Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

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Uncle Al
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Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

Post by Uncle Al »

Hi Folks :D

With all of the severe weather we've been having for the past couple of weeks,
I was hit last Sunday afternoon by the storms. We were heading out to dinner,
around 3:30PM. We drove about 7 miles westward on the interstate when the
sky became blacker than my shoes. The rain & wind started and the rain was
not coming down - but going horizontal. We exited the highway, took the U-Turn
under the bridge, got back on the highway to get home. When we arrived the
remote would not open the garage door. Then I noticed the light under the carport
was not illuminated. Had to go through the front door, unlatch the garage door
from the opener, and raised the door. Drove back around to the rear of the house.
I pulled into the carport where my wife would not get drenched going into the house.

Anyway, the power finally came back on around 04:00 AM Monday morning.
I use a CPAP machine when sleeping. Even sitting up in a chair, I couldn't sleep.
12 hours with out electricity is mind boggling. Around 2 AM I was sitting in my Suburban,
engine running, charging our cell phones. Then another blast of thunder & lightning
hit quite near us, causing the hair on my arms to stand straight up. The thunder was
so loud, lightning so bright, I could've jumped out of my skin 3 times :lol:
It may sound funny but it was quite scary.

This 'blast' screwed up my I-Net. Finally got it back yesterday. Found out that the
'drop' at the main line on the pole, has to be reset by another crew. The cable company
ran an new line from the pole to the house and replaced the splitter at the house.
Also installed a new modem. My router likes the new modem :)

Am just now, catching up with the goings on at the Cafe'.

I never thought that I would depend on the I-Net so much. Then I experienced 5 days
without it. My wife & I were depending on the cell phone data. I'm gonna hate to see
that bill when it comes in ;)

The high wind blew our Crape Myrtle into a brick 'fence', knocking it down.
Still haven't called the insurance company yet, as I know they're swamped.

Now, I'm headed outside to replace the alternator on my truck.
I'm gonna sweat like a pig over the BBQ in this 90*F plus Texas heat.
(The heat index is around 105-108*F)

I strongly recommend to anyone to have a 'Safe Place' in/near your home.
Storm damage to your home is one thing that can be replaced.
Your loved ones can't be replaced. Keep 'em safe :!:

Uncle Al
:mrgreen: :ugeek: :mrgreen:
Kilted Organist/Musician
Grand Musician of the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. of Texas 2008-2009, 2015-2016,
2018-202 ? (and the beat goes on ;) )
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I respond-The why is F.T.H.O.I. (For The H--- Of It)
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Re: Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

Post by Fred in Skirts »

Hi Al,
Please be extra careful out in the heat, it is really hard on us older folks. keep hydrated and go inside and sit in the cool air every hour or so to bring down the core temps.

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Re: Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

Post by crfriend »

Uncle Al wrote:Then another blast of thunder & lightning hit quite near us, causing the hair on my arms to stand straight up. The thunder was
so loud, lightning so bright, I could've jumped out of my skin 3 times :lol:
If you hear the boom, you're well enough away; if you hear a distinct crack the strike was too close for comfort; if all you perceive is a bright flash and a "hiss" you've had a near-death experience. I greatly enjoy the occasional "thunder-boomer" when what you hear are the booms. I do not like cracks when the timing between the flash and the noise under 1/2 second. Far more terrifying is the third scenario where there is no delay between the flash and there's no sound other than a hiss: that's happened to me once when I was out on my old porch enjoying a "boomer" and a bolt hit a utility pole not 30 feet away. It wasn't until I "post-processed" the event that I knew how close I'd come to oblivion.

Of course, if you get hit, there's likely no memory of the event. The nice thing there is that there's no time to be scared: it's over before you become aware of it.
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Uncle Al
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Re: Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

Post by Uncle Al »

Now that you mention it Carl, I DID hear a "crack", Zap & light flash
almost at the same time. The thunder hit about 2 seconds after the flash.

Thankfully I don't have to clean the seats in my Suburban :rofl:


Uncle Al
:mrgreen: :ugeek: :mrgreen:
Kilted Organist/Musician
Grand Musician of the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. of Texas 2008-2009, 2015-2016,
2018-202 ? (and the beat goes on ;) )
When asked 'Why the Kilt?'
I respond-The why is F.T.H.O.I. (For The H--- Of It)
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Re: Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

Post by Happy-N-Skirts »

Hi Al,

You need a generator to run your lights, CPAP, refrigerator, etc. We have a generator and a battery pack for my CPAP. I can operate the CPAP with a generator while the batteries are charging. Un plug your TV and computer during a thunder storm. We have two room air conditioners that will cool two rooms; master bedroom and guest room independently of the AC system. Where we live, AC is literally life support. I always keep our gas tanks full of gas. I always fill them before we get home in case we want to go some place, or if we need fuel for our generator. Our big fear is earthquakes, so we have a lot of emergency supplies. Oh yeah, have an extra propane cylinder in case you need to cook something and don't have gas or electricity. My cousin's TV was destroyed by lightning. DON'T take a shower during a thunder storm. You have a lot of metal pipes throughout your house.
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Re: Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

Post by crfriend »

Uncle Al wrote:Now that you mention it Carl, I DID hear a "crack", Zap & light flash almost at the same time. The thunder hit about 2 seconds after the flash.
Sound travels at about 1100 ft/sec so 2 seconds is almost a quarter-mile away. "Almost the same time" is extremely close and the typical human's reaction time to the flash is about 1/10th of a second, so it takes that long to "start the count" (of seconds) to detemine the time. You were aware of the delay, so that bolt touched ground likely within 500 feet of you, possibly as close as 250 feet.

The thunder may have been from another strike, or it could have been the "return wave" from the nearby one (if it was a quiet one, that's likely what it was; if loud, it was the report from a separate bolt).
Thankfully I don't have to clean the seats in my Suburban :rofl:
That is certainly a good thing.
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Re: Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

Post by STEVIE »

Hi Guys
I am glad that you are all safe and sound.
I will never tire of telling folks to be thankful that the UK weather is mostly boring.
Other nations just get it too interesting.
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Re: Weather problem fixed - FINALLY

Post by denimini »

Uncle Al, you must know someone in a high place to be able to fix the weather problem. Can you put in a good word for me :)
Uncle Al wrote: Thankfully I don't have to clean the seats in my Suburban
I pity the car cleaner then :)

PS: Glad you are safe.
My name is Anthony, please accept me for the person that I am.
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