taste a time or two, and the internet remembers everything. I feel fortunate that I'm old enough that when I was a teenager the internet hardly existed, and social media really didn't get to be such a big thing until my mid to late 20's, so most of the utterly STUPID things I said back in the dark ages are lost in the infinite pages of time.

The point being, if they're bragging about orgies and encouraging pedophilia at the book readings, then maybe that might be taking it a bit too far. But some one off comment, made in the past, without thinking about the long term ramifications? Eh.. kinda weak in my opinion.

Hell, I might find myself in a situation running for some public office, reading to kids, or shoot, just applying for a job and this very thread comes up, and someone may read this post and assume that I'm all for orgies and sex with children (I'm not by the way), but because I stand here, in solitary defense of someone that I frankly don't really know, but find no real harm in what they're doing at the moment, people may assume I'm pro-pedophile.

No, I'm not pro-pedophile. I am pro "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone".
Last edited by moonshadow on Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The old hillbilly from the coal fields of the Appalachian mountains currently living like there's no tomorrow on the west coast.
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