Hi from New Zealand

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Hi from New Zealand

Post by hlz »

Hi everyone,
I am 22 years old, from Hamilton, New Zealand.

Over the last 1-2 years I have become interested in wearing skirts as a male, and have bought from off the internet and have been wearing them around the house etc.

I am gay, not that it matters and have a very loving and supportive boyfriend who I have been dating for just over 1 year. He thought it was a bit weird to begin with but is fine with it now.

I haven't done very much public wearing of skirts around my local suburb, mainly because I know quite a few people and have some family nearby who I'm not really ready to enlighten yet. I have done some walking around either in the evening, or earlier in the morning wearing a skirt but haven't really had any face to face encounters.

When I have travelled to other parts of the country I have worn skirts a little bit. Most recently my boyfriend and I stayed in Auckland for a night in a central city hotel. I didn't drive up or check in wearing a skirt, but when we went out in the evening to get dinner (from a takeaway nearby) I wore a skirt out. I didn't go into the pizza shop because it was so crowded and I was too scared haha. I did how ever pass quite a few people in the street who didn't notice / didn't care and I went into a mini mart which wasn't a problem either.

I have enjoyed reading some of the posts on this site and have given me some good inspiration so I thought it would be good to sign up!
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by Caultron »

Welcome, hiz, glad to have you aboard!

Jitters about wearing a skirt in public are very common. We 've all been through it and for me, at least, it never goes away completely. But in virtually all cases, the only person for whom it's a big deal will be you.

I'm glad to hear you've made some public appearances and that they worked out OK. From where you are, it only gets easier. If someone else doesn't like it, it's their problem, not yours.

What kind of skirts do you like?

If you were sure of acceptance, would you wear skirts all the time? And if not, when?

What kind of accessories do you like with your skirts?
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by hlz »

Thank you!

Yes It is mostly in my head I am fairly sure. If I was sure of acceptance, I would throw out every pair of pants and shorts that I own!! Skirts are just so darn comfortable.

The thing i'm mostly worried about, in my local area mainly, is the fact that I have a lot of customers that I deal with in this area and I don't want to scare anyone off / make things unconfortable (mainly from a business perspective in this case).

I quite like mainly plain skirts, some with basic patterns but nothing too flowery or pink, its just not my style. I generally wear with skirts one of my normal "male" shirts, either a collar shirt or t-shirt. I also quite like wearing stockings, especially thick ones this time of the year (as it is winter in NZ currently). Im not into high heals or anything like that, just my plain old sneakers or jandals (in the summer).
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by Caultron »

Me too, male tops, skirts down below, and I enjoy tights when it's not too warm.

What business are you in?

Because, like, investment advising, yeah, I could see some resistance. But anything artistic...

And I always though kiwis were a pretty laid-back lot. No?
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by hlz »

I work in IT.
Yes mostly kiwis are fairly easy going which is lucky for me, but I live/work in kind of an upper class area where everyone is a bit set in their ways and not very hip and open minded haha.
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by Sinned »

Hi hiz and welcome to the cafe. If you work in IT then you should be ok. I worked in the same for 19 years having got a BSc in Computer Science. Of course the industry is completely different now and I worked mainly with mainframes. IT bods have always been thought a bit oddball anyway although perhaps things are a bit more mainstream now. What I am getting at is if you are thought to be a bit left of field then wearing a skirt isn't any step too far. We have a few members either ex-IT or still involved in some way or another. Thanks for being honest but your sexuality is of no real concern here. Lightheartedly, in response to my being told that I must be gay in wanting to wear a skirt I always said that anyway gay men never wear skirts. It seems that that's no longer true.

As for family, that's a bit of a difficult area as you have invested a lot of emotions, memories and time with them. From experience you may find that they'll either wholeheartedly accept your new wardrobe or be vehemently against it. All my family is accepting except for MOH who swings between tolerance and sarcastic, acidic commentary. Oh well, you will find out which in due time.

Anyway, join in the debates and the general chatter - the more you contribute the more you'll get out of it.
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by Caultron »

Sinned wrote:...Lightheartedly, in response to my being told that I must be gay in wanting to wear a skirt I always said that anyway gay men never wear skirts. It seems that that's no longer true...
All generalities are false.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by hlz »

Thank you Sinned, very insightful :)
Luckily both my parents are very accepting of me being gay so im sure down the line this wouldn't be an issue either.

My grandparents on the other hand, don't even know im gay yet (my BF is just my "best friend" to them haha). Being religious, and knowing their stance on gay people from an early age, I'm sure if I turned up in a skirt and told them I was gay they would surely have a coronary. Not that I would want that of course.

I will be sure to stay up to date on the site, lots of very interesting and inspiring reading.
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by crfriend »

Sinned wrote:Hi hiz and welcome to the cafe. If you work in IT then you should be ok.
Indeed. Most folks think that IT/computing types are a can or two short of a six-pack anyway -- and they may be right. Proficient technologists can come across that way because they're typically of greater-than-average intelligence and possess a strong creative streak as well because those are traits that the profession requires. So, yes, they're decidedly "odd" -- and this gives them leeway. Embrace that.
[... I]n response to my being told that I must be gay in wanting to wear a skirt I always said that anyway gay men never wear skirts. It seems that that's no longer true.
Homosexuals naturally comprise a few percent of the population, and other than that there's little to set them apart. So, one would reasonably expect that a subset of the (male) homosexual population would gravitate towards wearing skirts just as a subset of the straight male population does. By raw numbers, however, mathematically, the absolute number of male homosexuals who wear skirts is going to be fairly small which is why that perception may exist. The blunt fact is that what one garbs himself in is not necessarily an indicator of his persuasion; the number of straight women wearing trousers should be a good indicator of that.
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By the by, welcome aboard, hlz! It's nice to have a Kiwi perspective again (we lost ours a while back unexpectedly).
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by Sinned »

Yes I know I only caught his missives for a relatively short while but I do miss his wit and insights. RIP Jack and I hope your are enjoying the gowns or whatever they are called where you are.
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by hlz »

Interesting reading, thanks crfriend!

It would be good if some other kiwis joined up, because I feel like there isn't many skirted guys are in NZ! Oh well, maybe ill start a trend
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by Sinned »

Very good Caultron. I skipped over your statement the first time and didn't recognise the paradox. Very good.
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by Caultron »

Sinned wrote:Very good Caultron. I skipped over your statement the first time and didn't recognise the paradox. Very good.
Thanks. Got past the dictionary on this one. Pfew.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by hoborob »

Paradox: those things needed for two ships to come into a port at the same time. :D :lol:
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Re: Hi from New Zealand

Post by renesm1 »

Hi Hiz - great to have a gay guy on the forum. Always good to have a different perspective on these forums.

Sinned - Great to hear that you worked in mainframes. My question is - how come you are not working in them anymore? From what I've heard, banks are desperate for M/F people to keep their creaking IBM systems going and those that know what to do with them have the unfortunate habit of dying of old age!!! (not that I'm saying you are old or anything ;) ) I reckon you could walk into such jobs and name your price (including being able to work in a skirt!)
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